"We can be 100% confident that the versions of the Bible we possess today are, indeed, what the original authors wrote down."
We can not be 100% confident about anything today and why, just because something was written down in antiquity does that make it unassailable truth that came straight from God's lips to these peeps stenopads?
Here is your leap of faith and that is exactly what it is. You choose to believe this is the case but you can not point at these text and establish a chain of custody to God's lips.
It is an article of faith to believe these translations dripped like honey straight from God's mouth into the ears of these protagonists.
It is an article of faith to pretend to know that the very forces that keep us ignorant today were not stymieing the human spark in Biblical times.
To pretend all this is knowable and science is to deceive yourself.
Any language in existence is a set of pigeon holes, words with finite meanings, that are interpreted differently even by contemporary people with agreed upon definitions.
To me the fallacy is that an ancient static, social and moral code can explain or even try to vaguely encapsulate a dynamic, infinite universe.
The Bible paints a limited, anthropomorphic and pedestrian look at the infinite and those who claim to 100% know the chain of custody of this screed all the way to God's mouth are deluding themselves.
"We can be 100% confident that the versions of the Bible we possess today are, indeed, what the original authors wrote down."
We can not be 100% confident about anything today and why, just because something was written down in antiquity does that make it unassailable truth that came straight from God's lips to these peeps stenopads.
Here is your leap of faith and that is exactly what it is. You choose to believe this is the case but you can not point at these text and establish a chain of custody to God's lips.
It is an article of faith to believe these translations dripped like honey straight from God's mouth into the ears of these protagonists.
It is an article of faith to pretend to know that the very forces that keep us ignorant today were not stymieing the human spark in Biblical times.
To pretend all this is knowable and science is to deceive yourself.
Any language in existence is a set of pigeon holes, words with finite meanings, that are interpreted differently even by contemporary people with agreed upon definitions.
To me the fallacy is that an ancient static, social and moral code can explain or even try to vaguely encapsulate a dynamic, infinite universe.
The Bible paints a limited, anthropomorphic and pedestrian look at the infinite and those who claim to 100% know the chain of custody of this screed all the way to God's mouth are deluding themselves.
"We can be 100% confident that the versions of the Bible we possess today are, indeed, what the original authors wrote down."
We can not be 100% confident about anything today and why, just because something was written down in antiquity does that make it unassailable truth that came straight from God's lips to these peeps stenopads.
Here is your leap of faith and that is exactly what it is. You choose to believe this is the case but you can not point at these text and establish a chain of custody to God's lips.
It is an article of faith to believe these translations dripped like honey straight from God's mouth into the ears of these protagonists.
It is an article of faith to pretend to know that the very forces that keep us ignorant today were stymieing the human spark in Biblical times.
To pretend all this is knowable and science is to deceive yourself.
Any language in existence is a set of pigeon holes, words with finite meanings, that are interpreted differently even by contemporary people with agreed upon definitions.
To me the fallacy is that an ancient static, social and moral code can explain or even try to vaguely encapsulate a dynamic, infinite universe.
The Bible paints a limited, anthropomorphic and pedestrian look at the infinite and those who claim to 100% know the chain of custody of this screed all the way to God's mouth are deluding themselves.