Ye can take his misplaced rage back to wherever he got it from. If he wants to start showing names, and connections of Hollywood elites, then he had better start showing names of the mafia connections in the Hollywood swamp. {edit}_And especially the CCP connections.
Yeah, he ain't got the guts to do that. So he's just gonna take some cheap shots, while hollering "look over here [at some jews] but don't look over there [at mafia-cia infested Hollywood swamp]." Ah yes, the real swamp always has a ready made scapegoat to be the face of their wickedness.
Ye is becoming a textbook example of how the real bad guys play the proles against each other, to distract attention away from themselves.
Ye can take his misplaced rage back to wherever he got it from. If he wants to start showing names, and connections of Hollywood elites, then he had better start showing names of the mafia connections in the Hollywood swamp.
Yeah, he ain't got the guts to do that. So he's just gonna take some cheap shots, while hollering "look over here [at some jews] but don't look over there [at mafia-cia infested Hollywood swamp]." Ah yes, the real swamp always has a ready made scapegoat to be the face of their wickedness.
Ye is becoming a textbook example of how the real bad guys play the proles against each other, to distract attention away from themselves.