Twas always a reality, but the veil is failing and more people are awake now than at any other point in history. The awakening was at critical mass long ago, too many were awake to stop the systemic breakdown of the censorship and suppression machine. It was doomed long ago. Much like a motor that has sat doing nothing for years, finally being fired up. It took many cranks, actions and attempts to get here, but the motor is cranking on its own now and soon all the black smoke its bellowing out will clear, and everything will be laid bare for all to see.
Twas always a reality, but the veil is failing and more people are awake now than at any other point in history. The awakening was at critical mass long ago, too many were awake to stop the censorship and suppression indefinitely. Much like a motor that has sat doing nothing for years being fired up. It took many actions and attempts to get here, but the motor is cranking on its own now and soon all the black smoke its bellowing out will clear, and everything will be laid bare for all to see.