the roman empire never fell, it became the vatican. the vatican has been taken over from within by Jesuit, Freemasons. This is a blood war hundreds of years in the making. think Friday the 13th, 1307. think ignatius of loyola. think jacques de molay burned at the stake. (freemasons have inherited the old templar wealth & are in a blood war with the church) (JFK was killed because he was a catholic president, in a masonic country. the USA is a creation of the lodge)
Francis is a Jesuit. They now allow Freemasons into the church, as before there was a ban. Since 1307, the church & lodge have been MORTAL, BLOOD ENEMIES.
The Pope has his master as well. Exoterically, these people worship intellect, also known as [P]rometheus, the flame of Lucifer, intellect. Whoever heads the global body of Freemasonry today, runs the Pope & the vatican.
the roman empire never fell, it became the vatican. the vatican has been taken over from within by Jesuit, Freemasons. This is a blood war hundreds of years in the making. think Friday the 13th, 1307. think ignatius of loyola. think jacques de molay burned at the stake. (freemasons have inherited the old templar wealth & are in a blood war with the church) (JFK was killed because he was a catholic president, in a masonic country. the USA is a creation of the lodge)
Francis is a Jesuit. They now allow Freemasons into the church, as before there was a ban. Since 1307, the church & lodge have been MORTAL, BLOOD ENEMIES.
The Pope has his master as well. Exoterically, these people worship intellect, also known as [P]rometheus, the flame of Lucifer, intellect.
the roman empire never fell, it became the vatican. the vatican has been taken over from within by Jesuit, Freemasons. This is a blood war hundreds of years in the making. think Friday the 13th, 1307.
Francis is a Jesuit. They now allow Freemasons into the church, as before there was a ban. Since 1307, the church & lodge have been MORTAL, BLOOD ENEMIES.
The Pope has his master as well. Exoterically, these people worship intellect, also known as [P]rometheus, the flame of Lucifer, intellect.