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Reason: None provided.

I like how everything revered on GAW is theory, be it political theories/conspiracies, or otherwise. Once someone finds their way here, it's expected that some degree of cognitive dissonance will need to be overcome in order to make sense of the things discussed here.

Q has given us clues, bread crumbs to follow, that point us in a general direction and give us things to look for. Some of these clues and events are reality-shattering.

Q has reminded us several times to "expand our thinking" on a variety of topics, and that lots of things will come to light. We have every reason to believe that these things coming to light will be even more reality-shattering. Mass riots? Martial law? Elections stolen? Depopulation? Just to name a few of the things we deal with here regularly.

More: a real Cabal? Real timeless Evil? Lizard people? A real God? Prophecies? What?? 🤔🤔🤔

Let's all just be honest about the fact that we pass around the weirdest/strangest concepts as potential realities without blinking.

Q says that there are no coincidences. DC is called the District of Columbia for a reason (who is Columbia?). That city is a living monument to ancient religions for a reason. Freemasons and Jesuits are woven throughout the world's history for a reason.

Jussayin': if Q is right, there are many many things that we know nothing about outside of what we've been taught by schools, colleges, news, and government (to include NASA, etc), all of which are gatekeepers.

Eyes and minds open, frens. Eyes and minds open...

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

I like how everything revered on GAW is theory, be it political theories/conspiracies, or otherwise. Once someone finds their way here, it's expected that some degree of cognitive dissonance will need to be overcome in order to make sense of the things discussed here.

Q has given us clues, bread crumbs to follow, that point us in a general direction and give us things to look for. Some of these clues and events are reality-shattering. My red pill moment was exactly that: reality-shattering.

Q has reminded us several times to "expand our thinking" on a variety of topics, and that lots of things will come to light. We have every reason to believe that these things coming to light will also be reality-shattering. Mass riots? Mass population control/martial law? Elections stolen? Just to name a few of the things we deal with regularly here.

More: a real Cabal? Real Evil? Lizard people? A real God? Prophecies? What?? 🤔🤔🤔 Let's all just be honest about the fact that we pass around the weirdest and strangest concepts as potential realities without blinking.

Q says that there are no coincidences. DC is called the District of Columbia for a reason. That city is a living monument to ancient religions for a reason. Freemasons and Jesuits are woven throughout the world's history for a reason.

Jussayin', if Q is right, there are many many things that we truly know nothing about outside of what we've been taught by schools, college, news, and the government (to include NASA, etc), all of which are gatekeepers.

Eyes and minds open, frens. Eyes and minds open...

2 years ago
1 score