Brannon Howse, since last Tuesday, 16 August 2022, has, during many guest interviews on his nightly M-F program on the Lindell TV network platform, and quite dramatically (using a small locked black case) during the introduction of the Trial of the Machines segment of The Moment of Truth Summit on Sunday, 21 August 2022, directly quoted and paraphrased passages from Bev Harris' 2003 book Black Box Voting: Ballot Tampering in the 21st Century. The book is available free online at Here are some reviews of the book listed on the site home page:
This book was ordered by the White House in 2004. It was reported to have been found on Osama bin Laden’s bookshelf when he was killed. It has been downloaded half a million times. The information in the book is heavily sourced and it has been vetted by editors from several major media outlets. Though it is old (I wrote it in 2003) the information in it still stands — if anything, elections today are even more opaque and tamper-friendly than before.
“Riveting. Bev Harris stumbled onto a national story ignored by every big-city newspaper in the land, and worked it deeper and deeper with scoops that would have made her career at the New York Times or Washington Post.”
— Michael Shnayerson, Vanity Fair Magazine
What do you do when you find 40,000 secret voting machine files on the Web? What if you knew that the devil went down to Georgia on November 5, 2002 and, in a stunning upset, tipped control of the U.S. Senate — and then you saw a folder called “rob-georgia,” looked inside and found instructions to replace Georgia’s computerized voting files right before the election?
Author Bev Harris is the 52-year-old grandma who found these files, which have now been studied by computer scientists all over the world. Black Box Voting is an all-too-true story, resulting from her investigations into the voting industry.
What she learned is that modern-day voting systems are run by private, for-profit corporations, rely on a few cronies for oversight, using a certification system so fundamentally flawed that it allows machines to miscount and lose votes, with hidden back doors that enable “end runs” around the voting system. Find out why your vote might not count — and what to do about it!
That Bin Laden claim...
Bin Laden's Bookshelf (English Language Books)
Not knowing what the average GAW reader knows about ballot tampering, ballot trafficking and ballot box stuffing an uninformed reader would have a hard time putting the book down once started. Double that state of compulsion if you are the average GAW reader. Well written, well organized, well footnoted and indexed. A book worm's dream of a read. As Howse points out many times in his discussions with guests on his program... this book could have been released today.
A second book has been mentioned as well, also available free online, VOTESCAM: The Stealing of America by James and Kenneth Collier / 1992
[edit: original comment 08/24/22... on 08/25/22 - link not connecting... there is an ebook version for sale at Barnes & Noble website... used hardcopy books for sale on line are pricey
2nd edit: 08/25/22 - link back up]
Boomers are going to love this book. Think something along the lines of the movie Back To The Future but the screenplay written by Hunter S. Thompson with a theme of ballot and election tampering in the 1970's and 1980's.
Here is a fascinating vignette from the Reagan era... go to the online book (link above and go to Chapter 13 / Full Circle / that starts on viewer (not book) page 183 and read through 192... stop when you read...
"And that was that."
It will not spoil what has come before or after in the book... no spoiler alert needed.
Boomers will be familiar with most of the characters in this little Mouse Trap of a play...
Compare what you read in those nine pages with the links to the "historical" record in the links below...
Pay attention to the 'Activities' section of this article:
Pay attention to the 'Formation' section of this article (4 seconds)
Below is the transcript from Kenneth Collier's testimony at the confirmation hearing of Antonin Scalia
6 August 1986
Sen. Strom Thurmond: Now, the next witness is Mr. Kenneth F. Collier. Is he here? If you will hold up your hand and be sworn. Will your testimony given in this hearing be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Kenneth Collier: Yes sir, I do.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: Mr. Collier, you have three minutes.
Kenneth Collier: I would like my statement submitted to the record as written, and I would like to address you directly related to what it is describing. The issue of the integrity of the nominee has been questioned in the statement which the committee has been given. And that statement has been distilled from 4 hours of testimony which investigative reporters from the Dade County Home News in Florida submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation earlier this month, within 6 weeks ago. It is a serious claim that Judge Scalia actually created a counterfeit concurrence — and a concurrence is a document which is used in order to express a concurring view with a slightly different twist. And in a very important case that is cited in this document and in the Federal District Court and in a case in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Judge Scalia is charged with having utilized this concurrence to virtually fix a case for the Republican National Committee. Now, these are serious charges, and we are aware of the gravity of such a charge. But the paper work has been submitted to your staff, Senator Thurmond, Jack Mitchell in particular, and the FBI report and the statements in full in a good 4-hour debriefing of this matter so it wouldn't be held in 3 minutes and some mud slung and some charges made. But instead there have been 6 weeks for these charges to be evaluated and, in addition, in order to test them on their merits, a lawsuit was instituted against Judge Scalia as soon as it was found out that he was up for this nomination, in order to test in the Federal Court of the District Columbia—it's right now in front of a judge who has been assigned to it at random — I won't mention his name, it's not important at this point. And this lawsuit against Judge Scalia directly challenges his integrity and the reasoning that was used and the cronyism and the tampering of records that was implicit in his deliberate concocting of a so-called concurrence, which was nothing but a counterfeit which served to derail several cases in the courts below, all of which cases involved personal close associates and friends of Judge Scalia's, and also certain other judges who ruled in the courts below, utilizing that concurrence in a most unfavorable manner in view of the posture of those cases, were also former colleagues of 13 years' duration in one case with Judge Scalia. And so we can see why these lower court judges, particularly in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia — I see my time is up.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: DO you want 2 more minutes?
Kenneth Collier: I'd accept that, yes, sir. Philosophically, we will say this—I'm an investigative reporter, I'm not perfect—no one is perfect — these hearings here are not to test anything but deliberate questions as to whether or not this nominee in this time, in this place, is going to be challenged as we did this afternoon in order to come to these hearings — I was hoping that one question alone would be asked, and I called up the attorney for Judge Scalia, who is an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Justice Department defending him against the lawsuit, and I said to her would you kindly, prior to the time when I have to testify, see if you can reach your client and tell him that we are going to be stating that as of now, since 6 weeks has elapsed since the filing of the suit — it's had a chance to mature — and this maturity, Senator Thurmond, has resulted in not a denial on the merits of the suit, which attacked the integrity of Judge Scalia to the utmost and put him as a co-defendant with the Republican National Committee, but the answer instead went to a procedural thing, such as he has immunity to do whatever he did do, and if he didn't file the concurrence and it was the only concurrence that was never filed in the history of the appeals court, so be it. This kind of behavior should be noted at this time. We felt constrained to come to the committee, because we saw what happened when Mr. Brosnahan failed to do so in years past, and now his credibility, which I nave no knowledge of, is being questioned - and they are saying why didn't you come to us when it first was done? This is going to be in the record. And if Judge Scalia had only replied to these charges by not having his attorney state the absolute truth, which she is correct, that there is no requirement for a judicial officer to submit — may I have 1 more minute, sir, and I will be very concise on what she told me.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: Well, if you take 1 more minute.
Kenneth Collier: Yes, I will, sir.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: And that will give you twice as much as the other witnesses.
Kenneth Collier: Thank you, sir. The attorney for Judge Scalia told me that he was going to plead — that she had discussed it with him, and that he is going to plead procedural defenses to these specific charges. All he needs to do is say did he know Henry E. Peterson back in the days of 1972 through 1974, and did he know Craig C.Donsanto, a material witness in one of the cases that was dismissed and derailed because of the counterfeit concurrence. And why didn't he take himself off the case. And all of those fundamental questions which go to these things. Now, in the face of these hearings we anticipate that his answers will be forthcoming, and we look forward to those in court. And I'm sure that this committee also does.Thank you, sir.
I still have a few more chapters to read in this book... but after this weekend's Moment of Truth Summit and reading Black Box Voting and VOTESCAM, I am left with this feeling... (3 seconds)
Brannon Howse, since last Tuesday, 16 August 2022, has, during many guest interviews on his nightly M-F program on the Lindell TV network platform, and quite dramatically (using a small locked black case) during the introduction of the Trial of the Machines segment of The Moment of Truth Summit on Sunday, 21 August 2022, directly quoted and paraphrased passages from Bev Harris' 2003 book Black Box Voting: Ballot Tampering in the 21st Century. The book is available free online at Here are some reviews of the book listed on the site home page:
This book was ordered by the White House in 2004. It was reported to have been found on Osama bin Laden’s bookshelf when he was killed. It has been downloaded half a million times. The information in the book is heavily sourced and it has been vetted by editors from several major media outlets. Though it is old (I wrote it in 2003) the information in it still stands — if anything, elections today are even more opaque and tamper-friendly than before.
“Riveting. Bev Harris stumbled onto a national story ignored by every big-city newspaper in the land, and worked it deeper and deeper with scoops that would have made her career at the New York Times or Washington Post.”
— Michael Shnayerson, Vanity Fair Magazine
What do you do when you find 40,000 secret voting machine files on the Web? What if you knew that the devil went down to Georgia on November 5, 2002 and, in a stunning upset, tipped control of the U.S. Senate — and then you saw a folder called “rob-georgia,” looked inside and found instructions to replace Georgia’s computerized voting files right before the election?
Author Bev Harris is the 52-year-old grandma who found these files, which have now been studied by computer scientists all over the world. Black Box Voting is an all-too-true story, resulting from her investigations into the voting industry.
What she learned is that modern-day voting systems are run by private, for-profit corporations, rely on a few cronies for oversight, using a certification system so fundamentally flawed that it allows machines to miscount and lose votes, with hidden back doors that enable “end runs” around the voting system. Find out why your vote might not count — and what to do about it!
That Bin Laden claim...
Bin Laden's Bookshelf (English Language Books)
Not knowing what the average GAW reader knows about ballot tampering, ballot trafficking and ballot box stuffing an uninformed reader would have a hard time putting the book down once started. Double that state of compulsion if you are the average GAW reader. Well written, well organized, well footnoted and indexed. A book worm's dream of a read. As Howse points out many times in his discussions with guests on his program... this book could have been released today.
A second book has been mentioned as well, also available free online, VOTESCAM: The Stealing of America by James and Kenneth Collier / 1992
[edit: original comment 08/24/22... on 08/25/22 - link not connecting... there is an ebook version for sale at Barnes & Noble website... used hardcopy books for sale on line are pricey]
Boomers are going to love this book. Think something along the lines of the movie Back To The Future but the screenplay written by Hunter S. Thompson with a theme of ballot and election tampering in the 1970's and 1980's.
Here is a fascinating vignette from the Reagan era... go to the online book (link above and go to Chapter 13 / Full Circle / that starts on viewer (not book) page 183 and read through 192... stop when you read...
"And that was that."
It will not spoil what has come before or after in the book... no spoiler alert needed.
Boomers will be familiar with most of the characters in this little Mouse Trap of a play...
Compare what you read in those nine pages with the links to the "historical" record in the links below...
Pay attention to the 'Activities' section of this article:
Pay attention to the 'Formation' section of this article (4 seconds)
Below is the transcript from Kenneth Collier's testimony at the confirmation hearing of Antonin Scalia
6 August 1986
Sen. Strom Thurmond: Now, the next witness is Mr. Kenneth F. Collier. Is he here? If you will hold up your hand and be sworn. Will your testimony given in this hearing be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Kenneth Collier: Yes sir, I do.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: Mr. Collier, you have three minutes.
Kenneth Collier: I would like my statement submitted to the record as written, and I would like to address you directly related to what it is describing. The issue of the integrity of the nominee has been questioned in the statement which the committee has been given. And that statement has been distilled from 4 hours of testimony which investigative reporters from the Dade County Home News in Florida submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation earlier this month, within 6 weeks ago. It is a serious claim that Judge Scalia actually created a counterfeit concurrence — and a concurrence is a document which is used in order to express a concurring view with a slightly different twist. And in a very important case that is cited in this document and in the Federal District Court and in a case in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Judge Scalia is charged with having utilized this concurrence to virtually fix a case for the Republican National Committee. Now, these are serious charges, and we are aware of the gravity of such a charge. But the paper work has been submitted to your staff, Senator Thurmond, Jack Mitchell in particular, and the FBI report and the statements in full in a good 4-hour debriefing of this matter so it wouldn't be held in 3 minutes and some mud slung and some charges made. But instead there have been 6 weeks for these charges to be evaluated and, in addition, in order to test them on their merits, a lawsuit was instituted against Judge Scalia as soon as it was found out that he was up for this nomination, in order to test in the Federal Court of the District Columbia—it's right now in front of a judge who has been assigned to it at random — I won't mention his name, it's not important at this point. And this lawsuit against Judge Scalia directly challenges his integrity and the reasoning that was used and the cronyism and the tampering of records that was implicit in his deliberate concocting of a so-called concurrence, which was nothing but a counterfeit which served to derail several cases in the courts below, all of which cases involved personal close associates and friends of Judge Scalia's, and also certain other judges who ruled in the courts below, utilizing that concurrence in a most unfavorable manner in view of the posture of those cases, were also former colleagues of 13 years' duration in one case with Judge Scalia. And so we can see why these lower court judges, particularly in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia — I see my time is up.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: DO you want 2 more minutes?
Kenneth Collier: I'd accept that, yes, sir. Philosophically, we will say this—I'm an investigative reporter, I'm not perfect—no one is perfect — these hearings here are not to test anything but deliberate questions as to whether or not this nominee in this time, in this place, is going to be challenged as we did this afternoon in order to come to these hearings — I was hoping that one question alone would be asked, and I called up the attorney for Judge Scalia, who is an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Justice Department defending him against the lawsuit, and I said to her would you kindly, prior to the time when I have to testify, see if you can reach your client and tell him that we are going to be stating that as of now, since 6 weeks has elapsed since the filing of the suit — it's had a chance to mature — and this maturity, Senator Thurmond, has resulted in not a denial on the merits of the suit, which attacked the integrity of Judge Scalia to the utmost and put him as a co-defendant with the Republican National Committee, but the answer instead went to a procedural thing, such as he has immunity to do whatever he did do, and if he didn't file the concurrence and it was the only concurrence that was never filed in the history of the appeals court, so be it. This kind of behavior should be noted at this time. We felt constrained to come to the committee, because we saw what happened when Mr. Brosnahan failed to do so in years past, and now his credibility, which I nave no knowledge of, is being questioned - and they are saying why didn't you come to us when it first was done? This is going to be in the record. And if Judge Scalia had only replied to these charges by not having his attorney state the absolute truth, which she is correct, that there is no requirement for a judicial officer to submit — may I have 1 more minute, sir, and I will be very concise on what she told me.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: Well, if you take 1 more minute.
Kenneth Collier: Yes, I will, sir.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: And that will give you twice as much as the other witnesses.
Kenneth Collier: Thank you, sir. The attorney for Judge Scalia told me that he was going to plead — that she had discussed it with him, and that he is going to plead procedural defenses to these specific charges. All he needs to do is say did he know Henry E. Peterson back in the days of 1972 through 1974, and did he know Craig C.Donsanto, a material witness in one of the cases that was dismissed and derailed because of the counterfeit concurrence. And why didn't he take himself off the case. And all of those fundamental questions which go to these things. Now, in the face of these hearings we anticipate that his answers will be forthcoming, and we look forward to those in court. And I'm sure that this committee also does.Thank you, sir.
I still have a few more chapters to read in this book... but after this weekend's Moment of Truth Summit and reading Black Box Voting and VOTESCAM, I am left with this feeling... (3 seconds)
Brannon Howse, since last Tuesday, 16 August 2022, has, during many guest interviews on his nightly M-F program on the Lindell TV network platform, and quite dramatically (using a small locked black case) during the introduction of the Trial of the Machines segment of The Moment of Truth Summit on Sunday, 21 August 2022, directly quoted and paraphrased passages from Bev Harris' 2003 book Black Box Voting: Ballot Tampering in the 21st Century. The book is available free online at Here are some reviews of the book listed on the site home page:
This book was ordered by the White House in 2004. It was reported to have been found on Osama bin Laden’s bookshelf when he was killed. It has been downloaded half a million times. The information in the book is heavily sourced and it has been vetted by editors from several major media outlets. Though it is old (I wrote it in 2003) the information in it still stands — if anything, elections today are even more opaque and tamper-friendly than before.
“Riveting. Bev Harris stumbled onto a national story ignored by every big-city newspaper in the land, and worked it deeper and deeper with scoops that would have made her career at the New York Times or Washington Post.”
— Michael Shnayerson, Vanity Fair Magazine
What do you do when you find 40,000 secret voting machine files on the Web? What if you knew that the devil went down to Georgia on November 5, 2002 and, in a stunning upset, tipped control of the U.S. Senate — and then you saw a folder called “rob-georgia,” looked inside and found instructions to replace Georgia’s computerized voting files right before the election?
Author Bev Harris is the 52-year-old grandma who found these files, which have now been studied by computer scientists all over the world. Black Box Voting is an all-too-true story, resulting from her investigations into the voting industry.
What she learned is that modern-day voting systems are run by private, for-profit corporations, rely on a few cronies for oversight, using a certification system so fundamentally flawed that it allows machines to miscount and lose votes, with hidden back doors that enable “end runs” around the voting system. Find out why your vote might not count — and what to do about it!
That Bin Laden claim...
Bin Laden's Bookshelf (English Language Books)
Not knowing what the average GAW reader knows about ballot tampering, ballot trafficking and ballot box stuffing an uninformed reader would have a hard time putting the book down once started. Double that state of compulsion if you are the average GAW reader. Well written, well organized, well footnoted and indexed. A book worm's dream of a read. As Howse points out many times in his discussions with guests on his program... this book could have been released today.
A second book has been mentioned as well, also available free online, VOTESCAM: The Stealing of America by James and Kenneth Collier / 1992
Boomers are going to love this book. Think something along the lines of the movie Back To The Future but the screenplay written by Hunter S. Thompson with a theme of ballot and election tampering in the 1970's and 1980's.
Here is a fascinating vignette from the Reagan era... go to the online book (link above and go to Chapter 13 / Full Circle / that starts on viewer (not book) page 183 and read through 192... stop when you read...
"And that was that."
It will not spoil what has come before or after in the book... no spoiler alert needed.
Boomers will be familiar with most of the characters in this little Mouse Trap of a play...
Compare what you read in those nine pages with the links to the "historical" record in the links below...
Pay attention to the 'Activities' section of this article:
Pay attention to the 'Formation' section of this article (4 seconds)
Below is the transcript from Kenneth Collier's testimony at the confirmation hearing of Antonin Scalia
6 August 1986
Sen. Strom Thurmond: Now, the next witness is Mr. Kenneth F. Collier. Is he here? If you will hold up your hand and be sworn. Will your testimony given in this hearing be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Kenneth Collier: Yes sir, I do.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: Mr. Collier, you have three minutes.
Kenneth Collier: I would like my statement submitted to the record as written, and I would like to address you directly related to what it is describing. The issue of the integrity of the nominee has been questioned in the statement which the committee has been given. And that statement has been distilled from 4 hours of testimony which investigative reporters from the Dade County Home News in Florida submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation earlier this month, within 6 weeks ago. It is a serious claim that Judge Scalia actually created a counterfeit concurrence — and a concurrence is a document which is used in order to express a concurring view with a slightly different twist. And in a very important case that is cited in this document and in the Federal District Court and in a case in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Judge Scalia is charged with having utilized this concurrence to virtually fix a case for the Republican National Committee. Now, these are serious charges, and we are aware of the gravity of such a charge. But the paper work has been submitted to your staff, Senator Thurmond, Jack Mitchell in particular, and the FBI report and the statements in full in a good 4-hour debriefing of this matter so it wouldn't be held in 3 minutes and some mud slung and some charges made. But instead there have been 6 weeks for these charges to be evaluated and, in addition, in order to test them on their merits, a lawsuit was instituted against Judge Scalia as soon as it was found out that he was up for this nomination, in order to test in the Federal Court of the District Columbia—it's right now in front of a judge who has been assigned to it at random — I won't mention his name, it's not important at this point. And this lawsuit against Judge Scalia directly challenges his integrity and the reasoning that was used and the cronyism and the tampering of records that was implicit in his deliberate concocting of a so-called concurrence, which was nothing but a counterfeit which served to derail several cases in the courts below, all of which cases involved personal close associates and friends of Judge Scalia's, and also certain other judges who ruled in the courts below, utilizing that concurrence in a most unfavorable manner in view of the posture of those cases, were also former colleagues of 13 years' duration in one case with Judge Scalia. And so we can see why these lower court judges, particularly in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia — I see my time is up.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: DO you want 2 more minutes?
Kenneth Collier: I'd accept that, yes, sir. Philosophically, we will say this—I'm an investigative reporter, I'm not perfect—no one is perfect — these hearings here are not to test anything but deliberate questions as to whether or not this nominee in this time, in this place, is going to be challenged as we did this afternoon in order to come to these hearings — I was hoping that one question alone would be asked, and I called up the attorney for Judge Scalia, who is an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Justice Department defending him against the lawsuit, and I said to her would you kindly, prior to the time when I have to testify, see if you can reach your client and tell him that we are going to be stating that as of now, since 6 weeks has elapsed since the filing of the suit — it's had a chance to mature — and this maturity, Senator Thurmond, has resulted in not a denial on the merits of the suit, which attacked the integrity of Judge Scalia to the utmost and put him as a co-defendant with the Republican National Committee, but the answer instead went to a procedural thing, such as he has immunity to do whatever he did do, and if he didn't file the concurrence and it was the only concurrence that was never filed in the history of the appeals court, so be it. This kind of behavior should be noted at this time. We felt constrained to come to the committee, because we saw what happened when Mr. Brosnahan failed to do so in years past, and now his credibility, which I nave no knowledge of, is being questioned - and they are saying why didn't you come to us when it first was done? This is going to be in the record. And if Judge Scalia had only replied to these charges by not having his attorney state the absolute truth, which she is correct, that there is no requirement for a judicial officer to submit — may I have 1 more minute, sir, and I will be very concise on what she told me.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: Well, if you take 1 more minute.
Kenneth Collier: Yes, I will, sir.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: And that will give you twice as much as the other witnesses.
Kenneth Collier: Thank you, sir. The attorney for Judge Scalia told me that he was going to plead — that she had discussed it with him, and that he is going to plead procedural defenses to these specific charges. All he needs to do is say did he know Henry E. Peterson back in the days of 1972 through 1974, and did he know Craig C.Donsanto, a material witness in one of the cases that was dismissed and derailed because of the counterfeit concurrence. And why didn't he take himself off the case. And all of those fundamental questions which go to these things. Now, in the face of these hearings we anticipate that his answers will be forthcoming, and we look forward to those in court. And I'm sure that this committee also does.Thank you, sir.
I still have a few more chapters to read in this book... but after this weekend's Moment of Truth Summit and reading Black Box Voting and VOTESCAM, I am left with this feeling... (3 seconds)
Brannon Howse, since last Tuesday, 16 August 2022, has, during many guest interviews on his nightly M-F program on the Lindell TV network platform, and quite dramatically (using a small locked black case) during the introduction of the Trial of the Machines segment of The Moment of Truth Summit on Sunday, 21 August 2022, directly quoted and paraphrased passages from Bev Harris' 2003 book Black Box Voting: Ballot Tampering in the 21st Century. The book is available free online at Here are some reviews of the book listed on the site home page:
This book was ordered by the White House in 2004. It was reported to have been found on Osama bin Laden’s bookshelf when he was killed. It has been downloaded half a million times. The information in the book is heavily sourced and it has been vetted by editors from several major media outlets. Though it is old (I wrote it in 2003) the information in it still stands — if anything, elections today are even more opaque and tamper-friendly than before.
“Riveting. Bev Harris stumbled onto a national story ignored by every big-city newspaper in the land, and worked it deeper and deeper with scoops that would have made her career at the New York Times or Washington Post.”
— Michael Shnayerson, Vanity Fair Magazine
What do you do when you find 40,000 secret voting machine files on the Web? What if you knew that the devil went down to Georgia on November 5, 2002 and, in a stunning upset, tipped control of the U.S. Senate — and then you saw a folder called “rob-georgia,” looked inside and found instructions to replace Georgia’s computerized voting files right before the election?
Author Bev Harris is the 52-year-old grandma who found these files, which have now been studied by computer scientists all over the world. Black Box Voting is an all-too-true story, resulting from her investigations into the voting industry.
What she learned is that modern-day voting systems are run by private, for-profit corporations, rely on a few cronies for oversight, using a certification system so fundamentally flawed that it allows machines to miscount and lose votes, with hidden back doors that enable “end runs” around the voting system. Find out why your vote might not count — and what to do about it!
That Bin Laden claim...
Bin Laden's Bookshelf (English Language Books)
Not knowing what the average GAW reader knows about ballot tampering, ballot trafficking and ballot box stuffing an uninformed reader would have a hard time putting the book down once started. Double that state of compulsion if you are the average GAW reader. Well written, well organized, well footnoted and indexed. A book worm's dream of a read. As Howse points out many times in his discussions with guests on his program... this book could have been released today.
A second book has been mentioned as well, also available free online, VOTESCAM: The Stealing of America by James and Kenneth Collier / 1992
Boomers are going to love this book. It has a weird "Back To The Future" vibe to it that is difficult to describe... but not for Boomers who lived through this time. Think something along the lines of the movie Back To The Future but the screenplay written by Hunter S. Thompson with a theme of ballot and election tampering in the 1970's and 1980's.
Here is a fascinating vignette from the Reagan era... go to the online book (link above and go to Chapter 13 / Full Circle / that starts on viewer (not book) page 183 and read through 192... stop when you read...
"And that was that."
It will not spoil what has come before or after in the book... no spoiler alert needed.
Boomers will be familiar with most of the characters in this little Mouse Trap of a play...
Compare what you read in those nine pages with the links to the "historical" record in the links below...
Pay attention to the 'Activities' section of this article:
Pay attention to the 'Formation' section of this article (4 seconds)
Below is the transcript from Kenneth Collier's testimony at the confirmation hearing of Antonin Scalia
6 August 1986
Sen. Strom Thurmond: Now, the next witness is Mr. Kenneth F. Collier. Is he here? If you will hold up your hand and be sworn. Will your testimony given in this hearing be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Kenneth Collier: Yes sir, I do.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: Mr. Collier, you have three minutes.
Kenneth Collier: I would like my statement submitted to the record as written, and I would like to address you directly related to what it is describing. The issue of the integrity of the nominee has been questioned in the statement which the committee has been given. And that statement has been distilled from 4 hours of testimony which investigative reporters from the Dade County Home News in Florida submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation earlier this month, within 6 weeks ago. It is a serious claim that Judge Scalia actually created a counterfeit concurrence — and a concurrence is a document which is used in order to express a concurring view with a slightly different twist. And in a very important case that is cited in this document and in the Federal District Court and in a case in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Judge Scalia is charged with having utilized this concurrence to virtually fix a case for the Republican National Committee. Now, these are serious charges, and we are aware of the gravity of such a charge. But the paper work has been submitted to your staff, Senator Thurmond, Jack Mitchell in particular, and the FBI report and the statements in full in a good 4-hour debriefing of this matter so it wouldn't be held in 3 minutes and some mud slung and some charges made. But instead there have been 6 weeks for these charges to be evaluated and, in addition, in order to test them on their merits, a lawsuit was instituted against Judge Scalia as soon as it was found out that he was up for this nomination, in order to test in the Federal Court of the District Columbia—it's right now in front of a judge who has been assigned to it at random — I won't mention his name, it's not important at this point. And this lawsuit against Judge Scalia directly challenges his integrity and the reasoning that was used and the cronyism and the tampering of records that was implicit in his deliberate concocting of a so-called concurrence, which was nothing but a counterfeit which served to derail several cases in the courts below, all of which cases involved personal close associates and friends of Judge Scalia's, and also certain other judges who ruled in the courts below, utilizing that concurrence in a most unfavorable manner in view of the posture of those cases, were also former colleagues of 13 years' duration in one case with Judge Scalia. And so we can see why these lower court judges, particularly in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia — I see my time is up.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: DO you want 2 more minutes?
Kenneth Collier: I'd accept that, yes, sir. Philosophically, we will say this—I'm an investigative reporter, I'm not perfect—no one is perfect — these hearings here are not to test anything but deliberate questions as to whether or not this nominee in this time, in this place, is going to be challenged as we did this afternoon in order to come to these hearings — I was hoping that one question alone would be asked, and I called up the attorney for Judge Scalia, who is an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Justice Department defending him against the lawsuit, and I said to her would you kindly, prior to the time when I have to testify, see if you can reach your client and tell him that we are going to be stating that as of now, since 6 weeks has elapsed since the filing of the suit — it's had a chance to mature — and this maturity, Senator Thurmond, has resulted in not a denial on the merits of the suit, which attacked the integrity of Judge Scalia to the utmost and put him as a co-defendant with the Republican National Committee, but the answer instead went to a procedural thing, such as he has immunity to do whatever he did do, and if he didn't file the concurrence and it was the only concurrence that was never filed in the history of the appeals court, so be it. This kind of behavior should be noted at this time. We felt constrained to come to the committee, because we saw what happened when Mr. Brosnahan failed to do so in years past, and now his credibility, which I nave no knowledge of, is being questioned - and they are saying why didn't you come to us when it first was done? This is going to be in the record. And if Judge Scalia had only replied to these charges by not having his attorney state the absolute truth, which she is correct, that there is no requirement for a judicial officer to submit — may I have 1 more minute, sir, and I will be very concise on what she told me.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: Well, if you take 1 more minute.
Kenneth Collier: Yes, I will, sir.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: And that will give you twice as much as the other witnesses.
Kenneth Collier: Thank you, sir. The attorney for Judge Scalia told me that he was going to plead — that she had discussed it with him, and that he is going to plead procedural defenses to these specific charges. All he needs to do is say did he know Henry E. Peterson back in the days of 1972 through 1974, and did he know Craig C.Donsanto, a material witness in one of the cases that was dismissed and derailed because of the counterfeit concurrence. And why didn't he take himself off the case. And all of those fundamental questions which go to these things. Now, in the face of these hearings we anticipate that his answers will be forthcoming, and we look forward to those in court. And I'm sure that this committee also does.Thank you, sir.
I still have a few more chapters to read in this book... but after this weekend's Moment of Truth Summit and reading Black Box Voting and VOTESCAM, I am left with this feeling... (3 seconds)
Brannon Howse, since last Tuesday, 16 August 2022, has, during many guest interviews on his nightly M-F program on the Lindell TV network platform, and quite dramatically (using a small locked black case) during the introduction of the Trial of the Machines segment of The Moment of Truth Summit on Sunday, 21 August 2022, directly quoted and paraphrased passages from Bev Harris' 2003 book Black Box Voting: Ballot Tampering in the 21st Century. The book is available free online at Here are some reviews of the book listed on the site home page:
This book was ordered by the White House in 2004. It was reported to have been found on Osama bin Laden’s bookshelf when he was killed. It has been downloaded half a million times. The information in the book is heavily sourced and it has been vetted by editors from several major media outlets. Though it is old (I wrote it in 2003) the information in it still stands — if anything, elections today are even more opaque and tamper-friendly than before.
“Riveting. Bev Harris stumbled onto a national story ignored by every big-city newspaper in the land, and worked it deeper and deeper with scoops that would have made her career at the New York Times or Washington Post.”
— Michael Shnayerson, Vanity Fair Magazine
What do you do when you find 40,000 secret voting machine files on the Web? What if you knew that the devil went down to Georgia on November 5, 2002 and, in a stunning upset, tipped control of the U.S. Senate — and then you saw a folder called “rob-georgia,” looked inside and found instructions to replace Georgia’s computerized voting files right before the election?
Author Bev Harris is the 52-year-old grandma who found these files, which have now been studied by computer scientists all over the world. Black Box Voting is an all-too-true story, resulting from her investigations into the voting industry.
What she learned is that modern-day voting systems are run by private, for-profit corporations, rely on a few cronies for oversight, using a certification system so fundamentally flawed that it allows machines to miscount and lose votes, with hidden back doors that enable “end runs” around the voting system. Find out why your vote might not count — and what to do about it!
That Bin Laden claim...
Bin Laden's Bookshelf (English Language Books)
Not knowing what the average GAW reader knows about ballot tampering, ballot trafficking and ballot box stuffing an uninformed reader would have a hard time putting the book down once started. Double that state of compulsion if you are the average GAW reader. Well written, well organized, well footnoted and indexed. A book worm's dream of a read. As Howse points out many times in his discussions with guests on his program... this book could have been released today.
A second book has been mentioned as well, also available free online, VOTESCAM: The Stealing of America by James and Kenneth Collier / 1992
Boomers are going to love this book. It has a weird "Back To The Future" vibe to it that is difficult to describe... but not for Boomers who lived through this time. Think something along the lines of the movie Back To The Future but the screenplay written by Hunter S. Thompson with a theme of ballot and election tampering in the 1970's and 1980's.
Here is a fascinating vignette from the Reagan era... go to the online book (link above and go to Chapter 13 / Full Circle / that starts on viewer (not book) page 183 and read through 192... stop when you read...
"And that was that."
It will not spoil what has come before or after in the book... no spoiler alert needed.
Boomers will be familiar with most of the characters in this little Mouse Trap of a play...
Compare what you read in those nine pages with the links to the "historical" record in the links below...
Pay attention to the 'Activities' section of this article:
Pay attention to the 'Formation' section of this article (4 seconds)
Below is the transcript from Kenneth Collier's testimony at the confirmation hearing of Antonin Scalia
6 August 1986
Sen. Strom Thurmond: Now, the next witness is Mr. Kenneth F. Collier. Is he here? If you will hold up your hand and be sworn. Will your testimony given in this hearing be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Kenneth Collier: Yes sir, I do.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: Mr. Collier, you have three minutes.
Kenneth Collier: I would like my statement submitted to the record as written, and I would like to address you directly related to what it is describing. The issue of the integrity of the nominee has been questioned in the statement which the committee has been given. And that statement has been distilled from 4 hours of testimony which investigative reporters from the Dade County Home News in Florida submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation earlier this month, within 6 weeks ago. It is a serious claim that Judge Scalia actually created a counterfeit concurrence — and a concurrence is a document which is used in order to express a concurring view with a slightly different twist. And in a very important case that is cited in this document and in the Federal District Court and in a case in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Judge Scalia is charged with having utilized this concurrence to virtually fix a case for the Republican National Committee. Now, these are serious charges, and we are aware of the gravity of such a charge. But the paper work has been submitted to your staff, Senator Thurmond, Jack Mitchell in particular, and the FBI report and the statements in full in a good 4-hour debriefing of this matter so it wouldn't be held in 3 minutes and some mud slung and some charges made. But instead there have been 6 weeks for these charges to be evaluated and, in addition, in order to test them on their merits, a lawsuit was instituted against Judge Scalia as soon as it was found out that he was up for this nomination, in order to test in the Federal Court of the District Columbia—it's right now in front of a judge who has been assigned to it at random — I won't mention his name, it's not important at this point. And this lawsuit against Judge Scalia directly challenges his integrity and the reasoning that was used and the cronyism and the tampering of records that was implicit in his deliberate concocting of a so-called concurrence, which was nothing but a counterfeit which served to derail several cases in the courts below, all of which cases involved personal close associates and friends of Judge Scalia's, and also certain other judges who ruled in the courts below, utilizing that concurrence in a most unfavorable manner in view of the posture of those cases, were also former colleagues of 13 years' duration in one case with Judge Scalia. And so we can see why these lower court judges, particularly in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia — I see my time is up.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: DO you want 2 more minutes?
Kenneth Collier: I'd accept that, yes, sir. Philosophically, we will say this—I'm an investigative reporter, I'm not perfect—no one is perfect — these hearings here are not to test anything but deliberate questions as to whether or not this nominee in this time, in this place, is going to be challenged as we did this afternoon in order to come to these hearings — I was hoping that one question alone would be asked, and I called up the attorney for Judge Scalia, who is an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Justice Department defending him against the lawsuit, and I said to her would you kindly, prior to the time when I have to testify, see if you can reach your client and tell him that we are going to be stating that as of now, since 6 weeks has elapsed since the filing of the suit — it's had a chance to mature — and this maturity, Senator Thurmond, has resulted in not a denial on the merits of the suit, which attacked the integrity of Judge Scalia to the utmost and put him as a co-defendant with the Republican National Committee, but the answer instead went to a procedural thing, such as he has immunity to do whatever he did do, and if he didn't file the concurrence and it was the only concurrence that was never filed in the history of the appeals court, so be it. This kind of behavior should be noted at this time. We felt constrained to come to the committee, because we saw what happened when Mr. Brosnahan failed to do so in years past, and now his credibility, which I nave no knowledge of, is being questioned - and they are saying why didn't you come to us when it first was done? This is going to be in the record. And if Judge Scalia had only replied to these charges by not having his attorney state the absolute truth, which she is correct, that there is no requirement for a judicial officer to submit — may I have 1 more minute, sir, and I will be very concise on what she told me.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: Well, if you take 1 more minute.
Ken Collier: Yes, I will, sir.
Sen. Strom Thurmond: And that will give you twice as much as the other witnesses.
Ken Collier: Thank you, sir. The attorney for Judge Scalia told me that he was going to plead — that she had discussed it with him, and that he is going to plead procedural defenses to these specific charges. All he needs to do is say did he know Henry E. Peterson back in the days of 1972 through 1974, and did he know Craig C.Donsanto, a material witness in one of the cases that was dismissed and derailed because of the counterfeit concurrence. And why didn't he take himself off the case. And all of those fundamental questions which go to these things. Now, in the face of these hearings we anticipate that his answers will be forthcoming, and we look forward to those in court. And I'm sure that this committee also does.Thank you, sir.
I still have a few more chapters to read in this book... but after this weekend's Moment of Truth Summit and reading Black Box Voting and VOTESCAM, I am left with this feeling... (3 seconds)