I agree with most of what you say. Problem is, some work you have no choice, other than pick a new career. Even places where its a choice, you still work under the collective bargaining agreement and have to pay "fair share" for that privilege which is basically paying union dues without getting to vote on anything the union does. Most people do not go into fire service so they can be in a union - they join the union because that's the only way they can be a firefighter.
I agree with most of what you say. Problem id, some work you have no choice, other than pick a new career. Even places where its a choice, you still work under the collective bargaining agreement and have to pay "fair share" for that privilege which is basically paying union dues without getting to vote on anything the union does. Most people do not go into fire service so they can be in a union - they join the union because that's the only way they can be a firefighter.