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Pause this video at about 8 seconds and look VERY hard at his left shoulder.

Lieutenant colonel - Подполко́вник - Podpolkóvnik

See in the far right column the "Field uniform insignia" matches. That is a Russian Lieutenant colonel and his driver. He's in charge of an entire battalion(that's maybe 1000+ men) but he's been captured. Totally normal. Nothing to see here.

I've studied various maps throughout this whole thing and while they aren't perfect they are generally accurate(to within 24-72 hours of what's happening). There is TONS of video evidence to support that they are accurate ATM, such as the one above, and videos of Ukrainians forces on the roof of buildings showing a specific formerly Russian held towns skyline. If this shit is fake is it literally tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars of edited and computer graphic video. More importantly the Russian's simply aren't talking or they give obvious false info Baghdad Bob style bullshit with zero detail.

I'll sum this up. The Russians are still holding their ground in the east and south. The north has completely collapsed. The Russian troops are running away so quickly that when a truck, tank, or BMP etc breaks down they just leave it on the side of the road. They don't even take the time to scuttle or sabotage it. They just grab everything that will fit on the other vehicles and leave it sitting there for the Ukrainians chasing them to find and repair. Its a literal cluster fuck. I've seen like 20 credible videos of abandoned vehicles.

One video was of an obvious supply area/very large barn. There were like 6 Ural trucks and 2-3 grad rocket launcher trucks with big a Z on the side. Every one the hood was opened up. Someone took 5-10 min to try and fix it then said fuck it and got in the working truck to flee the area.

This is exactly why the Russians are losing. Its so obvious, to me at least. Their equipment was all in piss poor shape to start with they just had shit-tons of it. After months of war half of it doesn't work and they don't even have parts to fix it. When you combine that with Ukraine blowing up tons of stuff that DID work... you get a VERY ugly picture. The mighty Russian machine reached its limit.

Now look at the next part of the puzzle. There had been little to no real fighting in the north for weeks on end. Ukraine was set to attack in the south. They were clearly massing troops. The Russians took their good working equipment from the north and moved a lot of it to the south in order to bolster their defenses. Ukraine (really the CIA) tricked them though. They used HIMARS to blow up those two key bridges. That trapped most of the working equipment in the south... but cut off resupply and escape. Yet in the north it left a paper thin defense line which they attacked just to see how strong it really was and it collapsed completely.

The problem is right now the Ukrainians up north are making their way east virtually unopposed. In a few days they are going to be headed back south BEHIND the current Russian lines in Donetsk. Its either that or they are going to invade Russia. When they turn south even more troops will have to decide to risk being cut off or run the fuck away. The momentum is completely on Ukraine's side.

Nothing is guaranteed, but all indications are Russia is totally fucked. The only way they can fix this is to pull troops from other places like NATO border bases which will leave that lightly/undefended. Even if they do that it might take them a week to figure out the logistics. This whole damn war might literally be over in a week at the current pace Ukraine is setting.

Understand now? Russia is fucked. That's just the facts on the ground. If they were a competent 1st world army with good equipment and disciplined professional solders they COULD recover from this. And if they do I will be impressed, but they aren't. They are a 3rd world military with degraded poorly maintained aged/ancient equipment and poor training. They will be slow and ineffective which will allow the Ukrainians to keep right on overwhelming them.

The only advantage and only reason Russian won ANY fight in this whole war was massive artillery barrages and large numbers of troops. They are now out of ammo(because the depot was either blown up by HIMARS or the bridge to get more was blown up) and half their guns are either at end of life from being used too much or they've been blown up. PLUS all their towing/grad trucks are breaking down from poor maintenance. Any one of those can be compensated for, but all of them together have made the Russian forces ineffective. Ukraine on the other hand has brand new M-777 guns and plenty of trucks/ammo. They have fewer of them BUT THEY ARE EFFECTIVE. AND they have what... a dozen or more insanely accurate HIMARS...

Russia is fucked. That's just reality.

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Pause this video at about 8 seconds and look VERY hard at his left shoulder.

Lieutenant colonel - Подполко́вник - Podpolkóvnik

See in the far right column the "Field uniform insignia" matches. That is a Russian Lieutenant colonel and his driver. He's in charge of an entire battalion(that's maybe 1000+ men) but he's been captured. Totally normal. Nothing to see here.

I've studied various maps throughout this whole thing and while they aren't perfect they are generally accurate(to within 24-72 hours of what's happening). There is TONS of video evidence to support that they are accurate ATM, such as the one above, and videos of Ukrainians forces on the roof of buildings showing a specific formerly Russian held towns skyline. If this shit is fake is it literally tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars of edited and computer graphic video. More importantly the Russian's simply aren't talking or they give obvious false info Baghdad Bob style bullshit with zero detail.

I'll sum this up. The Russians are still holding their ground in the east and south. The north has completely collapsed. The Russian troops are running away so quickly that when a truck, tank, or BMP etc breaks down they just leave it on the side of the road. They don't even take the time to scuttle or sabotage it. They just grab everything that will fit on the other vehicles and leave it sitting there for the Ukrainians chasing them to find and repair. Its a literal cluster fuck. I've seen like 20 credible videos of abandoned vehicles.

One video was of an obvious supply area/very large barn. There were like 6 Ural trucks and 2-3 grad rocket launcher trucks with big a Z on the side. Every one the hood was opened up. Someone took 5-10 min to try and fix it then said fuck it and got in the working truck to flee the area.

This is exactly why the Russians are losing. Its so obvious, to me at least. Their equipment was all in piss poor shape to start with they just had shit-tons of it. After months of war half of it doesn't work and they don't even have parts to fix it. When you combine that with Ukraine blowing up tons of stuff that DID work... you get a VERY ugly picture. The mighty Russian machine reached its limit.

Now look at the next part of the puzzle. There had been little to no real fighting in the north for weeks on end. Ukraine was set to attack in the south. They were clearly massing troops. The Russians took their good working equipment from the north and moved a lot of it to the south in order to bolster their defenses. Ukraine (really the CIA) tricked them though. They used HIMARS to blow up those two key bridges. That trapped most of the working equipment in the south... but cut off resupply and escape. Yet in the north it left a paper thin defense line which they attacked just to see how strong it really was and it collapsed completely.

The problem is right now the Ukrainians up north are making their way east virtually unopposed. In a few days they are going to be headed back south BEHIND the current Russian lines in Donetsk. Its either that or they are going to invade Russia. When they turn south even more troops will have to decide to risk being cut off or run the fuck away. The momentum is completely on Ukraine's side.

Nothing is guaranteed, but all indications are Russia is totally fucked. The only way they can fix this is to pull troops from other places like NATO border bases which will leave that lightly/undefended. Even if they do that it might take them a week to figure out the logistics. This whole damn war might literally be over in a week at the current pace Ukraine is setting.

Understand now? Russia is fucked. That's just the facts on the ground. If they were a competent 1st world army with good equipment and disciplined professional solders they COULD recover from this. And if they do I will be impressed, but they aren't. They are a 3rd world military with degraded poorly maintained aged/ancient equipment and poor training. They will be slow and ineffective which will allow the Ukrainians to keep right on overwhelming them.

The only advantage and only reason Russian won ANY fight in this whole war was massive artillery barrages and large numbers of troops. They are now out of ammo and half their guns are either at end of life from being used too much or they've been blown up. Any one of those can be compensated for, but all of them together have made the Russian forces ineffective. Ukraine on the other hand has brand new M-777 guns and plenty of ammo. They have fewer of them BUT THEY ARE EFFECTIVE. AND they have what... a dozen insanely accurate HIMARS...

Russia is fucked. That's just reality.

2 years ago
1 score