I struggle also with faithfulness to my husband in thoughts at times and am guilty of worse in the past. I also struggle with sinful sexual thoughts of submissiveness fantasies. Perhaps childhood abuse lead to this issue. I was abused emotionally and sexually. My husband is my best friend and I love him dearly, yet It is still a struggle, (I have never shared this before exceptbwith a counselor for bipolar which natural herbs and health supplements helped me beat yet I place God above all and spend alot of time in prayer and in the word and it helps alot. I ask the Lord regularly to help me keep my eyes on Him at all times as He is my rock that keeps me focused on where I should be. I am sure that many have hidden struggles. We must be here for, uplift amd support one another in Christ Jesus as brothers and sisters in the Lord.
I struggle also with faithfulness to my husband in thoughts at times and am guilty of worse in the past. My husband is my best friend and I live him dearly It is still a struggle, yet I place God above all and spend alt of time in prayer and in the word and it helps alot. I ask the Lord regularly to help me keep my eyes on Him at all times as He is my rock that keeps me focused on where I should be.