You're right. The factor many don't consider is God's hand in it all. Most of us were happy to continue on relative complacency, taking for granted President Trump had it all in control. The problem is the world couldn't see the evil that had taken hold. Now they have to learn the hard way. They have to see it. They have to feel it to appreciate that freedom isn't free. When a Chicom marine is pointing a rifle at a Portland resident, maybe (and that's a BIG maybe) they will realize. But God wins and we will see the Great Awakening which has always been a spiritual revival / reformation.
You're right. The favor many don't consider is God's hand in it all. Most of us were happy to continue on relative complacency, taking for granted President Trump has it all in control. The problem is the world couldn't see the evil that had taken hold. Now they have to learn the hard way. That have to see it. They have to feel it to appreciate that freedom isn't free. When a Chicom marine is pointing a rifle at a Portland resident, maybe (and that's a BIG maybe) they will realize. But God wins and we will see the Great Awakening which has always been a spiritual revival / reformation.