Much more likely is the OP's picture of competing organizations
The evidence suggests that the idea of "competition" in any form does not exist. According to my research, any evidence I have found that supports the idea of "competing organizations" has been, upon further digging, specifically planted as a means of obfuscation of the single minded unity of The Machine.
There is some evidence that suggests there may have been (minor) faction wars within the Cabal from time to time, but when it comes to the larger scale manipulations, direction, and goals, they have acted with a perfect united purpose for a very, very, very long time.
Please see my report for the beginning of the evidence chain to support these statements. More will be coming in future updates.
Much more likely is the OP's picture of competing organizations
The evidence suggests that the idea of "competition" in any form does not exist. Any evidence that supports the idea of "competing organizations" is specifically planted as a means of obfuscation of the single minded unity of The Machine.
There is some evidence that suggests there may have been (minor) faction wars within the Cabal from time to time, but when it comes to the larger scale manipulations, direction, and goals, they have acted with a perfect united purpose for a very, very, very long time.
Please see my report for the beginning of the evidence chain to support these statements. More will be coming in future updates.
Much more likely is the OP's picture of competing organizations
The evidence suggests that the idea of "competition" in any form does not exist. Any evidence that supports the idea of "competing organizations" is specifically planted as a means of obfuscation of the single minded unity of The Machine.
There is some evidence that suggests there may have been (minor) faction wars within the Cabal from time to time, but when it comes to the larger scale manipulations, direction, and goals, they have acted with perfect unity for a very, very, very long time.
Please see my report for the beginning of the evidence chain to support these statements. More will be coming in future updates.
Much more likely is the OP's picture of competing organizations
The evidence suggests that the idea of "competition" in any form does not exist. Any evidence that supports the idea of "competing organizations" is specifically planted as a means of obfuscation of the single minded unity of The Machine.
I don't know if there have ever been faction wars within the Cabal, but when it comes to the larger scale manipulations, direction, and goals, they have acted with perfect unity for a very, very, very long time.
Please see my report for the beginning of the evidence chain to support these statements. More will be coming in future updates.