Lament and Comfort
What do I do
with the grief?
What will fill
my empty arms
or ease the ache
of milk-gorged breasts
that will not know
his hungry mouth?
Small comfort,
that in his death
were others blessed.
I rage and rail,
blame, and drink the draught
of bitter guilt.
Words are wind.
Well meant, they bring
no comfort.
Sit silently with me.
Share tears and mourn.
I weep with you.
Come to Me
with your burden
and give Me your grief.
Let Me be your strength
and your rest.
This blessed babe,
who graced your life
for far too short a time,
is Mine!
Lament and Comfort
1 What do I do with the grief? What will fill my empty arms or ease the ache of milk-gorged breasts that will not know his hungry mouth?
Small comfort, that in his death were others blessed. I rage and rail, blame, and drink the draught of bitter guilt.
Words are wind. Well meant, they bring no comfort. Sit silently with me. Share tears and mourn.
2 Daughter, I weep with you. Come to Me with your burden and give Me your grief. Let Me be your strength and your rest.
This blessed babe, who graced your life for far too short a time, is Mine!