They are great. You want it, they have bags of it. If you can get the the store, it's in a big indoor "farmer's market" with the neatest stores. One just carries canned goods, another has homemade baked goods in glass jars, another has nice quilts for a reasonable price.
Another place worth stopping out that way if they're open is the Green Valley Bookfair, just south of Harrisonburg. Super bargains on books.
They are great. You want it, they have bags of it. If you can get the the store, it's in a big indoor "farmer's market" with the neatest stores. One just carries canned goods, another has homemade baked goods, another has nice quilts for a reasonable price.
Another place worth stopping out that way if they're open is the Green Valley Bookfair, just south of Harrisonburg. Super bargains on books.