To sum up for those that cannot watch it yet:
They came across some vote counting software that looked sus. The more they looked into it, the more sus it looked.
Traced it back to a few servers at a university owned by the CCP within China.
The servers had no security on them. They scraped them and found a database with information on millions of poll workers , names, phone numbers, bank accounts, addresses, their families, etc. They had schematics of polling locations.
The beard also said that a lot of our voting information was also there, located on the same servers that counted "votes" for CCP elections.
They took this to "the agency". There was a few patriots there genuinely concerned. Then the black hats rolled in. Accused the beard of hacking into China's systems and stealing 3 servers. Tried to pit Catherine and Gregg against each other. Patriot agent then told Gregg to go public and try to get whistle blower protection, because he knew the agency was coming for him.
I think I generally got that correct on a first pass of the video. Feel free to correct or fill in details.
This is a big deal.
To sum up for those that cannot watch it yet:
They came across some vote counting software that looked sus. The more they looked into it, the more sus it looked.
Traced it back to a few servers university owned by the CCP within China.
The servers had no security on them. They scraped them and found a database with information on millions of poll workers, names, phone numbers, bank accounts, addresses, their families, etc. They had schematics of polling locations.
The beard also said that a lot of our voting information was also there, located on the same servers that counted "votes" for CCP elections.
They took this to "the agency". There was a few patriots there genuinely concerned. Then the black hats rolled in. Accused the beard of hacking into China's systems and stealing 3 servers. Tried to pit Catherine and Gregg against each other. Patriot agent then told Gregg to go public and try to get whistle blower protection, because he knew the agency was coming for him.
I think I generally got that correct on a first pass of the video. Feel free to correct or fill in details.