Veneration means respect, adore. You pass over 1,500 years of traditional Catholic /Christian tradition & history to fit your narrow Protestant perspective. It’s no wonder Christianity died in Europe after the 1500’s. The Holy Religion got so bastardized in Europe but traditional Christian religion was kept preserved in the Americas & flourished throughout the Continent.
Christianity also began to die in America after the murder of America’s first Catholic President, JFK. That coincided with the subversion of the church by homos & Masons. Mary is venerated by both Catholics & Orthodox faith. She is respected. I often think feminism would have never taken root in America the way it did, had Americans been more Catholic & respected the role of Mary, the Virgin Mother of God & role model for all women. It’s a real shame.
Veneration means respect, adore. You pass over 1,500 years of traditional Catholic /Christian tradition & history to fit your narrow Protestant perspective. It’s no wonder Christianity died in Europe after the 1500’s. The Holy Religion got so bastardized in Europe but traditional Christian religion was kept preserved in the Americas & flourished throughout the Continent.
Christianity also began to die in America after the murder of America’s first Catholic President, JFK. That coincided with the subversion of the church. Mary is venerated & respected; I often think feminism would have never taken root in America the way it did, had Americans been more Catholic & respected the role of Mary, the Virgin Mother of God & role model for all women. It’s a real shame.
Veneration means respect, adore. You pass over 1,500 years of traditional Catholic /Christian tradition & history to fit your narrow Protestant perspective. It’s no wonder Christianity died in Europe after the 1500’s. The Holy Religion got so bastardized but preserved & flourished in the Americas.
Christianity also began to die in America after the murder of America’s first Catholic President, JFK. That coincided with the subversion of the church. Mary is venerated & respected; I often think feminism would have never taken root in America the way it did, had Americans been more Catholic & respected the role of Mary, the Virgin Mother of God & role model for all women. It’s a real shame.
Veneration means respect, adore. You pass over 1,500 years of traditional Catholic /Christian tradition & history to fit your narrow Protestant perspective. It’s no wonder Christianity died in Europe. After the 1500’s. The Holy Religion got so bastardized but preserved & flourished in the Americas.