To smart to be so stupid, so manipulative and evil are all that remains.
He's trying so desperately to mitigate the damage he has caused, he is but a whore without a audience.
Who will pay for his rantings now ?
To smart to be so stupid, so manipulative and evil are all that remains.
He's trying so desperately to repair the damage he has caused, he's but a whore without a audience.
Who will pay for his rantings now ?
To smart to be so stupid, so manipulative and evil are all that's left.
He's trying so desperately to repair the damage he has caused, not for the damage but, he can see the writing on the wall, his days on faux are numbered, and he's but a whore without a audience.
Who will pay for his rantings now ?
To smart to be so stupid, so manipulate and evil are all that's left.
He's trying so desperately to repair the damage he has caused. He can see the writing on the wall, his days on faux are numbered, and he's but a whore without a audience.
Who will pay for his rantings now ?