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Reason: None provided.

August 2019... Its September 2022.

Since 2019, Kirk Wiebe interview re Montgomery in August 2021 at Lindell's Cyber Symposium and Wiebe's name just came up again during the August 2022 Lindell Moment of Truth Summit.

Kirk Wiebe 12/13/13 Frontline Interview (dated but good for setting a baseline on who is Kirk Wiebe.

Here is a video Kirk Wiebe at Lindell's Cyber Symposium 12 August 2021 discussing Dennis Montgomery:

Video description notation:

“William F. Jasper, senior editor for The New American magazine, interviews J. Kirk Wiebe, retired legendary NSA senior intelligence analyst, cyber expert and whistleblower, regarding massive 2020 election fraud at Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on August 12, 2021."

"Mr. Wiebe discusses the problems with the PCaps (packet captures) data and the likely provenance of the data, as well as background on Dennis Montgomery, the controversial cyber expert who is the likely source of the data."

Wiebe states that he has worked "over the last two years" with Dennis Montgomery on the PCAP capture data. As of the date of this interview, 12 August 2021, Wiebe's interaction with Dennis Montgomery was not in person but working remotely. Doing the math... "over the last two years" would begin Wiebe's interaction with Dennis Montgomery on PCAP validation prior to August 2019 (well predating the 3 Nov 2020 election).

It seems to be about this time that Wiebe stops answering Shipp's calls and ends contact with Shipp.

08/22/22 Mike Lindell's The Moment of Truth Summit, 13 days ago.

Kirk Wiebe's name, along with that of Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, is mentioned in the second declaration that Lindell's attorney, Kurt Olsen, reads: declaration by Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia. What Olsen emphasizes and explains is the partial retraction added to Keshavarz-Nia's declaration dated the day after the original declaration.

Video below 8/22/22 during Lindell Moment of Truth Summit, attorney Kurt Olsen, Mike Lindell, and cyber expert Jeff O'Donnell discuss Dennis Montgomery, validity of his claims and PCAP data.

Mike Lindell, minute/sec 10:53:

"They went Fox on me for 17 days...

Just sayin...

Shipp bio... my take... Shipp's a note taker and a report writer. Just my opinion, take it as such.

Mike Zullo - police investigator - no technical expertise - from what I have read from Montgomery's court filings and in the Docket documents of the Montgomery v eTreppid case, the FBI co-opts state and local police assets for harassment purposes and rightly or wrongly Montgomery at some point smelled the Feds, or smelled Zullo's intention to involve the Feds (Zullo confirms last in the 2019 video)... which Zullo knew, in advance, was kryptonite for Montgomery. Zullo blew it. Remember 1st rule of Paranoia Club, you're not paranoid if they really are after you.

Initial impression (granted with hindsight of current revelations)... Zullo was in way, way over his head. Playing checkers in the shadow world of high stakes Spy -v- Spy while Montgomery was playing chess.

After you have read the case filings in the Montgomery v eTreppid case (precis in Montgomery Declaration filed with Lindell's 20 August 2022 motion in Nevada to lift the DoJ/DoD gag order on Montgomery), I would be very interested in your analysis, in particular of what occurred during the Seattle timeline of this matter. Pay close attention to the absolutely weird way the case was eventually settled and who walked away with $$$ (follow the lawyers) at the end of the day.

Mike Zullo online dig (cursory):

Link below for Mike Zullo taking The Fifth 224 times. Hardly matters, the questions still get asked.

My favorite part of the Zullo testimony was between the attorneys:

Q. Then at 8:46 p.m., Mr. Montgomery tells you about some PDF-related software, is that right?

A. Yes.

Q. And that's on the birth certificate issue?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. And then you write back to him about the plan which you say is going to, quote, "kill two birds with one stone," end quote?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. Okay. Did either of those birds have anything to do with Judge Snow?

A. No, sir.

Q. Okay. Why didn't you say that to Mr. Montgomery?

A. I probably was thinking of something to do to try to help him along, to put him back on track to get him to produce something; I don't even remember what that was.

Q. Well, the strong implication of this e-mail string is that at least Mr. Montgomery thought that the data he was working on wouldn't be useful if the contempt charge was resolved.

MR. MASTERSON: Objection, foundation, and counsel's testifying as to Mr. Montgomery's thoughts.

MR. YOUNG: I haven't asked my question yet, Your Honor.

THE COURT: There hasn't been a question. There's no question pending.

All in all, a lot of taking the fifth, I don't know, I don't recall, I can't remember, I believe, ect., etc.. Much of Zullo's testimony is speculative at best, evasive at worst. To understand what is being danced around in Zullo's testimony you have to research this matter concerning Blixseth and Montgomery.

and these matter as well.,_bankruptcies_and_defaults

It will provide context and frame Zullo's testimony and statements about Montgomery in a different light. Recommended.

Sharon Rondeau

Link below... excerpt:

"While under subpoena and without legal representation, Zullo chose not to divulge the information Montgomery had alleged about the mega-computer system known as “The Hammer” and Montgomery’s role in its alleged operation, he told The Post & Email in a recent interview. Following his testimony in the civil-contempt matter in November 2015, Zullo began to divulge that Montgomery had presented ​what he said was evidence of massive, warrantless surveillance on the part of the federal government on American citizens and data breaches victimizing some 150,000 Maricopa County residents."

Sharon Rondeau:

Mrs. Rondeau is a natural born American Citizen who began researching the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama during the 2008 election cycle. She has been operating The Post & Email since April 2010 following Mr. Charlton’s departure. She earned a B.A. from Eastern Connecticut State University in 1986 summa cum laude and worked in the areas of office skills instruction and word processing support for 15 years.

Sharon Rondeau / Dennis Montgomery associated:

Kinda, sorta, where we are with the Mike Lindell motion to lift the States Secret gag order on Montgomery... isn't it. Finally getting Montgomery and his data into a court room.

Genesis and history of the invocation of States Secret Privilege in U.S. courts...

Supreme Court recognition in United States v. Reynolds

Main article: United States v. Reynolds

The privilege was first officially recognized by the Supreme Court of the United States in United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953). A military airplane, a B-29 Superfortress bomber, crashed. The widows of three civilian crew members sought accident reports on the crash but were told that to release such details would threaten national security by revealing the bomber's top-secret mission.[1][2][3][4][5][6][10][11] The court held that only the government can claim or waive the privilege, but that it “is not to be lightly invoked” and that there “must be a formal claim of privilege, lodged by the head of the department which has control over the matter, after actual personal consideration by that officer.”[1] The court stressed that the decision to withhold evidence is to be made by the presiding judge and not the executive.[1]

In 2000, the accident reports were declassified and released, and it was found that the assertion that they contained secret information was fraudulent. The reports did, however, contain information about the poor condition of the aircraft itself, which would have been very compromising to the Air Force's case. Many commentators have alleged government misuse of secrecy in this landmark case.[12]

Despite this ruling, a case might still be subject to judicial review since the privilege was intended to prevent certain, but not all, information to be precluded.

United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953), is a landmark legal case in 1953 that saw the formal recognition[1] of the state secrets privilege, a judicially recognized extension of presidential power.

Marmion: A Tale Of Flodden Field In Six Cantos
Sir Walter Scott

Canto Sixth, Stanza XVII, Lines 532, 533.

"O, what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practice to deceive." (sort order of drops to 4,6,8,etc..)

Additional links to current background info:

2 years ago
2 score
Reason: None provided.

August 2019... Its September 2022.

Since 2019, Kirk Wiebe interview re Montgomery in August 2021 at Lindell's Cyber Symposium and Wiebe's name just came up again during the August 2022 Lindell Moment of Truth Summit.

Kirk Wiebe 12/13/13 Frontline Interview (dated but good for setting a baseline on who is Kirk Wiebe.

Here is a video Kirk Wiebe at Lindell's Cyber Symposium 12 August 2021 discussing Dennis Montgomery:

Video description notation:

“William F. Jasper, senior editor for The New American magazine, interviews J. Kirk Wiebe, retired legendary NSA senior intelligence analyst, cyber expert and whistleblower, regarding massive 2020 election fraud at Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on August 12, 2021."

"Mr. Wiebe discusses the problems with the PCaps (packet captures) data and the likely provenance of the data, as well as background on Dennis Montgomery, the controversial cyber expert who is the likely source of the data."

Wiebe states that he has worked "over the last two years" with Dennis Montgomery on the PCAP capture data. As of the date of this interview, 12 August 2021, Wiebe's interaction with Dennis Montgomery was not in person but working remotely. Doing the math... "over the last two years" would begin Wiebe's interaction with Dennis Montgomery on PCAP validation prior to August 2019 (well predating the 3 Nov 2020 election).

It seems to be about this time that Wiebe stops answering Shipp's calls and ends contact with Shipp.

08/22/22 Mike Lindell's The Moment of Truth Summit, 13 days ago.

Kirk Wiebe's name, along with that of Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, is mentioned in the second declaration that Lindell's attorney, Kurt Olsen, reads: declaration by Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia. What Olsen emphasizes and explains is the partial retraction added to Keshavarz-Nia's declaration dated the day after the original declaration.

Video below 8/22/22 during Lindell Moment of Truth Summit, attorney Kurt Olsen, Mike Lindell, and cyber expert Jeff O'Donnell discuss Dennis Montgomery, validity of his claims and PCAP data.

Mike Lindell, minute/sec 10:53:

"They went Fox on me for 17 days...

Just sayin...

Shipp bio... my take... Shipp's a note taker and a report writer. Just my opinion, take it as such.

Mike Zullo - police investigator - no technical expertise - from what I have read from Montgomery's court filings and in the Docket documents of the Montgomery v eTreppid case, the FBI co-opts state and local police assets for harassment purposes and rightly or wrongly Montgomery at some point smelled the Feds, or smelled Zullo's intention to involve the Feds (Zullo confirms last in the 2019 video)... which Zullo knew, in advance, was kryptonite for Montgomery. Zullo blew it. Remember 1st rule of Paranoia Club, you're not paranoid if they really are after you.

Initial impression (granted with hindsight of current revelations)... Zullo was in way, way over his head. Playing checkers in the shadow world of high stakes Spy -v- Spy while Montgomery was playing chess.

After you have read the case filings in the Montgomery v eTreppid case (precis in Montgomery Declaration filed with Lindell's 20 August 2022 motion in Nevada to lift the DoJ/DoD gag order on Montgomery, I would be very interested in your analysis, in particular of what occurred during the Seattle timeline of this matter. Pay close attention to the absolutely weird way the case was eventually settled and who walked away with $$$ (follow the lawyers) at the end of the day.

Mike Zullo online dig (cursory):

Link below for Mike Zullo taking The Fifth 224 times. Hardly matters, the questions still get asked.

My favorite part of the Zullo testimony was between the attorneys:

Q. Then at 8:46 p.m., Mr. Montgomery tells you about some PDF-related software, is that right?

A. Yes.

Q. And that's on the birth certificate issue?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. And then you write back to him about the plan which you say is going to, quote, "kill two birds with one stone," end quote?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. Okay. Did either of those birds have anything to do with Judge Snow?

A. No, sir.

Q. Okay. Why didn't you say that to Mr. Montgomery?

A. I probably was thinking of something to do to try to help him along, to put him back on track to get him to produce something; I don't even remember what that was.

Q. Well, the strong implication of this e-mail string is that at least Mr. Montgomery thought that the data he was working on wouldn't be useful if the contempt charge was resolved.

MR. MASTERSON: Objection, foundation, and counsel's testifying as to Mr. Montgomery's thoughts.

MR. YOUNG: I haven't asked my question yet, Your Honor.

THE COURT: There hasn't been a question. There's no question pending.

All in all, a lot of taking the fifth, I don't know, I don't recall, I can't remember, I believe, ect., etc.. Much of Zullo's testimony is speculative at best, evasive at worst. To understand what is being danced around in Zullo's testimony you have to research this matter concerning Blixseth and Montgomery.

and these matter as well.,_bankruptcies_and_defaults

It will provide context and frame Zullo's testimony and statements about Montgomery in a different light. Recommended.

Sharon Rondeau

Link below... excerpt:

"While under subpoena and without legal representation, Zullo chose not to divulge the information Montgomery had alleged about the mega-computer system known as “The Hammer” and Montgomery’s role in its alleged operation, he told The Post & Email in a recent interview. Following his testimony in the civil-contempt matter in November 2015, Zullo began to divulge that Montgomery had presented ​what he said was evidence of massive, warrantless surveillance on the part of the federal government on American citizens and data breaches victimizing some 150,000 Maricopa County residents."

Sharon Rondeau:

Mrs. Rondeau is a natural born American Citizen who began researching the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama during the 2008 election cycle. She has been operating The Post & Email since April 2010 following Mr. Charlton’s departure. She earned a B.A. from Eastern Connecticut State University in 1986 summa cum laude and worked in the areas of office skills instruction and word processing support for 15 years.

Sharon Rondeau / Dennis Montgomery associated:

Kinda, sorta, where we are with the Mike Lindell motion to lift the States Secret gag order on Montgomery... isn't it. Finally getting Montgomery and his data into a court room.

Genesis and history of the invocation of States Secret Privilege in U.S. courts...

Supreme Court recognition in United States v. Reynolds

Main article: United States v. Reynolds

The privilege was first officially recognized by the Supreme Court of the United States in United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953). A military airplane, a B-29 Superfortress bomber, crashed. The widows of three civilian crew members sought accident reports on the crash but were told that to release such details would threaten national security by revealing the bomber's top-secret mission.[1][2][3][4][5][6][10][11] The court held that only the government can claim or waive the privilege, but that it “is not to be lightly invoked” and that there “must be a formal claim of privilege, lodged by the head of the department which has control over the matter, after actual personal consideration by that officer.”[1] The court stressed that the decision to withhold evidence is to be made by the presiding judge and not the executive.[1]

In 2000, the accident reports were declassified and released, and it was found that the assertion that they contained secret information was fraudulent. The reports did, however, contain information about the poor condition of the aircraft itself, which would have been very compromising to the Air Force's case. Many commentators have alleged government misuse of secrecy in this landmark case.[12]

Despite this ruling, a case might still be subject to judicial review since the privilege was intended to prevent certain, but not all, information to be precluded.

United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953), is a landmark legal case in 1953 that saw the formal recognition[1] of the state secrets privilege, a judicially recognized extension of presidential power.

Marmion: A Tale Of Flodden Field In Six Cantos
Sir Walter Scott

Canto Sixth, Stanza XVII, Lines 532, 533.

"O, what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practice to deceive." (sort order of drops to 4,6,8,etc..)

Additional links to current background info:

2 years ago
2 score
Reason: None provided.

August 2019... Its September 2022.

Since 2019, Kirk Wiebe interview re Montgomery in August 2021 at Lindell's Cyber Symposium and Wiebe's name just came up again during the August 2022 Lindell Moment of Truth Summit.

Kirk Wiebe 12/13/13 Frontline Interview (dated but good for setting a baseline on who is Kirk Wiebe.

Here is a video Kirk Wiebe at Lindell's Cyber Symposium 12 August 2021 discussing Dennis Montgomery:

Video description notation:

“William F. Jasper, senior editor for The New American magazine, interviews J. Kirk Wiebe, retired legendary NSA senior intelligence analyst, cyber expert and whistleblower, regarding massive 2020 election fraud at Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on August 12, 2021."

"Mr. Wiebe discusses the problems with the PCaps (packet captures) data and the likely provenance of the data, as well as background on Dennis Montgomery, the controversial cyber expert who is the likely source of the data."

Wiebe states that he has worked "over the last two years" with Dennis Montgomery on the PCAP capture data. As of the date of this interview, 12 August 2021, Wiebe's interaction with Dennis Montgomery was not in person but working remotely. Doing the math... "over the last two years" would begin Wiebe's interaction with Dennis Montgomery on PCAP validation prior to August 2019 (well predating the 3 Nov 2020 election).

It seems to be about this time that Wiebe stops answering Shipp's calls and ends contact with Shipp.

08/22/22 Mike Lindell's The Moment of Truth Summit, 13 days ago.

Kirk Wiebe's name, along with that of Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, is mentioned in the second declaration that Lindell's attorney, Kurt Olsen, reads: declaration by Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia. What Olsen emphasizes and explains is the partial retraction added to Keshavarz-Nia's declaration dated the day after the original declaration.

Video below 8/22/22 during Lindell Moment of Truth Summit, attorney Kurt Olsen, Mike Lindell, and cyber expert Jeff O'Donnell discuss Dennis Montgomery, validity of his claims and PCAP data.

Mike Lindell, minute/sec 10:53:

"They went Fox on me for 17 days...

Just sayin...

Shipp bio... my take... Shipp's a note taker and a report writer. Just my opinion, take it as such.

Mike Zullo - police investigator - no technical expertise - from what I have read from Montgomery's court filings and in the Docket documents of the Montgomery v eTreppid case, the FBI co-opts state and local police assets for harassment purposes and rightly or wrongly Montgomery at some point smelled the Feds, or smelled Zullo's intention to involve the Feds (Zullo confirms last in the 2019 video)... which Zullo knew, in advance, was kryptonite for Montgomery. Zullo blew it. Remember 1st rule of Paranoia Club, you're not paranoid if they really are after you.

Initial impression (granted with hindsight of current revelations)... Zullo was in way, way over his head. Playing checkers in the shadow world of high stakes Spy -v- Spy while Montgomery was playing chess.

After you have read the case filings in the Montgomery v eTreppid case (precis in Montgomery Declaration filed with Lindell's 20 August 2022 motion in Nevada to lift the DoJ/DoD gag order on Montgomery, I would be very interested in your analysis, in particular of what occurred during the Seattle timeline of this matter. Pay close attention to the absolutely weird way the case was eventually settled and who walked away with $$$ (follow the lawyers) at the end of the day.

Mike Zullo online dig (cursory):

Link below for Mike Zullo taking The Fifth 224 times. Hardly matters, the questions still get asked.

My favorite part of the Zullo testimony was between the attorneys:

Q. Then at 8:46 p.m., Mr. Montgomery tells you about some PDF-related software, is that right?

A. Yes.

Q. And that's on the birth certificate issue?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. And then you write back to him about the plan which you say is going to, quote, "kill two birds with one stone," end quote?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. Okay. Did either of those birds have anything to do with Judge Snow?

A. No, sir.

Q. Okay. Why didn't you say that to Mr. Montgomery?

A. I probably was thinking of something to do to try to help him along, to put him back on track to get him to produce something; I don't even remember what that was.

Q. Well, the strong implication of this e-mail string is that at least Mr. Montgomery thought that the data he was working on wouldn't be useful if the contempt charge was resolved.

MR. MASTERSON: Objection, foundation, and counsel's testifying as to Mr. Montgomery's thoughts.

MR. YOUNG: I haven't asked my question yet, Your Honor.

THE COURT: There hasn't been a question. There's no question pending.

All in all, a lot of taking the fifth, I don't know, I don't recall, I can't remember, I believe, ect., etc.. Much of Zullo's testimony is speculative at best, evasive at worst. To understand what is being danced around in Zullo's testimony you have to research this matter concerning Blixseth and Montgomery.

and these matter as well.,_bankruptcies_and_defaults

It will provide context and frame Zullo's testimony and statements about Montgomery in a different light. Recommended.

Sharon Rondeau

Link below... excerpt:

"While under subpoena and without legal representation, Zullo chose not to divulge the information Montgomery had alleged about the mega-computer system known as “The Hammer” and Montgomery’s role in its alleged operation, he told The Post & Email in a recent interview. Following his testimony in the civil-contempt matter in November 2015, Zullo began to divulge that Montgomery had presented ​what he said was evidence of massive, warrantless surveillance on the part of the federal government on American citizens and data breaches victimizing some 150,000 Maricopa County residents."

Sharon Rondeau:

Mrs. Rondeau is a natural born American Citizen who began researching the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama during the 2008 election cycle. She has been operating The Post & Email since April 2010 following Mr. Charlton’s departure. She earned a B.A. from Eastern Connecticut State University in 1986 summa cum laude and worked in the areas of office skills instruction and word processing support for 15 years.

Sharon Rondeau / Dennis Montgomery associated:

Kinda, sorta, where we are with the Mike Lindell motion to lift the States Secret gag order on Montgomery... isn't it. Finally getting Montgomery and his data into a court room.

Genesis and history of the invocation of States Secret Privilege in U.S. courts...

Supreme Court recognition in United States v. Reynolds

Main article: United States v. Reynolds

The privilege was first officially recognized by the Supreme Court of the United States in United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953). A military airplane, a B-29 Superfortress bomber, crashed. The widows of three civilian crew members sought accident reports on the crash but were told that to release such details would threaten national security by revealing the bomber's top-secret mission.[1][2][3][4][5][6][10][11] The court held that only the government can claim or waive the privilege, but that it “is not to be lightly invoked” and that there “must be a formal claim of privilege, lodged by the head of the department which has control over the matter, after actual personal consideration by that officer.”[1] The court stressed that the decision to withhold evidence is to be made by the presiding judge and not the executive.[1]

In 2000, the accident reports were declassified and released, and it was found that the assertion that they contained secret information was fraudulent. The reports did, however, contain information about the poor condition of the aircraft itself, which would have been very compromising to the Air Force's case. Many commentators have alleged government misuse of secrecy in this landmark case.[12]

Despite this ruling, a case might still be subject to judicial review since the privilege was intended to prevent certain, but not all, information to be precluded.

United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953), is a landmark legal case in 1953 that saw the formal recognition[1] of the state secrets privilege, a judicially recognized extension of presidential power.

Marmion: A Tale Of Flodden Field In Six Cantos
Sir Walter Scott

Canto Sixth, Stanza *XVII, Lines 532, 533.

"O, what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practice to deceive." (sort order of drops to 4,6,8,etc..)

Additional links to current background info:

2 years ago
2 score
Reason: None provided.

August 2019... Its September 2022.

Since 2019, Kirk Wiebe interview re Montgomery in August 2021 at Lindell's Cyber Symposium and Wiebe's name just came up again during the August 2022 Lindell Moment of Truth Summit.

Kirk Wiebe 12/13/13 Frontline Interview (dated but good for setting a baseline on who is Kirk Wiebe.

Here is a video Kirk Wiebe at Lindell's Cyber Symposium 12 August 2021 discussing Dennis Montgomery:

Video description notation:

“William F. Jasper, senior editor for The New American magazine, interviews J. Kirk Wiebe, retired legendary NSA senior intelligence analyst, cyber expert and whistleblower, regarding massive 2020 election fraud at Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on August 12, 2021."

"Mr. Wiebe discusses the problems with the PCaps (packet captures) data and the likely provenance of the data, as well as background on Dennis Montgomery, the controversial cyber expert who is the likely source of the data."

Wiebe states that he has worked "over the last two years" with Dennis Montgomery on the PCAP capture data. As of the date of this interview, 12 August 2021, Wiebe's interaction with Dennis Montgomery was not in person but working remotely. Doing the math... "over the last two years" would begin Wiebe's interaction with Dennis Montgomery on PCAP validation prior to August 2019 (well predating the 3 Nov 2020 election).

It seems to be about this time that Wiebe stops answering Shipp's calls and ends contact with Shipp.

08/22/22 Mike Lindell's The Moment of Truth Summit, 13 days ago.

Kirk Wiebe's name, along with that of Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, is mentioned in the second declaration that Lindell's attorney, Kurt Olsen, reads: declaration by Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia. What Olsen emphasizes and explains is the partial retraction added to Keshavarz-Nia's declaration dated the day after the original declaration.

Video below 8/22/22 during Lindell Moment of Truth Summit, attorney Kurt Olsen, Mike Lindell, and cyber expert Jeff O'Donnell discuss Dennis Montgomery, validity of his claims and PCAP data.

Mike Lindell, minute/sec 10:53:

"They went Fox on me for 17 days...

Just sayin...

Shipp bio... my take... Shipp's a note taker and a report writer. Just my opinion, take it as such.

Mike Zullo - police investigator - no technical expertise - from what I have read from Montgomery's court filings and in the Docket documents of the Montgomery v eTreppid case, the FBI uses local Seattle assets to continue its harassment of Montgomery and wife by siccing the local Seattle P.D. on them. Impression is, rightly or wrongly Montgomery smelled the Feds, or smelled Zullo's intention to involve the Feds... which Zullo knew in advance was kryptonite for Montgomery. Zullo blew it.

Initial impression (granted with hindsight of current revelations)... Zullo was in way, way over his head. Playing checkers in the shadow world of high stakes Spy -v- Spy while Montgomery was playing chess.

After you have read the case filings in the Montgomery v eTreppid case (precise of which filed with Lindell's motion of 20 August 2022 (recent and legal filing) in Nevada to lift the DoJ/DoD gag order on Montgomery, I would be very interested in your analysis, in particular what occurred during the Seattle timeline of this matter. Pay close attention to the absolutely weird way the case was settled and who walked away with $$$ (follow the lawyers).

Mike Zullo on line dig (cursory)

Link below for Mike Zullo taking The Fifth 224 times. Hardly matters, the questions still get asked.

From link below of this portion of the Zullo 2015 testimony, appears to confirm Montgomery had been trying to get government whistleblower status for some time:

Q. What was your understanding of why -- well, strike this. Was there any discussion of the reason that

Mr. Montgomery's giving this information to Judge Lamberth? Any of the information that's on this flowchart, not just the wiretap reference, but any of it.

A. Mr. Montgomery, from what we were able to verify, tried to become a whistle-blower regarding his government issues I believe it was either 14 or 18 different times. Whatever he was going to bring to Judge Lamberth I'm sure was going to be that same type of information. If this was something in his reservoir of information, I guess he brought it.

My favorite part of the Zullo testimony:

Q. Then at 8:46 p.m., Mr. Montgomery tells you about some PDF-related software, is that right?

A. Yes.

Q. And that's on the birth certificate issue?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. And then you write back to him about the plan which you say is going to, quote, "kill two birds with one stone," end quote?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. Okay. Did either of those birds have anything to do with Judge Snow?

A. No, sir.

Q. Okay. Why didn't you say that to Mr. Montgomery?

A. I probably was thinking of something to do to try to help him along, to put him back on track to get him to produce something; I don't even remember what that was.

Q. Well, the strong implication of this e-mail string is that at least Mr. Montgomery thought that the data he was working on wouldn't be useful if the contempt charge was resolved.

MR. MASTERSON: Objection, foundation, and counsel's testifying as to Mr. Montgomery's thoughts.

MR. YOUNG: I haven't asked my question yet, Your Honor.

THE COURT: There hasn't been a question. There's no question pending.

All in all, a lot of taking the fifth, I don't know, I don't recall, I can't remember, I believe, ect., etc.. Much of Zullo's testimony is speculative at best, evasive at worst. To understand what is being danced around in Zullo's testimony you have to research this matter concerning Blixseth and Montgomery.

and these matter as well.,_bankruptcies_and_defaults

It will provide context and frame Zullo's testimony and statements about Montgomery in a different light. Recommended.

Sharon Rondeau

Link below... excerpt:

"While under subpoena and without legal representation, Zullo chose not to divulge the information Montgomery had alleged about the mega-computer system known as “The Hammer” and Montgomery’s role in its alleged operation, he told The Post & Email in a recent interview. Following his testimony in the civil-contempt matter in November 2015, Zullo began to divulge that Montgomery had presented ​what he said was evidence of massive, warrantless surveillance on the part of the federal government on American citizens and data breaches victimizing some 150,000 Maricopa County residents."

Sharon Rondeau:

Mrs. Rondeau is a natural born American Citizen who began researching the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama during the 2008 election cycle. She has been operating The Post & Email since April 2010 following Mr. Charlton’s departure. She earned a B.A. from Eastern Connecticut State University in 1986 summa cum laude and worked in the areas of office skills instruction and word processing support for 15 years.

Sharon Rondeau / Dennis Montgomery associated:

Kinda, sorta, where we are with the Mike Lindell motion to lift the States Secret gag order on Montgomery... isn't it. Finally getting Montgomery and his data into a court room.

By the way... history of the genesis of the invocation of States Secret Privilege in U.S. courts...

Supreme Court recognition in United States v. Reynolds

Main article: United States v. Reynolds

The privilege was first officially recognized by the Supreme Court of the United States in United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953). A military airplane, a B-29 Superfortress bomber, crashed. The widows of three civilian crew members sought accident reports on the crash but were told that to release such details would threaten national security by revealing the bomber's top-secret mission.[1][2][3][4][5][6][10][11] The court held that only the government can claim or waive the privilege, but that it “is not to be lightly invoked” and that there “must be a formal claim of privilege, lodged by the head of the department which has control over the matter, after actual personal consideration by that officer.”[1] The court stressed that the decision to withhold evidence is to be made by the presiding judge and not the executive.[1]

In 2000, the accident reports were declassified and released, and it was found that the assertion that they contained secret information was fraudulent. The reports did, however, contain information about the poor condition of the aircraft itself, which would have been very compromising to the Air Force's case. Many commentators have alleged government misuse of secrecy in this landmark case.[12]

Despite this ruling, a case might still be subject to judicial review since the privilege was intended to prevent certain, but not all, information to be precluded.

United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953), is a landmark legal case in 1953 that saw the formal recognition[1] of the state secrets privilege, a judicially recognized extension of presidential power.

Marmion: A Tale Of Flodden Field In Six Cantos
Sir Walter Scott

Canto Sixth, Stanza *XVII, Lines 532, 533.

"O, what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practice to deceive." (sort order of drops to 4,6,8,etc..)

Additional links to current background info:

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

August 2019...

Source is dated.

Its September 2022.

In this video, Kevin Ship reveals he has no / no first hand knowledge of anything, regurgitates the work of others, and the only name he dropped who has any direct contact with and knowledge of Dennis Montgomery (other than Zullo) is Kirk Wiebe

Here is a video Kirk Wiebe at Lindell's Cyber Symposium 12 August 2021 discussing Dennis Montgomery:

Video description notation:

“William F. Jasper, senior editor for The New American magazine, interviews J. Kirk Wiebe, retired legendary NSA senior intelligence analyst, cyber expert and whistleblower, regarding massive 2020 election fraud at Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on August 12, 2021."

"Mr. Wiebe discusses the problems with the PCaps (packet captures) data and the likely provenance of the data, as well as background on Dennis Montgomery, the controversial cyber expert who is the likely source of the data."

Wiebe explains how the "man-in-the-middle" attack of the 2020 election using the internet to manipulate voting in the beginning of this video.

Wiebe states that he has worked "over the last two years" with Dennis Montgomery on the PCAP capture data. As of the date of this interview, 12 August 2021, Wiebe's interaction with Dennis Montgomery was not in person but working remotely. Doing the math... "over the last two years" would begin Wiebe's interaction with Dennis Montgomery on PCAP validation prior to August 2019 (well predating the 3 Nov 2020 election). Just sayin... first hand knowledge.

08/22/22 Mike Lindell's The Moment of Truth Summit, 13 days ago.

Kirk Wiebe's name, along with that of Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, is mentioned in the second declaration that Lindell's attorney, Kurt Olsen, reads: declaration by Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia. What Olsen emphasizes and explains is the partial retraction added to Keshavarz-Nia's declaration dated the day after the original declaration.

Above from 8/kun Q Research Q Research General #21357: Joe Biden Enlists China for Federal Voting 2022 Midterm Elections Edition Anonymous 08/21/22 (Sun) 21:29:15 7293ed (11) No.17425616

Video below, attorney Kurt Olsen, Mike Lindell, and cyber expert Jeff O'Donnell discuss Dennis Montgomery, validity of his claims and PCAP data.

Mike Lindell, minute/sec 10:53:

"They went Fox on me for 17 days...

Just sayin

First scrub of Kevin Ship (online)...

Here is his bio...

I do not see any operational field experience (a counter intelligence officer working overseas collecting human intelligence most likely equates to debriefing people in a open, non-clandestine environment) or a background in signals or electronic intelligence. He claims covert ops but being operational in covert ops is not the same as sweeping up after the fact from second and third hand sources. Not buying what Kevin Ship is selling.

Mike Zullo - police investigator - no technical expertise - from what I have read from Montgomery's court filings and in the Docket documents of the Montgomery v eTreppid case, the FBI uses local Seattle assets to continue its harassment of Montgomery and wife by siccing the local Seattle P.D. on them.

Initial impression... in way, way over his head.

After you have read the case filings in the Montgomery v eTreppid case (precise of which filed with Lindell's motion of 20 August 2022 (recent and legal filing) in Nevada to lift the DoJ/DoD gag order on Montgomery, I would be very interested in your analysis, in particular what occurred during the Seattle portion of this matter.

Mike Zullo on line (cursory)

Link below for Mike Zullo taking The Fifth 224 times. Hardly matters, the questions still get asked.

From link below of this portion of the Zullo 2015 testimony, appears to conform Montgomery had been trying to get government whistleblower status for some time:

Q. What was your understanding of why -- well, strike this. Was there any discussion of the reason that

Mr. Montgomery's giving this information to Judge Lamberth? Any of the information that's on this flowchart, not just the wiretap reference, but any of it.

A. Mr. Montgomery, from what we were able to verify, tried to become a whistle-blower regarding his government issues I believe it was either 14 or 18 different times. Whatever he was going to bring to Judge Lamberth I'm sure was going to be that same type of information. If this was something in his reservoir of information, I guess he brought it.

My favorite part of the Zullo testimony:

Q. Then at 8:46 p.m., Mr. Montgomery tells you about some PDF-related software, is that right?

A. Yes.

Q. And that's on the birth certificate issue?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. And then you write back to him about the plan which you say is going to, quote, "kill two birds with one stone," end quote?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. Okay. Did either of those birds have anything to do with Judge Snow?

A. No, sir.

Q. Okay. Why didn't you say that to Mr. Montgomery?

A. I probably was thinking of something to do to try to help him along, to put him back on track to get him to produce something; I don't even remember what that was.

Q. Well, the strong implication of this e-mail string is that at least Mr. Montgomery thought that the data he was working on wouldn't be useful if the contempt charge was resolved.

MR. MASTERSON: Objection, foundation, and counsel's testifying as to Mr. Montgomery's thoughts.

MR. YOUNG: I haven't asked my question yet, Your Honor.

THE COURT: There hasn't been a question. There's no question pending.

All in all, a lot of taking the fifth, I don't know, I don't recall, I can't remember, I believe, ect., etc.. Much of Zullo's testimony is speculative at best, evasive at worst. To understand what is being danced around in Zullo's testimony you have to research this matter concerning Blixseth and Montgomery

and these matter as well.,_bankruptcies_and_defaults

It will provide context and frame Zullo's testimony and statements about Montgomery in a different light. Recommended.

Sharon Rondeau

Link below... excerpt:

"While under subpoena and without legal representation, Zullo chose not to divulge the information Montgomery had alleged about the mega-computer system known as “The Hammer” and Montgomery’s role in its alleged operation, he told The Post & Email in a recent interview. Following his testimony in the civil-contempt matter in November 2015, Zullo began to divulge that Montgomery had presented ​what he said was evidence of massive, warrantless surveillance on the part of the federal government on American citizens and data breaches victimizing some 150,000 Maricopa County residents."

Sharon Rondeau:

Mrs. Rondeau is a natural born American Citizen who began researching the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama during the 2008 election cycle. She has been operating The Post & Email since April 2010 following Mr. Charlton’s departure. She earned a B.A. from Eastern Connecticut State University in 1986 summa cum laude and worked in the areas of office skills instruction and word processing support for 15 years.

Her ten-year career at a Hartford, CT insurance company ended abruptly in February 2001 after she was permanently injured from a rear-end car accident.

B.A. in what? Other than that... appears highly qualified to be opining on technical and law issues.

Sharon Rondeau / Dennis Montgomery associated:

Kinda, sorta, where we are with the Mike Lindell motion to lift the States Secret gag order on Montgomery... isn't it.

By the way... history of the genesis of the invocation of States Secret Privilege in U.S. courts...

Supreme Court recognition in United States v. Reynolds

Main article: United States v. Reynolds

The privilege was first officially recognized by the Supreme Court of the United States in United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953). A military airplane, a B-29 Superfortress bomber, crashed. The widows of three civilian crew members sought accident reports on the crash but were told that to release such details would threaten national security by revealing the bomber's top-secret mission.[1][2][3][4][5][6][10][11] The court held that only the government can claim or waive the privilege, but that it “is not to be lightly invoked” and that there “must be a formal claim of privilege, lodged by the head of the department which has control over the matter, after actual personal consideration by that officer.”[1] The court stressed that the decision to withhold evidence is to be made by the presiding judge and not the executive.[1]

In 2000, the accident reports were declassified and released, and it was found that the assertion that they contained secret information was fraudulent. The reports did, however, contain information about the poor condition of the aircraft itself, which would have been very compromising to the Air Force's case. Many commentators have alleged government misuse of secrecy in this landmark case.[12]

Despite this ruling, a case might still be subject to judicial review since the privilege was intended to prevent certain, but not all, information to be precluded.

United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953), is a landmark legal case in 1953 that saw the formal recognition[1] of the state secrets privilege, a judicially recognized extension of presidential power.

Marmion: A Tale Of Flodden Field In Six Cantos
Sir Walter Scott

Canto Sixth, Stanza *XVII, Lines 532, 533.

"O, what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practice to deceive." (sort order of drops to 4,6,8,etc..)

Additional links to background info:

2 years ago
1 score