Because the white paper matches the code and the system.
It's not like a bill where they call it "Inflation reduction act" and it's about something else.
You can read the white paper and then you can read the code a and see if what the code does matches the goals outlined in the paper.
Unlike government, computer programming is deterministic. If I read a code base and compile that code base myself, I know what it does, exactly.
It literally doesn't matter who's tied to what. It matters what the system does.
Even if a mass murdering pedophile satanist psychopath was the developer. If the code is open source, and the source matches the claims, the compiled program will operate as written.
There is no hiding back doors in open source. The level of autism involved in cryptocurrency is mind blowing.
Bitcoin isn't even the most secure project and it's so secure and stable that the network will continue to operate perfectly with 49% malicious actors. It will start to glitch at 50% malicious actors and will be completely broken around 70-80% malicious actors. That's amazing for a first attempt at a cryptocurrency.
There are projects now that are what they call "multi-algorithm" chains where the system will work flawlessly with up to 75% malicious actors. That's incredible.
The current fiat system, with all its security and monitoring and IT experts starts being corrupted at ~33% malicious actors and, even then, there are open security holes.
When you compare that to physical money, it's even crazier because people have been counterfeiting and coin cutting since the beginning of money.
This is why I like programming as a hobby. You should try it if you've never done it. The computer does exactly what it is told to do as you write it, even if you're wrong.
Which file in the source code for Bitcoin is problematic and worries you?
Because the white paper matches the code and the system.
It's not like a bill where they call it "Inflation reduction act" and it's about something else.
You can read the white paper and then you can read the code a and see if what the code does matches the goals outlined in the paper.
Unlike government, computer programming is deterministic. If I read a code base and compile that code base myself, I know what it does, exactly.
It literally doesn't matter who's tied to what. It matters what the system does.
Even if a mass murdering pedophile satanist psychopath was the developer. If the code is open source, and the source matches the claims, the compiled program will operate as written.
There is no hiding back doors in open source. The level of autism involved in cryptocurrency is mind blowing.
Bitcoin isn't even the most secure project and it's so secure and stable that the network will continue to operate perfectly with 49% malicious actors. It will start to glitch at 50% malicious actors and will be completely broken around 70-80% malicious actors. That's amazing for a first attempt at a cryptocurrency.
There are projects now that are what they call "multi-algorithm" chains where the system will work flawlessly with up to 75% malicious actors. That's incredible.
The current fiat system, with all its security and monitoring and IT experts starts being corrupted at ~33% malicious actors and, even then, there are open security holes.
When you compare that to physical money, it's even crazier because people have been counterfeiting and coin cutting since the beginning of money.
This is why I like programming as a hobby. You should try it if you've never done it. The computer does exactly what it is told to do as you write it, even if you're wrong.
Which file in the source code for Bitcoin is problematic and worries you?
Because the white paper matches the code and the system.
It's not like a bill where they call it "Inflation reduction act" and it's about something else.
You can read the white paper and then you can read the code a and see if what the code does matches the goals outlined in the paper.
Unlike government, computer programming is deterministic. If I read a code base and compile that code base myself, I know what it does, exactly.
It literally doesn't matter who's tied to what. It matters what the system does.
Even if a mass murdering pedophile satanist psychopath was the developer. If the code is open source, and the source matches the claims, the compiled program will operate as written.
There is no hiding back doors in open source. The level of autism involved in cryptocurrency is mind blowing.
Bitcoin isn't even the most secure project and it's so secure and stable that the network will continue to operate perfectly with 49% malicious actors. It will start to glitch at 50% malicious actors and will be completely broken around 70-80% malicious actors. That's amazing for a first attempt at a cryptocurrency.
There are projects now that are what they call "multi-algorithm" chains where the system will work flawlessly with up to 75% malicious actors. That's incredible.
The current fiat system, with all its security and monitoring and IT experts starts being corrupted at ~33% malicious actors and, even then, there are open security holes.
When you compare that to physical money, it's even crazier because people have been counterfeiting and coin cutting since the beginning of money.
This is why I like programming as a hobby. You should try it if you've never done it. The computer does exactly what it is told to do as you write it, even if you're wrong.
Because the white paper matches the code and the system.
It's not like a bill where they call it "Inflation reduction act" and it's about something else.
You can read the white paper and then you can read the code a and see if what the code does matches the goals outlined in the paper.
Unlike government, computer programming is deterministic. If I read a code base and compile that code base myself, I know what it does, exactly.
It literally doesn't matter who's tied to what. It matters what the system does.
Even if a mass murdering pedophile satanist psychopath was the developer. If the code is open source, and the source matches the claims, the compiled program will operate as written.
There is no hiding back doors in open source. You don't understand the level of autism involved in cryptocurrency.
This is why I like programming as a hobby. You should try it if you've never done it. The computer does exactly what it is told to do as you write it, even if you're wrong.
Because the white paper matches the code and the system.
It's not like a bill where they call it "Inflation reduction act" and it's about something else.
You can read the white paper and then you can read the code a and see if what the code does matches the goals outlined in the paper.
Unlike government, computer programming is deterministic. If I read a code base and compile that code base myself, I know what it does, exactly.
It literally doesn't matter who's tied to what. It matters what the system does.
Even if a mass murdering pedophile satanist psychopath was the developer. If the code is open source, and the source matches the claims, the compiled program will operate as written.
There is no hiding back doors in open source. You don't understand the level of autism involved in cryptocurrency.