I have always experienced respiratory issues. During this time the only thing i experience was a very light flu just before Corona was revealed.
It felt no different than a slight flu and I healed in about 10 days. Worked and worked out through with slighy diminished energy. Still o covid molecule isolated so I believe thay was pure psyops to get us to the jab. I do t believe in any of the stuff they oush now Nd I'm healthy as a horse thankfully.
I fully caution all about how you handle this kind of research. Do not let it cause fear or will manifest the dis-ease of mind during any small bodily hiccup.
I have said from the beginning of this and have not changed my mind that FEAR is the disease.
The rest is what they and we feed our minds.
So I don't pursue the dis ease stuff because I control my mind by choosing to believe God's Word on health.
No weapon formed against the shall prosper. Not a physical or mental weapon. This one is primarily caused by the words people believe. Psyops folks. You will see.
The great hoax.
I have always experienced respiratory issues. During this time the only thing i experience was a very light flu just before Corona was revealed.
It felt no different than a slight flu and I healed in about 10 days. Worked and worked out through with slighy diminished energy. Still o covid molecule isolated so I believe thay was pure psyops to get us to the jab. I do t believe in any of the stuff they oush now Nd I'm healthy as a horse thankfully.
I fully caution all about how you handle this kind of research. Do not let it cause fear or will manifest the dis-ease of mind during any small bodily hiccup.
I have said from the beginning of this and have not changed my mind that FEAR is the disease.
The rest is what they and we feed our minds.
So I don't pursue the dis ease stuff because I control my mind by choosing to believe God's Word on health.
No weapon formed against the shall prosper. Not a physical or mental weapon. This one is primarily caused by the words people believe. Psyops folks. You will see.