Why is this stickied? With apologies for its length, I've been thinking hard about the post soliciting "muh QAnon stories" over at Reddit by the NBC "hit piece" producer. Nobody expects this open letter to NBC to start a dialogue between us. But, this guy's writeup asking for stories about QAnon was just so lame. I got so sick of thinking about how lame and repetitive the MSM's hit pieces are on us. They're DYING, and they don't even know it. Who knows.
Why is this stickied? With apologies for its length, I've been thinking hard about the post soliciting "muh QAnon stories" over at Reddit by the NBC "hit piece" writer. Nobody expects this open letter to NBC to start a dialogue between us. But, this guy's writeup asking for stories about QAnon was just so lame. I got so sick of thinking about how lame and repetitive the MSM's hit pieces are on us. They're DYING, and they don't even know it. Who knows.
Why is this stickied? With apologies for its length, I've been thinking hard about the post soliciting "muh QAnon stories" over at Reddit by the NBC "hit piece" writer. Nobody expects this open letter to NBC to start a dialogue between us. But, this guy's writeup asking for stories about QAnon was just so lame. I got so sick of thinking about how lame and repetitive the MSM's hit pieces are on us. They're DYING, and they don't even know it. Who knows.