This is all correct because they manufactured it to be correct.
They created and cultivated and intended to use the minority narratives to enlist us into incursion against the people of our own nations. They created a dynamic where we will either be forced low within our own nations (all colors) or we will validate their narrative fictions of white supremacy/brown neo-reconquista/black reparations/muslim jihad etc etc. All of the given outcomes they position themselves to benefit.
They gave us 2 options. Do nothing and suffer their "utopia" or dance to their racial cleansing music.
Let's take the 3rd option that they didn't give us.
WWG1WGA A Warning from Yugoslavia: Don't let Socialism come to America
Balkanization is a strategy from the devil's playbook.
This is all correct because they manufactured it to be correct.
They created and cultivated and intended to use the minority narratives to enlist us into incursion against the people of our own nations. They created a dynamic where we will either be forced low within our own nations (all colors) or we will validate their narrative fictions of white supremacy/brown neo-reconquista/black reparations/muslim jihad etc etc. All of the given outcomes they position themselves to benefit.
They gave us 2 options. Do nothing or dance to their music.
Let's take the 3rd option that they didn't give us.
WWG1WGA A Warning from Yugoslavia: Don't let Socialism come to America
Balkanization is a strategy from the devil's playbook.
This is all correct because they manufactured it to be correct.
They created and cultivated and intended to use the minority narratives to enlist us into incursion against the minorities of our own nations. They created a dynamic where we will either be forced low within our own nations or we will validate their narrative fictions of white supremacy/brown neo-reconquista/black reparations/Muslim Jihad etc etc. All of the given outcomes they position themselves to benefit.
They gave us 2 options. Do nothing or dance to their music.
Let's take the 3rd option that they didn't give us.
WWG1WGA A Warning from Yugoslavia: Don't let Socialism come to America
Balkanization is a strategy from the devil's playbook.
This is all correct because they manufactured it to be correct.
They created and cultivated and intended to use the minority narratives to enlist us into incursion against the minorities of our own nations. They created a dynamic where we will either be forced low within our own nations or we will validate their narrative fictions of white supremacy. Either outcome they position themselves to benefit.
They gave us 2 options.
Let's take the 3rd option that they didn't give us.
WWG1WGA A Warning from Yugoslavia: Don't let Socialism come to America
Balkanization is a strategy from the devil's playbook.
This is all correct because they manufactured it to be correct.
They created and cultivated and intended to use the minority narratives to enlist us into incursion against the minorities of our own nations. They created a dynamic where we will either be forced low within our own nations or we will validate their narrative fictions of white supremacy. Either outcome they position themselves to benefit.
They gave us 2 options.
Let's take the 3rd option that they didn't give us.