Reason: None provided.
Great ideas for topics but going to answer too 😉
- About 3 1/2 - 4 yrs started on 8chan/kun but just lurking
- Live in Oklahoma, lots of like minded here and our Governor is fantastic
- Bidens been gone for awhile, if people would pay attn and pull up pics its crazy obvious, mult players
- Hilldawg.. yes I think gone in custody that was a bad day for her lol
- Yes I think P was in w-hat custody and wondering if its like biden many players many masks???
- Reading is my entertainment. Mostly religious historical and archeology. I love gardening but to dang hot and dry here this year.
- Idk about another state, but I would love to be off grid in a likeminded community
2 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original
- About 3 1/2 - 4 yrs started on 8chan/kun but just lurking
- Live in Oklahoma, lots of like minded here and our Governor is fantastic
- Bidens been gone for awhile, if people would pay attn and pull up pics its crazy obvious, mult players
- Hilldawg.. yes I think gone in custody that was a bad day for her lol
- Yes I think P was in w-hat custody and wondering if its like biden many players many masks???
- Reading is my entertainment. Mostly religious historical and archeology. I love gardening but to dang hot and dry here this year.
- Idk about another state, but I would love to be off grid in a likeminded community
2 years ago
1 score