We may be seeing a lot of “darkness and negativity non stop” here, but I can guarantee you it’s produced by shills and doomers who come here to try to demoralize us. It’s up to us to choose whether we let that BS “live rent free in [our] head”. The majority of real pedes on this board are not doing that at all. We have learned to discern what’s of value from what’s meant to distract, and we scroll right past the junk and work with the Mods to deport instigators who are here only to disrupt. If you spend enough time around here you’ll find there’s LOTS of love, unity and positivity happening. Anybody spreading division, negativity and/or hated is not one of us and the best thing to do is not call attention to their BS. We’re not interested.
We may be seeing a lot of “darkness and negativity non stop” here, but I can guarantee you it’s produced by shills and doomers who come here to try to demoralize us. Speak for yourself about letting that BS “live rent free in [your] head”, because the majority of real pedes on this board are not doing that at all. We are scrolling right past that junk and working with the Mods to deport instigators who are here to disrupt. If you spend enough time around here you’ll find there’s already LOTS of love, unity and positivity happening. Anybody spreading division, negativity and/or hated is not one of us and the best thing to do is not call attention to their BS. We’re not interested.
We may be seeing a lot of “darkness and negativity non stop” here, but I can guarantee you it’s produced by shills and doomers who come here to try to demoralize us. Speak for yourself about letting that BS “live rent free in [your] head”, because the majority of real pedes on this board are not doing that at all. We are scrolling right past that junk and working with the Mods to deport instigators who are here to disrupt. If you spend enough time around here you’ll find there’s already LOTS of love, unity and positivity happening. Anybody spreading division, negativity and/or hated is not one of us.
We may be seeing a lot of “darkness and negativity non stop” here, but I can guarantee you it’s produced by shills and doomers who come here to try to demoralize us. Speak for yourself about letting that BS “live rent free in [your] head”, because the majority of real pedes on this board are not doing that at all. We are scrolling right past that junk and working with the Mods to deport instigators who come here trying to disrupt things. If you spend enough time around here you’ll find there’s already LOTS of love, unity and positivity happening. Anybody spreading division, negativity and/or hated is not one of us.
We may be seeing a lot of “darkness and negativity non stop” here, but I can guarantee you it’s produced by shills and doomers who come here to spread division and hatred and try to demoralize us. Speak for yourself about letting that BS “live rent free in [your] head”, because the majority of real pedes on this board are not doing that at all. We are scrolling right past that junk and working with the Mods to deport instigators who come here trying to disrupt things. If you spend enough time around here you’ll find there’s already LOTS of love, unity and positivity happening. Anybody spreading division, negativity and/or hated is not one of us.
We may be seeing a lot of “darkness and negativity non stop” here, but I can guarantee you it’s produced by shills and doomers who come here to spread division and hatred and try to demoralize us. Speak for yourself about letting that BS “live rent free in [your] head”, because the majority of real pedes on this board are not doing that at all. We are scrolling right past that junk and working with the Mods to deport instigators who come here trying to disrupt things. If you spend enough time around here you’ll find there’s already plenty of love, unity and positivity happening. Anybody spreading division, negativity and/or hated is not one of us.