It has never been isolated because its a 'virus'. No virus has ever been isolated in the entire history of Virology. Furthermore, in the history of medicine, not one published study shows the isolation of identical particles that would represent a disease-causing virus from any body fluid from any sick person. The virus theory is only a working theory that has been accepted by the scientific community at large. Even former Pfizer VP of Research, Dr. Michael Yeadon after reviewing the research of Dr. Thomas Cowan now believes respiratory viruses do not exist.
There are many clues that tell us 'something' sinister is afoot with all these new 'viruses' the CDC announces each year. One such clue is that all synthetic pharmaceutical drugs compromise the immune system. If health is a real concern to Big Pharma then why isn't this important criterion mitigated in drugs? Secondly, why is there so much emphasis from the medical industry that our immune systems are inherently defective and thus, we need to all get vax☠xinated? Why is Natural immunity trivialized when our long history tells us it's the most important thing that got us here today in the first place? Why is the well established fact of good sanitation, hygiene, and nutrition for preventing the spread of diseases attacked by fact checkers on search engines? It's mind boggling if you think about this. This has been the requirement for every medical hospital for treating patients from the very beginning. Why wouldn't the same practice be used in society everywhere?
It has never been isolated because its a 'virus'. No virus has ever been isolated in the entire history of Virology. Furthermore, in the history of medicine, not one published study shows the isolation of identical particles that would represent a disease-causing virus from any body fluid from any sick person. The virus theory is only a working theory that has been accepted by the scientific community at large. Even former Pfizer VP of Research, Dr. Michael Yeadon after reviewing the research of Dr. Thomas Cowan now believes respiratory viruses do not exist.
There are many clues that tell us 'something' sinister is afoot with all these new 'viruses' the CDC announces each year. One such clue is that all synthetic pharmaceutical drugs compromise the immune system. If health is a real concern to Big Pharma then why isn't this important criterion mitigated in drugs? Secondly, why is there so much emphasis from the medical industry that our immune systems are inherently defective and thus, we need to all get vax☠xinated? Why is Natural immunity trivialized when our long history tells us it's the most important thing that got us here today in the first place? Why is the well established fact of good sanitation, hygiene, and nutrition for preventing the spread of diseases attacked by fact checkers on search engines? It's mind boggling if you think about this. This has been the requirement for every medical hospital from the beginning for treating patients. Why wouldn't the same practice be used in society?