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Reason: None provided.

In November 2015, my job was taken from me because I chose not to participate in their EAP (Employee Assistance Program). They were compelling me to this program because I was refusing to participate in certain "team building" exercises that I thought were intrusive and deceptive in their motives. Since I chose to not participate, they chose to terminate my employment. I have not worked for pay since then except small jobs for some family members. I did not draw unemployment benefits, on purpose.

InsteadI started searching for truth. I read books seeking to find out what is true. I searched the internet. I found Q stuff while researching about Seth Rich.

I started reading Q posts and researching on my own. I wrote down stuff to develop my core beliefs and this became my list of 21 things. I read a book, "Evidence That Demands A Verdict" to try to understand if the Bible is true. I started reading the Bible again daily to see if it was true. I started talking to God, just asking Him questions. Then I started praying, as I learned more about what I was reading.

Then God started revealing Himself to me. I wrote down what He shared about His attributes, about what I learned from His Word, about what I saw of His work in the world today. I wrote it all down. I have even shared some here on GAW.

Then I started to see God answering my prayers. I noticed He answered my prayer from 2015 in an expansive way. My prayer was regarding harassment. His answer came in my separation from my employer--and expanded from that into elimination of human trafficking, or at least, the work toward that. My prayer was limited, but God's response is not.

When I realized this, I wrote it down and Praised God. I find myself thanking God with every revelation and there are tons of them now.

There is much I wish to share. Over time I may. For now, I had better leave it with this...

From my list of 21 Things:

  1. God Wins.


  1. First Go To God.
2 years ago
279 score
Reason: Original

In November 2015, my job was taken from me because I chose not to participate in their EAP (Employee Assistance Program). They were compelling me to this program because I was refusing to participate in certain "team building" exercises that I thought were intrusive and deceptive in their motives. Since I chose to not participate, they chose to terminate my employment. I have not worked for pay since then except small jobs for some family members. I did not draw unemployment benefits, on purpose.

InsteadI started searching for truth. I read books seeking to find out what is true. I searched the internet. I found Q stuff while researching about Seth Rich.

I started reading Q posts and researching on my own. I wrote down stuff to develop my core beliefs and this became my list of 21 things. I read a book, "Evidence That Demands A Verdict" to try to understand if the Bible is true. I started reading the Bible again daily to see if it was true. I started talking to God, just asking Him questions. Then I started praying, as I learned more about what I was reading.

Then God started revealing Himself to me. I wrote down what He shared about His attributes, about what I learned from His Word, about what I saw of His work in the world today. I wrote it all down. I have even shared some here on GAW.

Then I started to see God answering my prayers. I noticed He answered my prayer from 2015 in an expansive way. My prayer was regarding harassment. His answer came in my separation from my employer--and expanded from that into elimination of human trafficking, or at least, the work toward that. My prayer was limited, but God's response is not.

When I realized this, I wrote it down and Praised God. I find myself thanking God with every revelation and there are tons of them now.

There is much I wish to share. Over time I may. For now, I had better leave it with this...

From my list of 21 Things:

  1. God Wins.


  1. First Go To God.
2 years ago
1 score