The HOSPITAL is in reference to the Hospitallers a Templar adjacent group that is responsible for the babylonian money magic slavery we are all under. When you are born in a hospital you have no debts and are a living person, then when you are signed away under your birth certificate (birth registration = regis-crown tration-treaty) to be declared lost at sea/presumed dead, you are assigned your all-caps corporate trademark and your birthright (land minerals sovreignty etc,) placed in trust to be administrated by the Social Securities cucks.
Berthed to a DOCKtor in a ship in dry dock (The Hospital).
If we were all put back in to the HOSPITAL by the truth, we would be free of the convoluted fraud that has ensnared the vast majority of us.
Something like that.
Obviously the implicit meaning is true as well. This is enough to break someones mind if absorbed all at once. especially the kiddy fuckin' an baby eatin' stuff.
The HOSPITAL is in reference to the Hospitallers a Templar adjacent group that is responsible for the babylonian money magic slavery we are all under. When you are born in a hospital you have no debts and are a living person, then when you are signed away under your birth certificate to be declared lost at sea and your birthright placed in trust to be administrated by the Social Securities cucks.
Berthed to a DOCKtor in a ship in dry dock.
Something like that.
Obviously the implicit meaning is true as well. This is enough to break someones mind if absorbed all at once. especially the kiddy fuckin' an baby eatin' stuff.