Saw a photo a while back of him with a young girl who may well have been Maddie. Would love to know what really happened; its clear the parents were in on it. Saw a video in which Kate speaks of her "perfect little genitals" - what mother would ever say that? Also another of the father getting her to pose for the camera, it was creepy.
Saw a photo a while back of him with a young girl who may well have been Maddie. Would love to know what really happened; its clear the parents were in on it. there is a video in which Kate speaks of her "perfect little genitals" - what mother would ever say that? Also another of the father getting her to pose for the camera, it was creepy.
Saw a photo a while back of him with a young girl who may well have been Maddie. Would love to know what really happened; its clear the parents were in on it.