People in my country took jabs, masks and losing their jobs/businesses, but said "FUCK NO" when the government tried to force face shields on them.
So the line is drawn at face shields. >_>;
I mostly ignored it and went about my way doing groceries on my own and cutting slits in my face mask for the times I had to wear them to enter certain buildings to visit family, but mostly walked outside without them. People were I lived seem to have wanted to complain at first, but I was bigger than most of them so they just stared. Now no one really cares about masks for the most part and I have mostly saved myself from self-suffocation for the better part of this scam of a pandemic.
When I talk to people in certain places where masks are needed to enter and they seem to accept my view that it's all stupid, I show them the holes I cut in my mask to prove to them that I wasn't bullshitting when I said I believed it was stupid.
When people look surprised when I tell them that I'm not vaccinated I just ask them, "Look at where we are now. Did I need it? Did you?"
People in my country took jabs, masks and losing their jobs/businesses, but said "FUCK NO" when the government tried to force face shields on them.
So the line is drawn at face shields. >_>;