You do realize that an amendment is an update to the constitution, right? Look up the definition of amendment.
Meaning that... no, the constitution was not supposed to be pure and absolute, it was meant to be amended. Thomas Jefferson even said that the constitution should be periodically updated to reflect the times (something that has yet to happen).
You do realize that an amendment is an update to the constitution, right? Look up the definition of amendment.
Meaning that... no, the constitution was not supposed to be pure and absolute, it was meant to be amended. Thomas Jefferson even said that the constitution should be periodically updated to reflect the times (something that has yet to happen).
You do realize that an amendment is an update to the constitution, right? Look up the definition of amendment.
Meaning that, no, the constitution was not supposed to be pure and absolute. Thomas Jefferson even said that the constitution should be periodically updated to reflect the times (something that has yet to happen).