Just let the insults roll off your shoulders. I got called naive by one friend for suggesting that the experimental drug jabs may be dangerous. When she subsequently developed an aggressive cancer (gone now after her surgery, I'm praying) she's just as obstinate about the jabs as ever. It's willful ignorance and the only way most of these people will change is if their fake news tells them it's so. I know these people get you to the point of being disgusted with them, but remember that this is their journey in life, their choices to make - INCLUDING the choice of whether or not to listen with an open mind and actually consider what's being shared with them in good faith, and it will be their consequences to face.
The video of Trump's trips to SA, China, the Vatican and Israel would probably cover some of your topics (sorry, I don't have a link right now). The clip of Putin greeting Trump (Paris? I don't remember) might give him pause. Tell him to check out the body language. Angela Merkel apparently thought it was curious. Look closely at her face. Watch it at the slowest speed possible.
Just let the insults roll off your shoulders. I got called naive by one friend for suggesting that the experimental drug jabs may be dangerous. When she subsequently developed an aggressive cancer (gone now after her surgery, I'm praying) she's just as obstinate about the jabs as ever. It's willful ignorance and the only way most of these people will change is if their fake news tells them it's so. I know these people get you to the point of being disgusted with them, but remember that this is their journey in life, their choices to make - INCLUDING the choice of whether or not to listen with an open mind and actually consider what's being shared with them in good faith, and it will be their consequences to face.
The video of Trump's trips to SA, China, the Vatican and Israel would probably cover some of your topics (sorry, I don't have a link right now). The clip of Putin greeting Trump (Paris? I don't remember) might give him pause. Tell him to check out the body language. Angela Merkel apparently thought it was curious. Look closely at her face.