DC has its own jurisdiction and can do whatever they want until DC itself or Trust#2, 1871 is dissolved. Jan6 peeps should have stayed in their states and made the Feds get extradition or forcibly arrest them. Their lawyers tricked them into going back into DC where they lose all their rights. All lawyers are Asshoe, and most are controlled by the American Bar Association Corp, also a DC Corporation.
In the meantime, Patriot peeps can file third party lawsuits in Federal District Court or Federal Circuit Court (Article III courts) on behalf of "Xx State" (your State) for $402 to get a Temporary Injunction to terminate all operations of both the STATE OF XX CORPORATION and STATE BAR OF XX CORPORATION on the basis of ArticleIV, Section 4 violation "guarantee a Republican Form of Government", not a Corporate Form of Government. [If Xx is Tennessee, then XX would be TENNESSEE] https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/articleiv
You may need to also include the Constitution for the united states of America (CfusA, 1788) and People of Xx State as Plaintiffs (4 total) if you try it with Breach of Contract filing where the contract is between Plaintiff CfusA and Defendant#1 STATE OF XX CORPORATION on behalf of Xx State for the benefit of People of Xx State. Include STATE BAR OF XX CORPORATION as Defendant#2 as they are the entity that illegally setup Defendant#1 per the Act of March 9, 1933 which authorized it.
DC has its own jurisdiction and can do whatever they want until DC itself or Trust#2, 1871 is dissolved. Jan6 peeps should have stayed in their states and made the Feds get extradition or forcibly arrest them. Their lawyers tricked them into going back into DC where they lose all their rights. All lawyers are Asshoe, and most are controlled by the American Bar Association Corp, also a DC Corporation.
In the meantime, Patriot peeps can file third party lawsuits in Federal District Court or Federal Circuit Court (Article III courts) on behalf of "Xx State" (your State) for $402 to get a Temporary Injunction to terminate all operations of both the STATE OF XX CORPORATION and STATE BAR OF XX CORPORATION on the basis of ArticleIV, Section 4 violation "guarantee a Republican Form of Government", not a Corporate Form of Government. [If Xx is Tennessee, then XX would be TENNESSEE] https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/articleiv
You may need to also include the Constitution for the united states of America (CfusA, 1788) and People of Xx State as Plaintiffs (4 total) if you try it with Breach of Contract filing where the contract is between Plaintiff CfusA and Defendant#1 STATE OF XX CORPORATION on behalf of Xx State for the benefit of People of Xx. Include STATE BAR OF XX CORPORATION as Defendant#2 as they are the entity that illegally setup Defendant#1 per the Act of March 9, 1933 which authorized it.
DC has its own jurisdiction and can do whatever they want until DC itself or Trust#2, 1871 is dissolved. Jan6 peeps should have stayed in their states and made the Feds get extradition or forcibly arrest them. Their lawyers tricked them into going back into DC where they lose all their rights. All lawyers are Asshoe, and most are controlled by the American Bar Association Corp, also a DC Corporation.
In the meantime, Patriot peeps can file third party lawsuits in Federal District Court or Federal Circuit Court (Article III courts) on behalf of "Xx State" (your State) for $402 to get a Temporary Injunction to terminate all operations of both the STATE OF XX CORPORATION and STATE BAR OF XX CORPORATION on the basis of ArticleIV, Section 4 violation "guarantee a Republican Form of Government", not a Corporate Form of Government. [If Xx is Tennessee, then XX would be TENNESSEE] https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/articleiv
You may need to also include the Constitution for the united states of America (CfusA, 1788) and People of Xx State as Plaintiffs (4 total) if you try it with Breach of Contract filing where the contract is between Plaintiff CfusA and Defendant STATE OF XX CORPORATION on behalf of Xx State for the benefit of People of Xx.
DC has its own jurisdiction and can do whatever they want until DC itself or Trust#2, 1871 is dissolved. Jan6 peeps should have stayed in their states and made the Feds get extradition or forcibly arrest them. Their lawyers tricked them into going back into DC where they lose all their rights. All lawyers are Asshoe, and most are controlled by the American Bar Association Corp, also a DC Corporation.
In the meantime, Patriot peeps can file third party lawsuits in Federal District Court or Federal Circuit Court (Article III courts) on behalf of "Xx State" for $402 to get a Temporary Injunction to terminate all operations of both the STATE OF XX CORPORATION and STATE BAR OF XX CORPORATION on the basis of ArticleIV, Section 4 violation "guarantee a Republican Form of Government", not a Corporate Form of Government. [If Xx is Tennessee, then XX would be TENNESSEE] https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/articleiv
You may need to also include the Constitution for the united states of America (CfusA, 1788) and People of Xx State as Plaintiffs (4 total) if you try it with Breach of Contract filing where the contract is between Plaintiff CfusA and Defendant STATE OF XX CORPORATION on behalf of Xx State for the benefit of People of Xx.
DC has its own jurisdiction and can do whatever they want until DC itself or Trust#2, 1871 is dissolved. Jan6 peeps should have stayed in their states and made the Feds get extradition or forcibly arrest them. Their lawyers tricked them into going back into DC where they lose all their rights.
In the meantime, Patriot peeps can file third party lawsuits in Federal District Court or Federal Circuit Court (Article III courts) on behalf of "Xx State" for $402 to get a Temporary Injunction to terminate all operations of both the STATE OF XX CORPORATION and STATE BAR OF XX CORPORATION on the basis of ArticleIV, Section 4 violation "guarantee a Republican Form of Government", not a Corporate Form of Government. [If Xx is Tennessee, then XX would be TENNESSEE] https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/articleiv
You may need to also include the Constitution for the united states of America (CfusA, 1788) and People of Xx State as Plaintiffs (4 total) if you try it with Breach of Contract filing where the contract is between Plaintiff CfusA and Defendant STATE OF XX CORPORATION on behalf of Xx State for the benefit of People of Xx.
DC has its own jurisdiction and can do whatever they want until DC itself or Trust#2, 1871 is dissolved. Jan6 peeps should have stayed in their states and made the Feds get extradition or forcibly arrest them. Their lawyers tricked them into going back into DC where they lose all their rights.
In the meantime, Patriot peeps can file third party lawsuits in Federal District Court or Federal Circuit Court (Article III courts) on behalf of "Xx State" for $402 to get a Temporary Injunction to terminate all operations of both the STATE OF XX CORPORATION and STATE BAR OF XX CORPORATION on the basis of ArticleIV, Section 4 violation "guarantee a Republican Form of Government", not a Corporate Form of Government. [If Xx is Tennessee, then XX would be TENNESSEE] https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/articleiv
DC has its own jurisdiction and can do whatever they want until DC itself or Trust#2, 1871 is dissolved. Jan6 peeps should have stayed in their states and made the Feds get extradition or forcibly arrest them. Their lawyers tricked them into going back into DC where they lose all their rights.
In the meantime, Patriot peeps can file third party lawsuits in Federal District Court or Federal Circuit Court (Article III courts) on behalf of "Xx State" for $402 to get a Temporary Injunction to terminate all operations of both the STATE OF XX CORPORATION and STATE BAR OF XX CORPORATION on the basis of Article4, Section 4 violation "guarantee a Republican Form of Government", not a Corporate Form of Government. [If Xx is Tennessee, then XX would be TENNESSEE] https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/articleiv
DC has its own jurisdiction and can do whatever they want until DC itself or Trust#2, 1871 is dissolved. Jan6 peeps should have stayed in their states and made the Feds get extradition or forcibly arrest them. Their lawyers tricked them into going back into DC where they lose all their rights.
In the meantime, Patriot peeps can file third party lawsuits in Federal District Court or Federal Circuit Court on behalf of "Xx State" for $402 to get a Temporary Injunction to terminate all operations of both the STATE OF XX CORPORATION and STATE BAR OF XX CORPORATION on the basis of Article4, Section 4 violation "guarantee a Republican Form of Government", not a Corporate Form of Government. [If Xx is Tennessee, then XX would be TENNESSEE] https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/articleiv
DC has its own jurisdiction and can do whatever they want until DC itself or Trust#2, 1871 is dissolved. Jan6 peeps should have stayed in their states and made the Feds get extradition or forcibly arrest them. Their lawyers tricked them into going back into DC where they lose all their rights.
In the meantime, Patriot peeps can file third party lawsuits in Federal District Court or Federal Circuit Court on behalf of "Xx State" for $402 to get a Temporary Injunction to terminate all operations of both the STATE OF XX CORPORATION and STATE BAR OF XX CORPORATION on the basis of Article4, Section 4 violation "guarantee a Republican Form of Government", not a Corporate Form of Government. [If Xx is Tennessee, then XX would be TENNESSEE]
DC has its own jurisdiction and can do whatever they want until DC itself or Trust#2, 1871 is dissolved. Jan6 peeps should have stayed in their states and made the Feds get extradition or forcibly arrest them. Their lawyers tricked them into going back into DC where they lose all their rights.