What our friend the Bass u/10lbsBass fails to grasp (and this is a point of deceit that is often laid before the intoxicated-with-my-own-potential-and-power folk), is the the potential to practice true unconditional love is only unlocked via a relationship with Christ.
Salvation is not the end game here. Salvation simply means being moved from the condition of being under Satan's jurisdiction to being under God's jurisdiction. Beyond salvation, we must grow into a perfect unity with Christ, in order to fulfill the potential God created in us, BUT, that is only possible on the basis of being removed from the satanic dominion.
Adam and Eve lost the condition of belonging wholly to God, by accepting the devil's lie and engaging with the devil. They lost it for both themselves and all their descendants. Thus, we need to be restored to a place where we belong wholly and solely to God. This is why we need Christ. Because that condition was lost both spiritually, and also physically, Christ must come both spiritually and physically. (aka must be an actual, living man).
To save someone is to rescue them. To save a drowning person is to remove them from the conditions where they can and are drowning, in the water, to dry land, where the danger no longer exists.
Because Adam and Eve (and therefore their descendants, by inheritance) fell via the condition of believing in and uniting with the devil, that can only be reversed when we ourselves believe in Christ and unite with him.
However, that is like being removed from a toxic realm, to a normal, non-toxic realm. That is salvation. What we do after that is important. Only after being saved can we access the full potential we have to grow our hearts and our capacity to love, from an immature state to a fully mature state, in which we truly unite with Christ and his love becomes our love, even as Jesus love is the Father's love.
No one has been able to unlock that potential fully, because our flesh remains under the devil's jurisdiction, even though our spirits and our hearts are freed from the devil's claim through our faith in Jesus. This claim over our flesh will be removed at the Second Coming, and, in my view, is the reason for the Second Coming: to liquidate the condition and claim the devil has over our flesh.
Because the Angel was able to develop a certain level of heart and ability before falling to become Satan, the illusion of capacity to love can be experienced by those who have not accepted Christ fully (cf: "angel of light"). Also, because of the benefit of centuries of faithful believing in and uniting with Christ, and therefore growing their hearts and capacity to love God and love others, the general spiritual atmosphere has risen immeasurably, compared with say, 2000 years ago when Christ came. Therefore, even people who do not believe in Christ are able to 'feel' the experience of love to a great extent. The faithful breath out so much spiritual oxygen (love) that even the non-faithful can feel it, to some extent.
But access to the full potential in our hearts is only unlocked through a relationship with Christ. We cannot save ourselves, because by inheritance, we lost that capacity. We fell into the water, and with no ship around, we will eventually drown.
The grace of God is that he sends us Christ, and opens the way for us to make a choice that is the reverse of the choice of Adam and Eve. By that act of our own volition (aka choice, aka free will), we access grace that is waiting for us, if and when we choose.
When we do, we are reborn through Christ, meaning we shift our lineage from that of Lucifer, via Adam and Eve, into God's true lineage, via Christ. This is why we are 'adopted'. Because Adam and Eve's lineage fell to become the devil's, not God's. Instead of being solely God's, they fell so that the devil had a claim on them (and thru them, us) both over our spirit and over our flesh.
It takes effort and investment and deliberate choice to build the capacity to give and receive love; unconditional love, which Christ embodies, is both our destiny and our potential. But that potential is ONLY accessed via a relationship with Christ, and the potential for a relationship with Christ is only accessed via faith in Christ. Can you love someone if you do not believe in them?
The Bass is right: true peace only comes when you are fully able to love yourself and forgive yourself in the way that Jesus does, but that capacity CANNOT be unlocked by oneself.
Only by having a living realtionsihp with Christ and learning about true love through an actual relationship with Christ, can we unlock the capacity to fully understand and love ourselves, even as he loves us. This is because the claim the devil has over us is ONLY liquidated by our accepting and uniting with Christ. That's the only way to reverse the condition Adam set up when he embraced and united with the angel.
It is truly a deception to imagine one can do this without Christ, just as it is to imagine one can reach eternal life by uploading one's 'consciousness' to a mainframe, or to give birth to oneself by one's own volition. We are first and foremost OBJECT beings. We are created by another (the Father). We are conceived and born by our parents. We DO help to 'create' ourselves, by growing to maturity and developing our potential, by uniting with God's Word and acting and living accordingly, but we are only able to do that because we are created and given birth to in the first place.
For all these reasons, we should understand that indeed, we are saved through a man (Christ), the embodiment of God's own lineage, who comes as the one to restore and reverse what God's first son, Adam, did: the fall.
This is the logical, reasonable and empirical conclusion of what is revealed by God's word in the Scripture.
Cheers. (and if anything I've written here is mistaken or incorrect, that's on me).
What our friend the Bass u/10lbsBass fails to grasp (and this is a point of deceit that is often laid before the intoxicated-with-my-own-potential-and-power folk), is the the potential to practice true unconditional love is only unlocked via a relationship with Christ.
Salvation is not the end game here. Salvation simply means being moved from the condition of being under Satan's jurisdiction to being under God's jurisdiction. Beyond salvation, we must grow into a perfect unity with Christ, in order to fulfill the potential God created in us, BUT, that is only possible on the basis of being removed from the satanic dominion.
Adam and Eve lost the condition of belonging wholly to God, by accepting the devil's lie and engaging with the devil. They lost it for both themselves and all their descendants. Thus, we need to be restored to a place where we belong wholly and solely to God. This is why we need Christ. Because that condition was lost both spiritually, and also physically, Christ must come both spiritually and physically. (aka must be an actual, living man).
To save someone is to rescue them. To save a drowning person is to remove them from the conditions where they can and are drowning, in the water, to dry land, where the danger no longer exists.
Because Adam and Eve (and therefore their descendants, by inheritance) fell via the condition of believing in and uniting with the devil, that can only be reversed when we ourselves believe in Christ and unite with him.
However, that is like being removed from a toxic realm, to a normal, non-toxic realm. That is salvation. What we do after that is important. Only after being saved can we access the full potential we have to grow our hearts and our capacity to love, from an immature state to a fully mature state, in which we truly unite with Christ and his love becomes our love, even as Jesus love is the Father's love.
No one has been able to unlock that potential fully, because our flesh remains under the devil's jurisdiction, even though our spirits and our hearts are freed from the devil's claim through our faith in Jesus. This claim over our flesh will be removed at the Second Coming, and, in my view, is the reason for the Second Coming: to liquidate the condition and claim the devil has over our flesh.
Because the Angel was able to develop a certain level of heart and ability before falling to become Satan, the illusion of capacity to love can be experienced by those who have not accepted Christ fully (cf: "angel of light"). Also, because of the benefit of centuries of faithful believing in and uniting with Christ, and therefore growing their hearts and capacity to love God and love others, the general spiritual atmosphere has risen immeasurably, compared with say, 2000 years ago when Christ came. Therefore, even people who do not believe in Christ are able to 'feel' the experience of love to a great extent. The faithful breath out so much spiritual oxygen (love) that even the non-faithful can feel it, to some extent.
But access to the full potential in our hearts is only unlocked through a relationship with Christ. We cannot save ourselves, because by inheritance, we lost that capacity. We fell into the water, and with no ship around, we will eventually drown.
The grace of God is that he sends us Christ, and opens the way for us to make a choice that is the reverse of the choice of Adam and Eve. By that act of our own volition (aka choice, aka free will), we access grace that is waiting for us, if and when we choose.
When we do, we are reborn through Christ, meaning we shift our lineage from that of Lucifer, via Adam and Eve, into God's true lineage, via Christ. This is why we are 'adopted'. Because Adam and Eve's lineage fell to become the devil's, not God's. Instead of being solely God's, they fell so that the devil had a claim on them (and thru them, us) both over our spirit and over our flesh.
It takes effort and investment and deliberate choice to build the capacity to give and receive love; unconditional love, which Christ embodies, is both our destiny and our potential. But that potential is ONLY accessed via a relationship with Christ, and the potential for a relationship with Christ is only accessed via faith in Christ. Can you love someone if you do not believe in them?
The Bass is right: true peace only comes when you are fully able to love yourself and forgive yourself in the way that Jesus does, but that capacity CANNOT be unlocked by oneself.
Only by having a living realtionsihp with Christ and learning about true love through an actual relationship with Christ, can we unlock the capacity to fully understand and love ourselves, even as he loves us. This is because the claim the devil has over us is ONLY liquidated by our accepting and uniting with Christ. That's the only way to reverse the condition Adam set up when he embraced and united with the angel.
It is truly a deception to imagine one can do this without Christ, just as it is to imagine one can reach eternal life by uploading one's 'consciousness' to a mainframe, or to give birth to oneself by one's own volition. We are first and foremost OBJECT beings. We are created by another (the Father). We are conceived and born by our parents. We DO help to 'create' ourselves, by growing to maturity and developing our potential, by uniting with God's Word and acting and living accordingly, but we are only able to do that because we are created and given birth to in the first place.
For all these reasons, we should understand that indeed, we are saved through a man (Christ), the embodiment of God's own lineage, who comes as the one to restore and reverse what God's first son, Adam, did: the fall.
This is the logical, reasonable and empirical conclusion of what is revealed by God's word in the Scripture.
What our friend the Bass u/10lbsBass fails to grasp (and this is a point of deceit that is often laid before the intoxicated-with-my-own-potential-and-power folk), is the the potential to practice true unconditional love is only unlocked via a relationship with Christ.
Salvation is not the end game here. Salvation simply means being moved from the condition of being under Satan's jurisdiction to being under God's jurisdiction. Beyond salvation, we must grow into a perfect unity with Christ, in order to fulfill the potential God created in us, BUT, that is only possible on the basis of being removed from the satanic dominion.
Adam and Eve lost the condition of belonging wholly to God, by accepting the devil's lie and engaging with the devil. They lost it for both themselves and all their descendants. Thus, we need to be restored to a place where we belong wholly and solely to God. This is why we need Christ. Because that condition was lost both spiritually, and also physically, Christ must come both spiritually and physically. (aka must be an actual, living man).
To save someone is to rescue them. To save a drowning person is to remove them from the conditions where they can and are drowning, in the water, to dry land, where the danger no longer exists.
Because Adam and Eve (and therefore their descendants, by inheritance) feel via the condition of believing in and uniting with the devil, that can only be reversed when we ourselves believe in Christ and unite with him.
However, that is like being removed from a toxic realm, to a normal, non-toxic realm. What we do after that is important. Only after being saved can we access the full potential we have to grow our hearts and our capacity to love, from an immature state to a fully mature state, in which we truly unite with Christ and his love becomes our love, even as Jesus love is the Father's love.
No one has been able to unlock that potential fully, because our flesh remains under the devil's jurisdiction, even though our spirits and our hearts are freed from his claim. This claim over our flesh will be removed at the Second Coming.
Because the Angel was able to develop a certain level of heart and ability before falling to become Satan, the illusion of capacity to love can be experienced by those who have not accepted Christ fully. Also, because of the benefit of centuries of faithful believing in and uniting with Christ, and therefore growing their hearts and capacity to love God and love others, the general spiritual atmosphere has risen immeasurably, compared with say, 2000 years ago when Christ came. Therefore, even people who do not believe in Christ are able to 'feel' the experience of love to a great extent. The faithful breath out so much spiritual oxygen (love) that even the non-faithful can feel it, to some extent.
But access to the full potential in our hearts is only unlocked through a relationship with Christ. We cannot save ourselves, because by inheritance, we lost that capacity. We fell into the water, and with no ship around, we will eventually drown.
The grace of God is that he sends us Christ, and opens the way for us to make a choice that is the reverse of the choice of Adam and Eve. By that act of volition, we access grace that is waiting for us, if and when we choose.
When we do, we are reborn through Christ, meaning we shift our lineage from that of Lucifer, via Adam and Eve, into God's true lineage, via Christ. This is why we are 'adopted'. Because Adam and Eve's lineage fell to become the devil's, not God's.
It take effort and investment and deliberate choice to build the capacity to give and receive love, and unconditional love, as Christ embodies, is both our destiny and our potential. But that potential is ONLY accessed via a relationship with Christ, and the potential for a relationship with Christ is only accessed via faith in Christ. Can you love someone if you do not believe in them?
The Bass is right: true peace only comes when you are fully able to love yourself and forgive yourself in the way that Jesus does, but that capacity CANNOT be unlocked by oneself.
Only by having a living realtionsihp with Christ and learning about true love through an actual relationship with Christ, can we unlock the capacity to fully understand and love ourselves, even as he loves us.
It is truly a deception to imagine one can do this without Christ, just as it is to imagine one can reach eternal life by uploading one's 'consciousness' to a mainframe, or to give birth to oneself by one's own volition. We are first and foremost OBJECT beings. We are created by another (the Father). We are conceived and born by our parents. We DO help to 'create' ourselves, by growing to maturity and developing our potential, by uniting with God's Word and acting and living accordingly, but we are only able to do that because we are created and given birth to in the first place.
For all these reasons, we should understand that indeed, we are saved through a man, the embodiment of God's own lineage, who comes as the one to restore and reverse what God's first son, Adam, did.
This is the logical, reasonable, and empirical conclusion, revealed by God's word in the Scripture.
What our friend the Bass u/10lbsBass fails to grasp (and this is a point of deceit that is often laid before the intoxicated-with-my-own-potential-and-power folk), is the the potential to practice true unconditional love is only unlocked via a relationship with Christ.
Salvation is not the end game here. Salvation simply means being moved from the condition of being under Satan's jurisdiction to being under God's jurisdiction. And Adam and Eve lost that condition, by accepting the devil's lie and engaging with him based on that. They lost it for both themselves and all their descendants.
To save someone is to rescue them. To save a drowning person is to remove them from the conditions where they can and are drowning, in the water, to dry land, where the danger no longer exists.
Because Adam and Eve (and therefore their descendants, by inheritance) feel via the condition of believing in and uniting with the devil, that can only be reversed when we ourselves believe in Christ and unite with him.
However, that is like being removed from a toxic realm, to a normal, non-toxic realm. What we do after that is important. Only after being saved can we access the full potential we have to grow our hearts and our capacity to love, from an immature state to a fully mature state, in which we truly unite with Christ and his love becomes our love, even as Jesus love is the Father's love.
No one has been able to unlock that potential fully, because our flesh remains under the devil's jurisdiction, even though our spirits and our hearts are freed from his claim. This claim over our flesh will be removed at the Second Coming.
Because the Angel was able to develop a certain level of heart and ability before falling to become Satan, the illusion of capacity to love can be experienced by those who have not accepted Christ fully. Also, because of the benefit of centuries of faithful believing in and uniting with Christ, and therefore growing their hearts and capacity to love God and love others, the general spiritual atmosphere has risen immeasurably, compared with say, 2000 years ago when Christ came. Therefore, even people who do not believe in Christ are able to 'feel' the experience of love to a great extent. The faithful breath out so much spiritual oxygen (love) that even the non-faithful can feel it, to some extent.
But access to the full potential in our hearts is only unlocked through a relationship with Christ. We cannot save ourselves, because by inheritance, we lost that capacity. We fell into the water, and with no ship around, we will eventually drown.
The grace of God is that he sends us Christ, and opens the way for us to make a choice that is the reverse of the choice of Adam and Eve. By that act of volition, we access grace that is waiting for us, if and when we choose.
When we do, we are reborn through Christ, meaning we shift our lineage from that of Lucifer, via Adam and Eve, into God's true lineage, via Christ. This is why we are 'adopted'. Because Adam and Eve's lineage fell to become the devil's, not God's.
It take effort and investment and deliberate choice to build the capacity to give and receive love, and unconditional love, as Christ embodies, is both our destiny and our potential. But that potential is ONLY accessed via a relationship with Christ, and the potential for a relationship with Christ is only accessed via faith in Christ. Can you love someone if you do not believe in them?
The Bass is right: true peace only comes when you are fully able to love yourself and forgive yourself in the way that Jesus does, but that capacity CANNOT be unlocked by oneself.
Only by having a living realtionsihp with Christ and learning about true love through an actual relationship with Christ, can we unlock the capacity to fully understand and love ourselves, even as he loves us.
It is truly a deception to imagine one can do this without Christ, just as it is to imagine one can reach eternal life by uploading one's 'consciousness' to a mainframe, or to give birth to oneself by one's own volition. We are first and foremost OBJECT beings. We are created by another (the Father). We are conceived and born by our parents. We DO help to 'create' ourselves, by growing to maturity and developing our potential, by uniting with God's Word and acting and living accordingly, but we are only able to do that because we are created and given birth to in the first place.
For all these reasons, we should understand that indeed, we are saved through a man, the embodiment of God's own lineage, who comes as the one to restore and reverse what God's first son, Adam, did.
This is the logical, reasonable, and empirical conclusion, revealed by God's word in the Scripture.