I look at people funny when they try to tell me Fox Nooze is legit.
The bloody network is OWNED by the globalist family the Murdocs who are died in the wool liberal socialists.
Their other owner was that Alaweed (spelling?) guy in Saudia Arabia Muhommad Bin Saud had arrested for treason, so now its just an Australian globalist, ol Rupert.
They are and always have been CONTROLLED OPPOISTION! Their primary job is to trap the minds of anybody who opposes the ruling Democrat party into understanding the Democrats are bigger, stronger party, that no republican can actually stop them, only slow them, and to keep conservatives thinking inside the box of the system, and STAYING pro globalist, pro globalist, and opposed to meaningful reforms.
NeoCon like Bush or McCain/Romney or NeoLib like obama/hillary/biden, they are side of the same shit sandwatch.
All Fox News is is a NeoCon outlet that made sure you supported Chaney's Oil War, and later John McCain's global shit stirring and high treason. They made sure that American conservatives took horrendous points of view the aliented anybody in the center, pushing more voters to democrats, while at the same time making sure "America First" policies were rejected by the republican voters.
It took Trump to break their hold on the American right and actually get Patriots to think about maybe America should come first.
I look at people funny when they try to tell me Fox Nooze is legit.
The bloody network is OWNED by the globalist family the Murdocs who are died in the wool liberal socialists.
Their other owner was that Alaweed (spelling?) guy in Saudia Arabia Muhommad Bin Saud had arrested for treason, so now its just an Australian globalist, ol Rupert.
They are and always have been CONTROLLED OPPOISTION! Their primary job is to trap the minds of anybody who controls the ruling Democrat party into understanding the Democrats are bigger, that no republican can actually stop them, only slow them, and to keep conservatives thinking inside the box of the system, and STAYING pro globalist.
NeoCon like Bush or McCain/Romney or NeoLib like obama/hillary/biden, they are side of the same shit sandwatch.
All Fox News is is a NeoCon outlet that made sure you supported Chaney's Oil War, and later John McCain's global shit stirring and high treason. They made sure that American conservatives took horrendous points of view the aliented anybody in the center, pushing more voters to democrats, while at the same time making sure "America First" policies were rejected by the republican voters.
It took Trump to break their hold on the American right and actually get Patriots to think about maybe America should come first.
I look at people funny when they try to tell me Fox Nooze is legit.
The bloody network is OWNED by the globalist family the Murdocs who are died in the wool liberal socialists.
Their other owner was that Alaweed (spelling?) guy in Saudia Arabia Muhommad Bin Saud had arrested for treason, so now its just an Australian globalist, ol Rupert.
They are and alway have been CONTROLLED OPPOISTION