Spent way too much time in the sun in my long past youth. Have had lots of skin cancers - eight surgeries for basal cell and squamous cell. Melanoma, oddly is easy to get rid of with DMSO. For me all three types respond very well to treatment with DMSO. Takes them away fairly quickly - in a matter of months or in some cases weeks. In the roof of the mouth - not sure how one would apply DMSO there. Don't know anything about taking DMSO internally.
Also have been taking both Ivermectin and Fenbendazole for a couple of years on their regular recommended dosage schedules.
Also am finding that for me a pure carnivore way of living is accelerating healing throughout my body. I recommend it. Look into Dr. Anthony Chaffee (neuro surgeon) on YT.
Also I eat one meal a day. Recommend that too. The meal is all the meat and eggs I want to eat and some cheese.
Spent way too much time in the sun in my long past youth. Have had lots of skin cancers - eight surgeries for basal cell and squamous cell. Melanoma, oddly is easy to get rid of with DMSO. For me all three types respond very well to treatment with DMSO. Takes them away fairly quickly - in a matter of months or in some cases weeks. In the roof of the mouth - not sure how one would apply DMSO there. Don't know anything about taking DMSO internally.
Also have been taking both Ivermectin and Fenbendazole for a couple of years on their regular recommended dosage schedules.
Also am finding that for me a pure carnivore way of living is accelerating healing throughout my body. I recommend it. Look into Dr. Anthony Chaffee (neuro surgeon) on YT.