.....What in the?....I'm convinced no one here has actually read my post. I'm NOT saying that the population is crashing, nor am I trying to say that our population isn't growing. I'm saying that it's plausible that numbers have been manipulated to make it seem like we have more people than we really do for a variety of reasons and end goals.
Literally no one in this thread has actually argued against anything I've said thus far other than trying to say "there's no evidence" which isn't a defense against a theory, and trying to argue I'm saying something I'm not.
Since we're still talking about Phoenix, yes it's obviously grown, and the Phoenix metro has grown even more. I have not argued that once in this entire thread. All I've suggested is that it's feasible and plausible that the official statistics have been manipulated to some degree for politically corrupt reasons.
Honestly I don't know if I worded it weirdly, in which case it's my fault I suppose, or everyone here has their head up their butt.
Either way, I have literally not once argued that these places aren't growing and growing massively. Going off the 50 year timeline you've put forth from your own personal experience and assuming the 20% variable I threw out earlier, the Phoenix metro has still almost quadrupled in that 50 year time line. That's a MASSIVE increase, all while accounting for 20% of the official population being fake and/or dead but still being counted and the fact that, as you pointed out, the entire metro has grown exponentially in the last 50 years.
I'm honestly at my wits end here trying to convey what I'm saying since everyone seems to want to argue on something I didn't say or claim.
.....What in the?....I'm convinced no one here has actually read my post. I'm NOT saying that the population is crashing, nor am I trying to say that our population isn't growing. I'm saying that it's plausible that numbers have been manipulated to make it seem like we have more people than we really do for a variety of reasons and end goals.
Literally no one in this thread has actually argued against anything I've said thus far other than trying to say "there's no evidence" which isn't a defense against a theory, and trying to argue I'm saying something I'm not.
Since we're still talking about Phoenix, yes it's obviously grown, and the Phoenix has grown even more. I have not argued that once in this entire thread. All I've suggested is that it's feasible and plausible that the official statistics have been manipulated to some degree for politically corrupt reasons.
Honestly I don't know if I worded it weirdly, in which case it's my fault I suppose, or everyone here has their head up their butt.
Either way, I have literally not once argued that these places aren't growing and growing massively. Going off the 50 year timeline you've put forth from your own personal experience and assuming the 20% variable I threw out earlier, the Phoenix metro has still almost quadrupled in that 50 year time line. That's a MASSIVE increase, all while accounting for 20% of the official population being fake and/or dead but still being counted and the fact that, as you pointed out, the entire metro has grown exponentially in the last 50 years.
I'm honestly at my wits end here trying to convey what I'm saying since everyone seems to want to argue on something I didn't say or claim.