Good insight. The following I'll put forth is hardly ever realized or contemplated. The Laws of Nature are based on the 'Eternal' Law. This is something that Thomas Aquinas also mentions, but not in the sense I will describe. The following is a snippet of information of this. I never discovered any of this, but I did think about it and how it relates to Natures' Laws. To start, one might ask what is the Eternal Law?
The Creator's Eternal Order is the Eternal Law to which all life patterns follow from its inception, growth, and its cycle of regeneration. The following may sound esoteric, and I am trying not to make it appear as such, but it is more of the "science" you mentioned showing this incredible 'order' God has set into motion.
You may already know this, but the Fibonacci Sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, . . . where the next number is the sum of the last two numbers) best 'fits' the growth pattern of all lifeforms. When graphed it appears as a vortex....the same pattern of tornadoes, galaxies, plant growth, and cell division and growth, and 'everything' natural process.
As part of the Eternal Law, this Binary system of 'growth' follows the golden ratio, or the Divine Proportion (proportio divina) of Phi (Φ = 1.618033988749894848204586834365638117720309179805762862135…). All lifeforms follow this 'growth' pattern, which is the basis of Nature'a Laws. Notwithstanding, this is the ratio (proportion) of minor to major and this to the whole. What this means is that the major is 1.618 times larger than the minor, and again that the whole is 1.618 times larger than the major. A 2-D spiral has this exact proportion. The human body can be shown to follow this ratio. The human face follows this ration too. It is interesting to note that it is recognized the closer the human face's proportions are to the golden ratio, the more beautiful our interpretation. The architects of the great European cathedrals and temples seem to have understood the golden ratio.
Next, expand your mind to think of a vortex as part of the overall toroidal geometry. One can actually see this proportion in every living creature, including the proportions of the human body. The closer to the Divine Proportion, the more pleasing our perception is. An example of this is the major proportion from naval to the bottom of the feet and the minor being the top of the head to the naval. Facial features also follows the same rules. If our bodies tend to follow the golden ratio of proportion, how do we view our bodies as part of a vortex geometry? and as a part of the greater toroidal geometry.
Nature's Laws govern all living creatures for each complete life cycle. It dictates it's instinct and behavior form courtship, mating, conception, nurturing, growth, survival, aging, to death.
Lucifer and his dominion will defraud us of this knowledge and deny us our right to what the Creator has already given us. This is because the sentinels and soldiers of Lucifer are denying us of it and keeping us literally in the dark and enslaved to 'their' system of control.
Good insight. The following is not hardly realized or contemplated. The Laws of Nature are based on the 'Eternal' Law. One might ask what is the Eternal Law?
The Creator's Eternal Order is the Eternal Law to which all life patterns follow from its inception, growth, and its cycle of regeneration. The following may sound esoteric, and I am trying not to make it appear as such, but it is more of the "science" you mentioned showing this incredible 'order' God has set into motion.
You may already know this, but the Fibonacci Sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, . . . where the next number is the sum of the last two numbers) best 'fits' the growth pattern of all lifeforms. When graphed it appears as a vortex....the same pattern of tornadoes, galaxies, plant growth, and cell division and growth, and 'everything' natural process.
As part of the Eternal Law, this Binary system of 'growth' follows the golden ratio, or the Divine Proportion (proportio divina) of Phi (Φ = 1.618033988749894848204586834365638117720309179805762862135…). All lifeforms follow this 'growth' pattern, which is the basis of Nature'a Laws. Notwithstanding, this is the ratio (proportion) of minor to major and this to the whole. What this means is that the major is 1.618 times larger than the minor, and again that the whole is 1.618 times larger than the major. A 2-D spiral has this exact proportion. The human body can be shown to follow this ratio. The human face follows this ration too. It is interesting to note that it is recognized the closer the human face's proportions are to the golden ratio, the more beautiful our interpretation. The architects of the great European cathedrals and temples seem to have understood the golden ratio.
Next, expand your mind to think of a vortex as part of the overall toroidal geometry. One can actually see this proportion in every living creature, including the proportions of the human body. The closer to the Divine Proportion, the more pleasing our perception is. An example of this is the major proportion from naval to the bottom of the feet and the minor being the top of the head to the naval. Facial features also follows the same rules. If our bodies tend to follow the golden ratio of proportion, how do we view our bodies as part of a vortex geometry? and as a part of the greater toroidal geometry.
Nature's Laws govern all living creatures for each complete life cycle. It dictates it's instinct and behavior form courtship, mating, conception, nurturing, growth, survival, aging, to death.
Lucifer and his dominion will defraud us of this knowledge and deny us our right to what the Creator has already given us. This is because the sentinels and soldiers of Lucifer are denying us of it and keeping us literally in the dark and enslaved to 'their' system of control.