Flynn was sent in to Haiti back in the 90s to do whatever the Deep State does to those poor people.
Flynn was Obama's NSA Director for goodness sake.
Flynn is really a freaking arms dealer when you look at all his Intel businesses and all the pies he has his hands in, it's unbelievable. Pegasus, Palantir.
Flynn has called for a one religion for America, conned a congregation into praying a non Catholic prayer to the Seven Rays of Light. Retired after 33 years of service. May the Holy Spirit rebuke every unclean spirit.
Flynn's "lying to the FBI" was the psyop that started the whole Russia, Russia, Russia. Used legal bills to gain sympathy, but I have to think he's got to be sitting on a pile of money from all his consulting. Sidney Powell was his attorney, who then turned out to be a paper tiger. She put Lin's name on legal filings without his permission causing him trouble later on.
EDIT TO ADD : Charles Flynn, his brother, was in the shadows of the January 6 fracas, with the DOD initially denying he was ever there. Flynn Flam network folks were videoed getting people into the Capitol for optimal photo ops. Recall Flynn himself pled the fifth regarding the 1/6 event. It seems he and Patrick "Sniffy" Byrne were disappointed Trump wasn't going to go the force/martial law route. That was a trap they thought they had set for him, but Trump really has them trapped!!!
Flynn has been grifting patriots ever since the election, raising millions of dollars for phony audits that are set up to fail. Don't need an audit when the machines are all rigged, but he always shies away from that point.He's been known to charge thousands in speaking fees.
Lin's opinion is that Q is REAL, but only up to that first change from 8chan to 8kun, then he thinks it got taken over by Flynn and co beginning of 2018. Notice many of the TRUST folks have not turned out to be so trustworthy. Like Trump calling out Barr as a coward, or notice that Pompeo looks so different? Perhaps Kansas been switched.
Those on Telegram tracking the networks between Flynn and all these characters have done impressive work. You start to see them as a flock of birds moving together with their rhetoric, their tours, their connections to Disney and the three letter agencies. I enjoy watching Lin's posts as he steadfastly holds that Trump is in control and we will patiently wait until it all plays out. He emphasizes we do not battle flesh and blood.
We are against pure evil and they will not rest in attempts to deceive, use your patriotism against you, and mess with your head. This is one of the things I learned years ago going down the rabbit hole.
That's why my handle is No Idols Left.
Flynn was sent in to Haiti back in the 90s to do whatever the Deep State does to those poor people.
Flynn was Obama's NSA Director for goodness sake.
Flynn is really a freaking arms dealer when you look at all his Intel businesses and all the pies he has his hands in, it's unbelievable. Pegasus, Palantir.
Flynn has called for a one religion for America, conned a congregation into praying a non Catholic prayer to the Seven Rays of Light. Retired after 33 years of service. May the Holy Spirit rebuke every unclean spirit.
Flynn's "lying to the FBI" was the psyop that started the whole Russia, Russia, Russia. Used legal bills to gain sympathy, but I have to think he's got to be sitting on a pile of money from all his consulting. Sidney Powell was his attorney, who then turned out to be a paper tiger. She put Lin's name on legal filings without his permission causing him trouble later on.
Flynn has been grifting patriots ever since the election, raising millions of dollars for phony audits that are set up to fail. Don't need an audit when the machines are all rigged, but he always shies away from that point.He's been known to charge thousands in speaking fees.
Lin's opinion is that Q is REAL, but only up to that first change from 8chan to 8kun, then he thinks it got taken over by Flynn and co beginning of 2018. Notice many of the TRUST folks have not turned out to be so trustworthy. Like Trump calling out Barr as a coward, or notice that Pompeo looks so different? Perhaps Kansas been switched.
Those on Telegram tracking the networks between Flynn and all these characters have done impressive work. You start to see them as a flock of birds moving together with their rhetoric, their tours, their connections to Disney and the three letter agencies. I enjoy watching Lin's posts as he steadfastly holds that Trump is in control and we will patiently wait until it all plays out. He emphasizes we do not battle flesh and blood.
We are against pure evil and they will not rest in attempts to deceive, use your patriotism against you, and mess with your head. This is one of the things I learned years ago going down the rabbit hole.
That's why my handle is No Idols Left.