Yes I think so, Q said the strings were cut to the USA & UK (because the Saudi puppet masters were arrested and had their powers removed [blackmail files]), So almost any resignation you see likely means Q offered them a deal to play their part in the simulated 'great reset' movie and then later resign. Because why would a puppet resign and give up power if they had nothing to lose and knew they were going to prison for life?
For example, people like Governor Cuomo resigned. Jack Dorsey is a sicko, he resigned the same day as Maxwell's trial. So that means Q controlled him and Q is the one forcing all the censorship on twitter, and banning Trump etc. in order to play out this Movie.
If Q didn't exist, all this censorship and tyranny would've still happened for real. All these puppets would've carried out the real New World Order/WW3/depopulation plan.
The general public still doesn't accept that it's possible for 70% of all politicians/CEOs around the world to be controlled by a single Cabal. Therefore Q has no choice but to use the same puppets to carry out the same Great Reset plan which exposes to the public that all these puppets really are corrupt and working together. This 'simulated' great reset will go all the way to the precipice before Q/Military step in to stop it.
I also think that people like Trudeau, Bill Gates, & Mark Zuckerberg etc. have also been offered deals. But, I interpret this post as though Q forced Merkel to resign so that would mean Q is controlling most of the world now, not just Biden/USA.
Yes I think so, Q said the strings were cut to the USA & UK (because the Saudi puppet masters were arrested and had their powers removed [blackmail files]), So almost any resignation you see likely means Q offered them a deal to play their part in the simulated 'great reset' movie and then later resign. Because why would a puppet resign and give up power if they had nothing to lose and knew they were going to prison for life?
For example, people like Governor Cuomo resigned. Jack Dorsey is a sicko, he resigned the same day as Maxwell's trial. So that means Q controlled him and Q is the one forcing all the censorship on twitter, and banning Trump etc. in order to play out this Movie.
If Q didn't exist, all this censorship and tyranny would've still happened for real. All these puppets would've carried out the real New World Order/WW3/depopulation plan.
The general public still doesn't accept that it's possible for 70% of all politicians/CEOs around the world to be controlled by a single Cabal. Therefore Q has no choice but to use the same puppets to carry out the same Great Reset plan which exposes to the public that all these puppets really are corrupt and working together. This 'simulated' great reset will go all the way to the precipice before Q/Military step in to stop it.
I also think that people like Trudeau, Bill Gates, & Mark Zuckerberg etc. have also been offered deals.