Agreed! U1 isotopes sold to them will be used to frame them. I think Putin is a Chess player & has avoided direct conflict with the US. Putin has been clever enough to not take the bait. Some bio weapons developed in Ukraine had the ability to wipe out populations by race (think all those 23&me DNA samples) tailor-made bio-weapons to wipe out races. I think we are in a hybrid war & nukes & bio weapons are not off the table.
The cabal needs a massive false flag event to destroy the world economy, have the two White-Christian super powers nations mutually destroy each other & usher in the one world government.
Agreed! U1 isotopes sold to them will be used to frame them. I think Putin is a Chess player & has avoided direct conflict with the US. Putin has been clever enough to take the bait. Some bio weapon developed in Ukraine had the ability to wipe out populations by race (think all those 23&me DNA samples) tailor made bio-weapons. I think we are in a hybrid war & nukes & bio weapons are not off the table.
The cabal needs a massive false flag event to destroy the world economy, have the two White-Christian super powers nations mutually destroy each other & usher in the one world government.