Until proven as misinformation, perhaps the data collection on Telegram is being used by ?FBI? ?DOJ? in some way to target it's users/subscribers for future eradication. And we know Gregg Phillips & Cath Eng of True the Vote have admitted the Konnech crime info they turned over to FBI, was turned around and in some way being used against Gegg & Cath. The FBI turned against Patriots trying to do the right thing!
As we know the Deep State is trying it's d*mndest population control agenda with the now failed mandatory Covid vaxx's. They have to switch gears because people are not believing and adhering to the BS Covid plandemic any more. So now, they have to go after people in another way. Maybe that is why they have recently weaponized the IRS? FYI; I just got an IRS 'amount due' from 2019 taxes for $72.16!! That was 3 years ago! I paid it immediately.
The Durham -Danchenko triaI is not really about bringing him to justice, it's about exposing the FBI, DOJ and possibly other corrupt agencies within our Gov't. The corrupt employees within these corrupt agencies know their time is short and that's why the IRS has been weaponized. Think about Pelosi saying she wants to deputize the Capitol Police Force in cities all across the nation.
The Deep State is losing control of their para-military forces like the FBI, DOJ and others, so they are finding ways to weaponize alternative agencies.
I have been following Gregg for a while and everything he's reported on Social Media has turned out to be factual and true!
Let's see where this goes...
Until proven as misinformation, perhaps the data collection on Telegram is being used by ______________ in some way to target it's users for future eradication. As we know this is what the Deep State is trying to do with the Covid vaxx's. They have to switch gears because people are not believing and adhering to the BS Covid plandemic any more. So now they have to go after people in another way. Maybe that is why they have recently weaponized the IRS? FYI; I just got an IRS 'amount due' from 2019 taxes for $72.16!! That was 3 years ago! I paid it immediately.
The Durham -Danchenko triaI is not really about bringing him to justice, it's about exposing the FBI, DOJ and possibly other corrupt agencies within our Gov't. The corrupt employees within these corrupt agencies know their time is short and that's why the IRS has been weaponized. Think about Pelosi saying she wants to deputize the Capitol Police Force in cities all across the nation.
The Deep State is losing control of their para-military forces like the FBI, DOJ and others, so they are finding ways to weaponize alternative agencies.