If you're a dude who's not into chicks, it doesn't mean you have to be effeminate or try to be what you aren't.
For the overwhelming majority I would say it has to do with having lower testosterone levels and being more effeminate. We have had declining testosterone levels for over a hundred years. Much of it is probably dude to the plastics industry and the xenoestrogen that comes from consuming bits of plastic when you eat food. Many studies will show that lower testosterone people tend to be more gay with the lower the testosterone the more annoying the faggot.
For a smaller minority of the gays it is about hunting and conquering the top predator in the animal kingdom: men. These are generally insecure people that want to prove to themselves and others that they are superior. Their hunt is entirely meaningless. This is more of a psychological issue of this type of gay and sexually abused children may fall more from this category as well (though it'll affect low-T men as well of course).
Either way don't be gay its fuckin gay.
If you're a dude who's not into chicks, it doesn't mean you have to be effeminate or try to be what you aren't.
For the overwhelming majority I would say it has to do with having lower testosterone levels and being more effeminate. We have had declining testosterone levels for over a hundred years. Much of it is probably dude to the plastics industry and the xenoestrogen that comes from consuming bits of plastic when you eat food. Many studies will show that lower testosterone people tend to be more gay with the lower the testosterone the more annoying the faggot.
For a small minority it is about hunting and conquering the top predator in the animal kingdom: men. These are generally insecure people that want to prove to themselves and others that they are superior. Their hunt is entirely meaningless. This is more of a psychological issue of this type of gay and child abuse may fall more from this category as well (though it'll affect low-T men as well of course).
Either way don't be gay its fuckin gay.
If you're a lady and you're into other ladies, doesn't mean you were meant to be a dude.
For the overwhelming majority I would say it has to do with having lower testosterone levels and being more effeminate. We have had declining testosterone levels for over a hundred years. Much of it is probably dude to the plastics industry and the xenoestrogen that comes from consuming bits of plastic when you eat food. Many studies will show that lower testosterone people tend to be more gay with the lower the testosterone the more annoying the faggot.
For a small minority it is about hunting and conquering the top predator in the animal kingdom: men. These are generally insecure people that want to prove to themselves and others that they are superior. Their hunt is entirely meaningless. This is more of a psychological issue of this type of gay and child abuse may fall more from this category as well (though it'll affect low-T men as well of course).
Either way don't be gay its fuckin gay.
If you're a lady and you're into other ladies, doesn't mean you were meant to be a dude.
For the overwhelming majority I would say it has to do with having lower testosterone levels and being more effeminate. We have had declining testosterone levels for over a hundred years. Much of it is probably dude to the plastics industry and the xenoestrogen that comes from consuming bits of plastic when you eat food. Many studies will show that lower testosterone people tend to be more gay with the lower the testosterone the more annoying the faggot.
For a small minority it is about hunting and conquering the top predator in the animal kingdom: men. These are generally insecure people that want to prove to themselves and others that they are superior. This is more of a psychological issue of this person and child abuse may fall more from this category as well (though it'll affect low-T men as well of course).
Either way don't be gay its fuckin gay.
If you're a lady and you're into other ladies, doesn't mean you were meant to be a dude.
For the overwhelming majority I would say it has to do with having lower testosterone levels and being more effeminate. We have had declining testosterone levels for over a hundred years. Much of it is probably dude to the plastics industry and the xenoestrogen that comes from consuming bits of plastic when you eat food. Many studies will show that lower testosterone leads to more gay men and the lower the testosterone the more annoying.
For a small minority it is about hunting and conquering the top predator in the animal kingdom: men. These are generally insecure people that want to prove to themselves and others that they are superior. This is more of a psychological issue of this person and child abuse may fall more from this category as well (though it'll affect low-T men as well of course).
Either way don't be gay its fuckin gay.