The Cabal's roots go deep. Removing such an overgrowth takes much investigation, and a great deal of patience.
Excising the Cabal from Earth is not unlike removing a horrible weed overgrowth in a garden, or perhaps an infestation of ground hogs. In this case, the weeds and ground hogs have become so plentiful, and the roots and tunnels grown so deep that it would almost make more sense to torch the entire garden, and start over, only we can't do that, as it would mean the genocide of billions of people, which is coincidentally exactly what the Cabal wants.
So how do you remove such a weed and ground hog overgrowth that is so prevalent that the healthy growth is barely visible? You have to flush out the roots and tunnels slowly, and methodically. The goal should be to eradicate the pestilence such that it never returns to the garden. It does a gardener no good to remove the surface growth, yet ignore the deep tunnels and roots. Such an approach would inevitably result in a return of all the unwanted weeds and hogs in the next season.
Everything we have witnessed since the murder of JFK and the bombing of the Twin Towers has been a massive sting operation. I think the White Hats were working on a take down of the Cabal prior to 9/11. I believe they were very close to a Great Awakening back in 2001. 9/11 was a counter strike from the Black Hats that set us back twenty years. I believe Bush Sr. double crossed the White Hats when his family planned the bombing of the Twin Towers, and the Pentagon conveniently lost trillions of U.S. taxpayer money.
Rather than come out in the open and profess the guilt of the sitting President of the United States of America, the White Hats instead opted to allow the Black Hats to run with their newfound power. They allowed for the next 16 years of the Bush and Obama administrations while they waited patiently and watched carefully. Like the gardener in the aforementioned analogy, they used agencies like the NSA to map out all the roots and tunnels of the Deep Staters and Cabalists. They needed to know where all the tunnels led, and how deep the roots truly went.
Another facet of this Great Awakening is that the people had to be shown and led to the conclusions that the Deep State and Cabal are a very real, and a clear and present danger to the lives of all the citizens of the world. Having the military show up riding in with the sunrise like the cavalry of old sounds great, but in reality is not a practical solution to dealing with a psychological war that has been waged on the people of the word. The people had to shown in order to be awake enough to make a conscience choice to veer away from the plans of the Cabal. The Great Awakening is not a kinetic war, but a war on the minds of ever man, woman and child. This was never going to be a conventional war.
It was always the goal to set humanity truly free of these Cabalists and Deep Staters. It does humanity no good to have a season of peace, only for our children, or their grand children to be faced with the horrors of the Cabal in another hundred years or so because our generation was too impatient in our approach to completely removing the corruption of the Cabalists and Deep Staters. Had the Military gone scorched Earth on the Cabal, humanity would never have learned the hard lessons of life under the Deep Staters and Cabalists rule, as we are presently learning. We needed to be given the opportunity to experience the dark winter of the World Economic Forum. Pain is a far greater teacher, and one that humanity is not likely to soon forget.
As Q has said many times, there simply was no other way that this could have been done.
The Cabal's roots go deep. Removing such an overgrowth takes much investigation, and a great deal of patience.
Excising the Cabal from Earth is not unlike removing a horrible weed overgrowth in a garden, or perhaps an infestation of ground hogs. In this case, the weeds and ground hogs have become so plentiful, and the roots and tunnels grown so deep that it would almost make more sense to torch the entire garden, and start over, only we can't do that, as it would mean the genocide of billions of people, which is coincidentally exactly what the Cabal wants.
So how do you remove such a weed and ground hog overgrowth that is so prevalent that the healthy growth is barely visible? You have to flush out the roots and tunnels slowly, and methodically. The goal should be to eradicate the pestilence such that it never returns to the garden. It does a gardener no good to remove the surface growth, yet ignore the deep tunnels and roots. Such an approach would inevitably result in a return of all the unwanted weeds and hogs in the next season.
Everything we have witnessed since the murder of JFK and the bombing of the Twin Towers has been a massive sting operation. I think the White Hats were working on a take down of the Cabal prior to 9/11. I believe they were very close to a Great Awakening back in 2001. 9/11 was a counter strike from the Black Hats that set us back twenty years. I believe Bush Sr. double crossed the White Hats when his family planned the bombing of the Twin Towers, and the Pentagon conveniently lost trillions of U.S. taxpayer money.
Rather than come out in the open and profess the guilt of the sitting President of the United States of America, the White Hats instead opted to allow the Black Hats to run with their newfound power. They allowed for the next 16 years of the Bush and Obama administrations while they waited patiently and watched carefully. Like the gardener in the aforementioned analogy, they used agencies like the NSA to map out all the roots and tunnels of the Deep Staters and Cabalists. They needed to know where all the tunnels led, and how deep the roots truly went.
It was always the goal to set humanity truly free of these Cabalists and Deep Staters. It does humanity no good to have a season of peace, only for our children, or their grand children to be faced with the horrors of the Cabal in another hundred years or so because our generation was too impatient in our approach to completely removing the corruption of the Cabalists and Deep Staters.
Another facet of this Great Awakening is that the people had to be shown and led to the conclusions that the Deep State and Cabal are a very real, and a clear and present danger to the lives of all the citizens of the world. Having the military show up riding in with the sunrise like the cavalry of old sounds great, but in reality is not a practical solution to dealing with a psychological war that has been waged on the people of the word. The people had to shown in order to be awake enough to make a conscience choice to veer away from the plans of the Cabal. The Great Awakening is not a kinetic war, but a war on the minds of ever man, woman and child. This was never going to be a conventional war.
As Q has said many times, there simply was no other way that this could have been done.
The Cabal's roots go deep. Removing such an overgrowth takes much investigation, and a great deal of patience.
Excising the Cabal from Earth is not unlike removing a horrible weed overgrowth in a garden, or perhaps an infestation of ground hogs. In this case, the weeds and ground hogs have become so plentiful, and the roots and tunnels grown so deep that it would almost make more sense to torch the entire garden, and start over, only we can't do that, as it would mean the genocide of billions of people, which is coincidentally exactly what the Cabal wants.
So how do you remove such a weed and ground hog overgrowth that is so prevalent that the healthy growth is barely visible? You have to flush out the roots and tunnels slowly, and methodically. The goal should be to eradicate the pestilence such that it never returns to the garden. It does a gardener no good to remove the surface growth, yet ignore the deep tunnels and roots. Such an approach would inevitably result in a return of all the unwanted weeds and hogs in the next season.
Everything we have witnessed since the murder of JFK and the bombing of the Twin Towers has been a massive sting operation. I think the White Hats were working on a take down of the Cabal prior to 9/11. I believe they were very close to a Great Awakening back in 2001. 9/11 was a counter strike from the Black Hats that set us back twenty years. I believe Bush Sr. double crossed the White Hats when his family planned the bombing of the Twin Towers, and the Pentagon conveniently lost trillions of U.S. taxpayer money.
Rather than come out in the open and profess the guilt of the sitting President of the United States of America, the White Hats instead opted to allow the Black Hats to run with their newfound power. They allowed for the next 16 years of the Bush and Obama administrations while they waited patiently and watched carefully. Like the gardener in the aforementioned analogy, they used agencies like the NSA to map out all the roots and tunnels of the Deep Staters and Cabalists. They needed to know where all the tunnels led, and how deep the roots truly went.
It was always the goal to set humanity truly free of these Cabalists and Deep Staters. It does humanity no good to have a season of peace, only for our children, or their grand children to be faced with the horrors of the Cabal in another hundred years or so because our generation was too impatient in our approach to completely removing the corruption of the Cabalists and Deep Staters. As Q has said many times, there simply was no other way that this could have been done.