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And now here's a little tip for you (that you may have already known):
You can share a YouTube vid link that starts at the timestamp of your choosing. Click on "Share" on the video, and then at the bottom of the little window with the link that pops up you'll see a little checkbox saying something like "Start at." Check that box and Then share that link!
Anon Verified!
And now here's a little tip for you (that you may have already known):
You can share a YouTube vid link that starts at the timestamp of your choosing. Click on "Share" on the video, and then a the bottom of the little window with the link that pops up you'll see a little checkbox saying something like "Start at." Check that box and Then share that link!
Anon Verified!
And now here's a little tip for you (that you may have already known):
You can share a YouTube vid link that starts at the timestamp of your choosing. Click on "Share" on the video, and then a the bottom of the little window with the link that pops up you'll see a little checkbox saying something like "Start at." Then share that link!
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