Subject comes into The FBI field office for his weekly visits with the psychologist and lays down on the sofa.
Can't believe it's Thorsday again already, Doc.
Lately I've thinking about the laws of attraction. Many years ago I was doing some deep dives into, MK Ultra mind control programming, Satanic ritual abuse, how alter personalities are created and programmed, which I'm sure you know all about, Doc.
So, I was so focused on that subject that I met this lady who owned a bar, she was awesome, we hooked up and were together for about 6 months. In that 6 month period, I charted 13 separate personalities, I found out who was involved in abusing her and programming her at an early age and who was handling her in her adult life. It was actually an exhilarating and terrifying time period in my life.
It has dawned upon my feeble brow, as I look back, what your focus can attract into your life.
That probably explains why I never wanted to do a deep dive into demonology.
That's all the time we have for today, Doc?
Same time next week?
Subject comes into The FBI field office for his weekly visits with the psychologist and lays down on the sofa.
Can't believe it's Thorsday again already, Doc.
Lately I've thinking about the laws of attraction. Many years ago I was doing some deep dives into, MK Ultra mind control program, Satanic ritual abuse, how alter personalities are created and programmed, which I'm sure you know all about, Doc.
So, I was so focused on that subject that I met this lady who owned a bar, she was awesome, we hooked up and were together for about 6 months. In that 6 month period, I charted 13 separate personalities, I found out who was involved in abusing her and programming her at an early age and who was handling her in her adult life. It was actually an exhilarating and terrifying time period in my life.
It has dawned upon my feeble brow, as I look back, what your focus can attract into your life.
That probably explains why I never wanted to do a deep dive into demonology.
That's all the time we have for today, Doc?
Same time next week?
Subject comes into The FBI field office for his weekly visits with the psychologist and lays down on the sofa.
Can't believe it's Thorsday again already, Doc.
Lately I've thinking about the laws of attraction. Many years ago I was doing some deep dives into, MK Ultra mind control program, Satanic ritual abuse, how alter personalities are created and programmed, which I'm sure you know all about, Doc.
So, I was so focused on that subject that I met this lady who owned a bar, she was awesome, we hooked up and were together for about 6 months. In that 6 month period, I charted 13 separate personalities, I found out who was involved in abusing her and programming her at an early age and who was handling her in her adult life. It was actually an exhilarating and terrifying time period in my life.
It has dawned upon my feeble brow as I look back what your focus can attract into your life.
That probably explains why I never wanted to deep dive into demonology.
That's all the time we have for today, Doc?
Same time next week?
Subject comes into The FBI field office for his weekly visits with the psychologist and lays down on the sofa.
Can't believe it's Thorsday again already Doc.
Lately I've thinking about the laws of attraction. Many years ago I was doing some deep dives into, MK Ultra mind control program, Satanic ritual abuse, how alter personalities are created and programmed, which I'm sure you know all about, Doc.
So, I was so focused on that subject that I met this lady who owned a bar, she was awesome, we hooked up and were together for about 6 months. In that 6 month period, I charted 13 separate personalities, I found out who was involved in abusing her and programming her at an early age and who was handling her in her adult life. It was actually an exhilarating and terrifying time period in my life.
It has dawned upon my feeble brow as I look back what your focus can attract into your life.
That probably explains why I never wanted to deep dive into demonology.
That's all the time we have for today, Doc?
Same time next week?
Subject comes into The FBI field office for his weekly visits with the psychologist and lays down on the sofa.
Can't believe it's Thorsday again already Doc.
Lately I've thinking about the laws of attraction. Many years ago I was doing some deep dives into, MK Ultra mind control program, Satanic ritual abuse, how alter personalities are created and programmed, which I'm sure you know all about, Doc.
So, I was so focused on that subject that I met this lady who owned a bar, she was awesome, we hooked up and where together for about 6 months. In that 6 month period, I charted 13 separate personalities, I found out who was involved in abusing her and programming her at an early age and who was handling her in her adult life. It was actually an exhilarating and terrifying time period in my life.
It has dawned upon my feeble brow as I look back what your focus can attract into your life.
That probably explains why I never wanted to deep dive into demonology.
That's all the time we have for today, Doc?
Same time next week?