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The argument should be that no vax☠xine has ever come close to what Nature has already given us. No vax☠xine has ever mitigated disease, but have delayed its demise. It is the biggest fraud for killing and maiming people in all of history.

Today, the most prevalent cause of disease is from environmental chemical toxins that attack the neurological system and cause cancer and auto-immune diseases, et. al. In 2002, Dr. Tom Mack of USC stated --

“My credentials include probably spending more time working up [analyses of] population-based outbreaks of smallpox than virtually anybody ever has.”

Mack then stated --

“If people are worried about endemic smallpox [long lingering or permanent presence of the disease in the population], it disappeared from this country not because of our mass herd immunity [derived from a vaccine]. It disappeared because of our economic development. And that’s why it disappeared from Europe and many other countries…[its disappearance is] not from universal vaccination.”

  • “The informed consent that you would have to prepare to vaccinate somebody in the public, if it’s honest, would have to say that dangers would exceed the benefits.”* BOOM.

“Most important determinant to the eventual number of [smallpox] cases is whether or not somebody gets put in the hospital. And everything should be done to prevent that.” “Unexposed [to the smallpox disease] community members have negligible risk. There is a substantial risk from a vaccine…It is the single most dangerous live vaccine.”

Common diseases of the early part of the last Century were caused from the lack of sanitation and nutrition. It was a sanitation and hygiene issue. The prevalence of animal husbandry, the reliance of domesticated animals for travel, the lack of sanitation infrastructure, hygiene, and good nutrition contributed to widespread diseases. Often the drinking water was taken from the same source as human and animal waste went into. The streets were covered in animal fecal matter. It was tracked in doors and it was everywhere. The vast majority of diseases were spread through fecal matter.

While smallpox captured the imagination with its high death rate and gross manifestations on victims' bodies, less obvious infections claimed even more lives. For example, eighteenth-century Philadelphians drank water contaminated with fecal matter, which resulted in endemic typhoid, dysentery, and other intestinal diseases. Since polio was primarily transmitted in fecal matter, by simply improving sanitation infrastructure reduced the occurrence of polio cases.

The increasing establishment of modern sanitation infrastructure, treated drinking water, and improved nutrition was the single most important reason why common diseases in America decreased dramatically beginning in the early part of the 20th century. By the 1950s and 1960s, the United States had the most modern and advanced sanitation infrastructure in the world. Disease precipitously dropped as a result. It was never the vaccines as the CDC and FDA claim that caused the drop in common diseases. They are committing fraud. It's all a damn lie. It can be easily shown, it was the improvement and expansion of sanitation infrastructure that best correlates with the decrease of common diseases. If anything, the vaccines retarded the drop of common diseases when they were introduced after the decrease had already started.

Good sanitation, good hygiene, and good nutrition is infinitely better at preventing disease than any and all vaccines ever invented.

Each individual has an extraordinary unique immune system with different genetics and very different environmental experiences. The strategy for defense is remarkably different for each individual. If one ever wonders why one individual has a deadly adverse reaction to a vaccine or to an allopathic therapeutic and the next person doesn't, it is for this reason.

Each of our immune systems are very different and to treat us all as one boiler plate production as pharmaceutical companies do, is incredibly naive and dangerous. And the tragic statistics for adverse reactions as a result of prescription drugs and vaccines verifies each individual is indeed uniquely different. Each of us have a unique 'bio-Individual' immune system.

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

The argument should be that no vax☠xine has ever come close to what Nature has already given us. No vax☠xine has ever mitigated disease, but have delayed its demise. It is the biggest fraud for killing and maiming people in all of history.

Today, the most prevalent cause of disease is from environmental chemical toxins that attack the neurological system and cause cancer and auto-immune diseases, et. al. In 2002, Dr. Tom Mack of USC stated --

“My credentials include probably spending more time working up [analyses of] population-based outbreaks of smallpox than virtually anybody ever has.”

Mack then stated --

“If people are worried about endemic smallpox [long lingering or permanent presence of the disease in the population], it disappeared from this country not because of our mass herd immunity [derived from a vaccine]. It disappeared because of our economic development. And that’s why it disappeared from Europe and many other countries…[its disappearance is] not from universal vaccination.”

  • “The informed consent that you would have to prepare to vaccinate somebody in the public, if it’s honest, would have to say that dangers would exceed the benefits.”* BOOM.

“Most important determinant to the eventual number of [smallpox] cases is whether or not somebody gets put in the hospital. And everything should be done to prevent that.” “Unexposed [to the smallpox disease] community members have negligible risk. There is a substantial risk from a vaccine…It is the single most dangerous live vaccine.”

Until now.

Common diseases of the early part of the last Century were caused from the lack of sanitation and nutrition. It was a sanitation and hygiene issue. The prevalence of animal husbandry, the reliance of domesticated animals for travel, the lack of sanitation infrastructure, hygiene, and good nutrition contributed to widespread diseases. Often the drinking water was taken from the same source as human and animal waste went into. The streets were covered in animal fecal matter. It was tracked in doors and it was everywhere. The vast majority of diseases were spread through fecal matter.

While smallpox captured the imagination with its high death rate and gross manifestations on victims' bodies, less obvious infections claimed even more lives. For example, eighteenth-century Philadelphians drank water contaminated with fecal matter, which resulted in endemic typhoid, dysentery, and other intestinal diseases. Since polio was primarily transmitted in fecal matter, by simply improving sanitation infrastructure reduced the occurrence of polio cases.

The increasing establishment of modern sanitation infrastructure, treated drinking water, and improved nutrition was the single most important reason why common diseases in America decreased dramatically beginning in the early part of the 20th century. By the 1950s and 1960s, the United States had the most modern and advanced sanitation infrastructure in the world. Disease precipitously dropped as a result. It was never the vaccines as the CDC and FDA claim that caused the drop in common diseases. They are committing fraud. It's all a damn lie. It can be easily shown, it was the improvement and expansion of sanitation infrastructure that best correlates with the decrease of common diseases. If anything, the vaccines retarded the drop of common diseases when they were introduced after the decrease had already started.

Good sanitation, good hygiene, and good nutrition is infinitely better at preventing disease than any and all vaccines ever invented.

Each individual has an extraordinary unique immune system with different genetics and very different environmental experiences. The strategy for defense is remarkably different for each individual. If one ever wonders why one individual has a deadly adverse reaction to a vaccine or to an allopathic therapeutic and the next person doesn't, it is for this reason.

Each of our immune systems are very different and to treat us all as one boiler plate production as pharmaceutical companies do, is incredibly naive and dangerous. And the tragic statistics for adverse reactions as a result of prescription drugs and vaccines verifies each individual is indeed uniquely different. Each of us have a unique 'bio-Individual' immune system.

With all life-forms, there is an innate self-preservation for survival. This means pathogens weaken in strength as they spread. In regards to the pathogen, it is beneficial to the parasite for its host to live as long as possible for its reproductive self-preservation. At the same time this occurs, humans and their individual immune systems are learning to defend against the pathogen. As the pathogen spreads, it will become inert. This is because of bio-individual immunity. Each individual has about 380 trillion viruses and 38 trillion bacteria in their body at any given time. The human virome is the total collection of viruses in and on the human body. The human body contains trillions of microorganisms — outnumbering human cells by 10 to 1.

There is no such thing as 'herd immunity'. This is a 'synthetic' man-made idea.

"Herd Immunity" was invented in the veterinary field. Livestock owners bought the concept up without any question. The marketing departments in the Vaccine industry decided to adopt this term to promote vaccines for humans. To the vaccine companies, we are nothing more than 'cash cows' as part of the livestock herd.

Those currently proposing forced vaccination laws point to a U.S. Supreme Court decision from 1905: Jacobson v. Massachusetts. In fact, the Supreme Court has not heard a compulsory vaccine case since the 1920s, until recently.

In the 1905 decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts, The opinion was written by chief justice, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Attorney Emord looks at the history of compulsory vaccination, and shows how it was Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. who stripped away 14th Amendment rights in regards to compulsory vaccination, the very same judge who ruled in favor of forced sterilization which was supported by the “science” of that day, eugenics. Eugenics is the same “science” used by the Nazis in Germany to endorse eliminating “feeble-minded” people in favor of a “master race.”

The CDC was never created for protecting the American people against disease. It has ALWAYS been, ab initio based on eugenics.

2 years ago
1 score