P.S. If you are wise to this stuff, I invite you to watch the music video for Elton John/Dua Lipa's recent "Cold Cold Heart". I happened to pass by it a few weeks ago and was transfixed by it immediately.
The video is a story of four entities (one with horns) who stand on planets dancing, and the Elton and Dua Lipa characters are in service to them, and they all succeed in getting through a door that is opened in space, into a new place/reality where everyone is in a Utopia.
Lol. Kinda a bit "on the nose", dontcha think? Haha.
Here is what I wrote to a friend about it a while ago:
"Right now, for the first time in about a thousand years, the four planets to the back end of our solar system are aligning in a box formation. Folks who focus on stuff like this say that this means that the potential for great change exists, that potentially we could “open a portal” to another dimension (where presumably the angels are), etc.
Note that the human-ish thing that has horns dances on top of Saturn. This is not an accident. Saturn is “The Horned God”.
Later, the four of them stand on the four planets (in a box formation, like their current configuration), directly below a door/portal, that shows a new dimension/universe on the other side.
The four gods (Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus) have opened this portal to a new existence (Dua Lipa and Elton John stand beside the door).
All enter, including Dua Lipa and Elton John. This signifies that the human/mortals who help the gods will be rewarded.
There are people who really believe all this. People who have access to nuclear codes.
Dua Lipa and Elton John are Elu. Servants of the gods. Like Eloi in H. G. Wells’ “Time Machine”, and related to the Jewish word for God (one of them). Elohim. El o Him. He who Is.
P.S. If you watched any science fiction in the last 20 years, you saw some movies about Saturn.
Saturn is, in the view of these people, the jumping off point to “points unknown”.
- Saturn V
- 2001 a Space Odyssey
- Deep Horizon
- Interstellar
- Others.
They tell you in the open. They count on you being too ignorant to know what they are saying.
And I think it’s gonna be a long long time
To touch down.
Brings me ‘round again to find."
Symbolism will be their downfall.
P.S. If you are wise to this stuff, I invite you to watch the music video for Elton John/Dua Lipa's recent "Cold Cold Heart". I happened to pass by it a few weeks ago and was transfixed by it immediately.
The video is a story of four entities (one with horns) who stand on planets dancing, and the Elton and Dua Lipa characters are in service to them, and they all succeed in getting through a door that is opened in space, into a new place/reality where everyone is in a Utopia.
Lol. Kinda a bit "on the nose", dontcha think? Haha.
Here is what I wrote to a friend about it a while ago:
"Right now, for the first time in about a thousand years, the four planets to the back end of our solar system are aligning in a box formation. Folks who focus on stuff like this say that this means that the potential for great change exists, that potentially we could “open a portal” to another dimension (where presumably the angels are), etc.
Note that the human-ish thing that has horns dances on top of Saturn. This is not an accident. Saturn is “The Horned God”.
Later, the four of them stand on the four planets (in a box formation, like their current configuration), directly below a door/portal, that shows a new dimension/universe on the other side.
The four gods (Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus) have opened this portal to a new existence (Dua Lipa and Elton John stand beside the door).
All enter, including Dua Lipa and Elton John. This signifies that the human/mortals who help the gods will be rewarded.
There are people who really believe all this. People who have access to nuclear codes.
Dua Lipa and Elton John are Elu. Servants of the gods. Like Eloi in H. G. Wells’ “Time Machine”, and related to the Jewish word for God (one of them). Elohim. El o Him. He who Is.
P.S. If you watched any science fiction in the last 20 years, you saw some movies about Saturn.
Saturn is, in the view of these people, the jumping off point to “points unknown”.
- Saturn V
- 2001 a Space Odyssey
- Deep Horizon
- Interstellar
- Others.
They tell you in the open. They count on you being too ignorant to know what they are saying.
And I think it’s gonna be a long long time To touch down. Brings me ‘round again to find."
Symbolism will be their downfall.
P.S. If you are wise to this stuff, I invite you to watch the music video for Elton John/Dua Lipa's recent "Cold Cold Heart". I happened to pass by it a few weeks ago and was transfixed by it immediately.
The video is a story of four entities (one with horns) who stand on planets dancing, and the Elton and Dua Lipa characters are in service to them, and they all succeed in getting through a door that is opened in space, into a new place/reality where everyone is in a Utopia.
Lol. Kinda a bit "on the nose", dontcha think? Haha.
Here is what I wrote to a friend about it a while ago:
"Right now, for the first time in about a thousand years, the four planets to the back end of our solar system are aligning in a box formation. Folks who focus on stuff like this say that this means that the potential for great change exists, that potentially we could “open a portal” to another dimension (where presumably the angels are), etc.
Note that the human-ish thing that has horns dances on top of Saturn. This is not an accident. Saturn is “The Horned God”.
Later, the four of them stand on the four planets (in a box formation, like their current configuration), directly below a door/portal, that shows a new dimension/universe on the other side.
The four gods (Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus) have opened this portal to a new existence (Dua Lipa and Elton John stand beside the door).
All enter, including Dua Lipa and Elton John. This signifies that the human/mortals who help the gods will be rewarded.
There are people who really believe all this. People who have access to nuclear codes.
Dua Lipa and Elton John are Elu. Servants of the gods. Like Eloi in H. G. Wells’ “Time Machine”, and related to the Jewish word for God (one of them). Elohim. El o Him. He who Is.
P.S. If you watched any science fiction in the last 20 years, you saw some movies about Saturn.
Saturn is, in the view of these people, the jumping off point to “points unknown”.
- Saturn V
- 2001 a Space Odyssey
- Deep Horizon
- Interstellar
- Others.
They tell you in the open. They count on you being too ignorant to know what they are saying.
And I think it’s gonna be a long long time To touch down. Brings me ‘roung again to find."
Symbolism will be their downfall.