Well, I don't really think of being non-vaxed as heroic, but standing firm to one's principles and beliefs is a good trait. For some, like me, it was much easier than for other people. Others are rather gullible and trusting (of the wrong people). Many in society don't want to face reality. Others succumb to manipulation of their fears or their egos. In that sense I suppose these character traits many pure bloods have is admirable, but I wouldn't put us in the same league of courage as our brave military. I personally don't feel as if I was brave, just steadfastly holding onto my convictions. Those who had more at stake - jobs/income, dependent family, etc - have been brave through this ordeal. I've never cared what anyone else thinks or says about me. And I've always been hypersensitive to the "red flags" in life - occurrences that make you pause and delve further into understanding what's really going on.
For those who have shunned me or have been condescending towards me, I just thank God that He showed me who they truly are. It's reality that, while unpleasant, I feel is important. Wheat from the tares. Much is going to change in my interpersonal relationships going forward. This message to the unvaccinated is taken in the spirit it was intended - with appreciation.
Well, I don't really think of being non-vaxed as heroic, but standing firm to one's principles and beliefs is a good trait. For some, like me, it was much easier than for other people. Others are rather gullible and trusting (of the wrong people). Many in society don't want to face reality. Others succumb to manipulation of their fears or their egos. In that sense I suppose these character traits many pure bloods have is admirable, but I wouldn't put us in the same league of courage as our brave military. I personally don't feel as if I was brave, just steadfastly holding onto my convictions. I've never cared what anyone else thinks or says about me. And I've always been hypersensitive to the "red flags" in life - occurrences that make you pause and delve further into understanding what's really going on.
For those who have shunned me or have been condescending towards me, I just thank God that He showed me who they truly are. It's reality that, while unpleasant, I feel is important. Wheat from the tares. Much is going to change in my interpersonal relationships going forward. This message to the unvaccinated is taken in the spirit it was intended - with appreciation.