Yeah, as I mentioned before.
We often have to filter through some crazy stuff out there because, many people who are eyeball deep into specific, what I like to call "existence theories" examples: existence of Flat Earth, existence of Aliens who are directly influencing our world, hollow earth, existence of Muli dimensional, existence of Time Travel has been used for a very long time already (all Existence Theories) none are "Conspiracy Theories", try to answer the Q posts through the filter of whatever Existence Theory they are glued to.
I am not bashing those theories, I myself find the "what ifs" fun to dip into but, Q drops are not about any of them really, IMO so stick to the solid info out there that you can verify as most Q researchers do, maybe? lol
Yeah, as I mentioned before.
We often have to filter through some crazy stuff out there because, many people who are eyeball deep into specific, what I like to call "existence theories" examples: existence of Flat Earth, existence of Aliens, hollow earth, existence of Muli dimensional, existence of Time Travel (all Existence Theories) none are "Conspiracy Theories", try to answer the Q posts through the filter of whatever Existence Theory they are glued to.
I am not bashing those theories, I myself find the "what ifs" fun to dip into but, Q drops are not about any of them really, IMO so stick to the solid info out there that you can verify as most Q researchers do, maybe? lol