Reason: None provided.
Just to clarify... the watch photo was in a Q post on 19/6/2019... and the date on the watch is 19, and the time is 4:49....What time was the Queen lowered??............ "If you look close enough you might see….
2 years ago
4 score
Reason: None provided.
Just to clarify... the watch photo was in a Q post on 19/6/2019... and the date on the watch is 19, and the time is 4:49....What time was the Queen lowered??
2 years ago
4 score
Reason: Original
Just to clarify... the watch photo was in a Q post on 9/19... and the date on the watch is 19, and the time is 4:49....What time was the Queen lowered??
2 years ago
1 score