And if he is walking that thin grey line for the purpose of flushing out anyone who would gradually erode your liberties or impose gun regulations, more interstate commerce regulation, higher taxes for the individual, use state powers of eminent domain to capture territory of an opponent, enrich themselves off deals with foreign powers that effect your state and your bottom line, your safety, your comforts and you liberties, if he is putting his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor on the line to protect all those concerns of yours, what then.
How does prejudging the man, in your humble opinion, make any sense at all?
Think hard about the man who had this colloquy with Judge Kavanaugh during his nomination hearing... (timestamp listen from 2:43:38 to 2:48:07
And this segment that is the question just preceding the timestamped link above... (listen from 2:42:06 to 2:43:37
Think Senator Graham knows something here in 2020 about organized voter fraud and ballot harvesting that is relevant today.
And recall who ended the whole charade by shaming, in front of the entire nation, the Democrat Senators who had colluded in perpetrating that farce. (4 min, 26 sec)
Think hard about prejudging this man and why he walks close to the line.
And if he is walking that thin grey line for the purpose of flushing out anyone who would gradually erode your liberties or impose gun regulations, more interstate commerce regulation, higher taxes for the individual, use state powers of eminent domain to capture territory of an opponent, enrich themselves off deals with foreign powers that effect your state and you bottom line, your safety, your comforts and you liberties, if he is putting his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor on the line to protect all those concerns of yours, what then.
How does prejudging the man, in your humble opinion, make any sense at all?
Think hard about the man who had this colloquy with Judge Kavanaugh during his nomination hearing... (timestamp listen from 2:43:38 to 2:48:07
And this segment that is the question just preceding the timestamped link above... (listen from 2:42:06 to 2:43:37
Think Senator Graham knows something here in 2020 about organized voter fraud and ballot harvesting that is relevant today.
And recall who ended the whole charade by shaming, in front of the entire nation, the Democrat Senators who had colluded in perpetrating that farce. (4 min, 26 sec)
Think hard about prejudging this man and why he walks close to the line.